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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. From the front page of TFW2005; http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-masterpiece-47/new-designer-for-2014-masterpiece-series-transformers-178998/ Personally I'm not too happy about the news, I just got back into collecting the Masterpiece line because of MP-10 thru 19 (even if the designer coming back to the line had something, or everything, to do with the new Optimus). I didn't bother to keep/collect MP-1 thru 8 and I tolerate 9 because I like Hot Rod/Rodimus as a character. Fingers crossed that the line continues the recent trend of really nice releases. -b.
  2. You know, now that I think about it The Walking Dead ONLY shows Zombies as flesh eating monsters. I think the creators of the show should watch Warm Bodies to get examples of how Zombies can be good with a little love and over the clothes action. Seriously, the movie did not say every single person of wealth, or means was a boogie-man. It was about mean-ass Jodie Foster and her power grab and how she used the (1) one example of an a-hole business owner to help achieve those means. Some folks need to climb off of their high horses every now and again. -b.
  3. Did they paint all the "haves" with one brush in the movie? Maybe I should watch it again but I thought that it was mostly Jodie Foster's character that was so anti-helping people on Earth. -b.
  4. Re: pandering, I suppose. I'm not saying that class or any ism is good, just that this movie lent itself more to a class divide vs. a wealth divide - I got the impression that the smuggler guy on Earth had money in order to support his criminal enterprise, but he was considered a lower class, maybe just because he lives on Earth and not on Elysium. Don't want to get into a debate on stereotypes, but the fact remains that history shows that (some) "haves" tend to play keep away from the "have-nots" and by virtue of the subject matter really does hammer that point. I mean hell, what better reminder to say you're not "as good as" then the fact that the "better class" no longer lives on Earth and that you have to look up into the sky to even see them. -b.
  5. Think of it more of "class-ism" vs the wealthy being innately horrible people. It's a fact that those in power (whoever they may, in whatever society we want to examine, especially modern-day) will do whatever it takes to stay in power. This doesn't mean those with wealth, but those in power and there is a difference. I enjoyed the movie for nothing else than having some really amazing visuals and for the attempt to bring something fresh to the screen but I tried very hard not to read between the lines, just another 100 or so minutes of escapism. -b.
  6. Great pics as usual TCracker - love the second pose. -b.
  7. Cool - looks really good! -b.
  8. Nice! Did you panel line it? -b.
  9. Need one of those alert pages for those of us that collect Bandai DX Macross Frontier Valks! When I found mine it was pure dumb luck. Walked into a BB this past Monday w a friend of mine who was doing some last minute Christmas shopping, he asked the clerk if there were any in stock and sure enough they had a pile of PS 4's and X-Box One's sitting behind the Customer Service Desk. -b.
  10. Not sure if this has been discussed already in this thread, if so then my apologies. But a relatively minor nit-pick, why Sony would eliminate the ability to add a background picture to replace that headache inducing blue background is beyond me. I hope that a soon-to-come update provides this functionality to the system. Will be going out tomorrow or Friday to pick up a game or two (still playing my PS3 so I'm in no rush) - most likely Call of Duty: Ghosts or Battlefield 4 since there isn't much out for the system yet. -b.
  11. Nope, ordered at the same time, oh well. Can't wait to see some of our member's pictures and read first impressions. -b.
  12. Shipping notification from NY just a bit ago, that said I'm incredibly nervous that they sent me (2) unique EMS Tracking Numbers. I did order two copies but I find it odd that they'd ship in separate boxes. Fingers crossed. -b.
  13. Looks good to me (except for that horrible glob of a pilot). Can't wait to get mine. -b.
  14. Ah, I see. That was an interesting read on how the label "geek" is, or could be defined. I don't necessarily agree with it, even if that's the correct definition of the term (too tired to look it up). As I read the full quote all I could think to myself is this sounds like the speaker is describing someone as very obsessive and while I consider myself a "geek" I don't think I obsess (at least not over Macross). Either way I respect that you and/or the author see geek in terms different from me and thanks for taking the time to articulate your reasoning. PS - yeah, those collections you mentioned are pretty awesome -b.
  15. Really? Do tell. I'd love to know what's more "geeky" than collecting a toy robot based on ones opinion of it looking cool. -b.
  16. Cool pictures - but between the "face" and those color schemes, those two Valks deserve to be on a shelf next to one another. -b.
  17. ^ Ha Ha - yup! -b.
  18. Cool video, thanks for posting. The colors look nice in fighter mode, especially the blue canopy and accents. Glad I pre-ordered. -b.
  19. Well, just paid for my NY order. I have one pre-order left with them and hopefully once that's fulfilled I can find an alternate source for any Japanese web-exclusive releases - either that or they're able to address whatever is going on to cause them to have these random, and preventable issues. AND I hope this YF-29 is problem-free. -b.
  20. Yeah, actually looking forward to the new MP release of Ultra Magnus too. I really hate/hated him as a character but I thought from a design standpoint that he was kinda cool. Plus it'll be nice to have him to display him with my other Masterpiece items (that is if/when I ever get the interest and space to display any of my Transformers). -b.
  21. LOL, what the actual f#ck! Seriously, that was so horrible that now I'm REALLY and TRULY looking forward to Robocop. -b.
  22. Up at AmiAmi; http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=GAME-0010432&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_originaltitle%3DMacross+Frontier%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 -b.
  23. Alright ; 1) VF-25 (F w Tornado, S w Armor, G w Super or A) 2) YF-19 3) VF-1S with Strike Parts -b.
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