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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Staying away from the Ultra Magnus conversation I'd really love to see some of the '84 movie designs get the Masterpiece treatment; Kup, Springer, Arcee, Cyclonus, Galvatron, hell even Wreck Gar (sp). Also still rooting for Ironhide and Ratchet along with Hound. -b.
  2. No, not all; http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00065/Sci -b.
  3. Across the board prices go up on everything. Whether that be collectible toys, to food, to gas, to this, that or the other. Including the costs for manufacturers and producers to bring these items to market. Sure it sucks that the cost of certain items, across the board, can and do price consumers out of the market. I think we've all had items that are hard, if not impossible, to justify buying. Just a quick note, the Yamato VF-19S listed at 22,000 JPY with the Arcadia YF-19 with included Fast Packs, missiles and the always popular display stand at 32,800 JPY. That's a lot of extras for the 10,000 JPY bump - especially when you consider what Bandai and Yamato have traditionally charged for armor packages. *pricing info from HLJ - using LIST prices -b.
  4. Agreed, thanks for keeping everyone updated with the progress pics that Arcadia/Mr. K put out. Certainly helps to keep the enthusiasm high for the release. -b.
  5. Some pretty funny responses in here! For me trying to answer the question in a sincere manner comes to "need". If there were ever some hypothetical need for a military or civilian vehicle to change into a humanoid robotic form then I'm sure with enough resources it would happen. Right now we can't see the need for such a thing do to a lot of the responses already posted. But think about this 150 years ago we wouldn't have seen the need to have any number of things that we take for granted now (microwaves, cell/smart phones, WiFi, video games, on and on and on). Tanks to robot squirrels - LOL -b.
  6. ^Thanks - meant "custom", not "customer" - but based on some of the work I've seen others do in customizing their Valks either would do. -b.
  7. Wouldn't be surprised if they waited to see how well these first two sell before determining future releases/re-releases vs. going full steam ahead with even established releases like a Max 1S or 1A DYRL models. -b.
  8. Can I just reiterate a wish that Arcadia would team with Hasegawa and release some customer paint schemes (that are aesthetically pleasing ). -b.
  9. Thanks for checking Reivaj, that's really too bad. The 29 had grown on me from a design standpoint (although I hate the Fast Packs) and it's disappointing that there isn't a stronger representation in toy form. If you're referring to tightening screws at or around the shoulders and hips they don't stay tight. Even in static poses unfortunately the joints loosen over time. -b.
  10. Do you mind confirming if your YF-29 Anniversary Edition have floppy hips like the Alto releases? I have a copy but have yet to transform it because I'm trying to avoid loosening joints. -b.
  11. Paid for mine yesterday and have a shipping confirmation, but was definitely hoping the release got pushed into late December or early January. Too many discretionary purchases lately, plus a family emergency in late November, plus holiday shopping for the family. Not trying to complain, but my wallet can sure use a break. -b.
  12. MP-19 Smoke Screen back/currently in stock at HLJ; http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT47032/Sci -b.
  13. This is showing as "Released" at AmiAmi and Anime-Export. Let the; Box Pic, Quality Control, Variations in Color, Variations from last release, Why is this more expensive than a Transformer discussion commence! But mostly someone please just post some cool pictures so I can feel justified in buying the same damn thing for the 15 millionth time. -b.
  14. In either case the parts can be attached while the VF-25 is mainly in fighter mode, but with both you'll have to have arms/legs extended and or not attached fully in order to secure all of the various armor pieces. -b.
  15. Too many variables to even try to address why the OP's local store won't carry Macross items but to answer the general question; No. It all depends on selling price and the buyers disposable income and willingness to spend it on the item. I certainly miss the days of a brand new variable VF-1 or YF-19 for $ 70-$80, but that was almost 10 years ago when Yamato first started releasing v1 items from Macross. -b.
  16. Had only a brief conversation or two with him when he used to frequent the boards. Very sad news. Rest In Peace -b.
  17. Got the same vibe (alien invader, memory loss, lost war, etc.) but with the large scale invasion aspect being shown in the trailer as the main premise along with the assumption that the filmmakers wouldn't be that crazy to use the clone aspect make me think it'll be sufficiently different from Oblivion (at least that's what I hope). -b.
  18. Looks interesting to me, and for the most part I enjoy Cruise's movies so I'll give this one a go. Besides some movies surprise you with being better than expected and I give this a higher chance to do so than most. -b.
  19. QFT *disclosure, I don't necessarily think some of the movies I like are shitty, I do however concede that lots of others do -b.
  20. -b.
  21. Amazing pictures typev3! I swear some of the pics posted on this board have sold (me) more than the actual manufacturers promotional shots. -b.
  22. Not gonna lie, I suffer from that same form of deductive reasoning when I make purchases. I remember wanting to own a truly accurate depiction of a Verite..err...Valkyrie when I was a kid so now that I'm able to readily find (or the most part afford) them I buy, buy, buy. -b.
  23. So. Happy; I've really enjoyed the Metal Build Exia and Repair III so I'm looking forward to some quality time with this release as well. -b. *although I had to cancel a pre-order for the Metal Build Destiny to be able to justify the purchase
  24. Undecided because I like Sean Bean and Mika Kunis but Channing Tatum as "Channing Tatum in Space" really gives me a bad vibe. I want this to be good if for nothing else to have something else to look forward to seeing at the movies but I'm more "bothered" by how Tatum keeps getting roles vs. how the Wachowski's are still able to make films. PS - yeah, those ears too - ugh -b.
  25. After getting three packages today, and still having to pick something up from UPS tomorrow I think it might be time for a spending intervention; Apologies to those that are offended by cell phone pics. -b.
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