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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Looking good. Slow and steady wins the race. -b.
  2. Feel very much the opposite. The prequels are what I'd like to forget or that when I see them "don't feel right". Between the cringe worthy acting or the OVER the top reliance on CGI they don't evoke a feeling of nostalgia at all. I feel very much connected to the Sequel Trilogy, for all of their faults there was a well intended attempt to bring Star Wars forward. Whether or not that succeeded or not is the hotly debated subject among the fandom. And the bottom line, a clearly defined road map in the writer's room would have solved 99% of the ST's issues. -b.
  3. Yes, I had two items ship from Mandarake and AmiAmi within the last 24 hours, both using DHL. I'll post here on how that goes. -b. *Edit, whoops just AmiAmi, waiting on Mandarake to ship
  4. 100000% agreed The CGI didn't age that well, but it doesn't matter because of how great the story, characters and actors are. -b.
  5. That's fantastic @Rodavan, in addition to being a really good read, that poem adds even more weight to that Wash's last moments. -b.
  6. Not at all the same. Cassian Andor does not in any way shape or form carry the same type of interest as Anakin Skywalker, or as he's more affectionately known as - Lord Vader. I wonder what the point is as well, but I'll give the the show a go and see how I like it, even though I didn't much care about his character in Rogue One. For my tastes he was a little too anti-hero, I'd rather see a prequel about Jyn, but oh well. -b.
  7. Still a classic. -b.
  8. They pop up from time to time on Entertainment Earth too (not always, but sometimes) - there pricing is sometimes lower than that of BBTS. But you're not wrong, Big Bad Toy Store charges a premium, however I don't have to worry about whatever the international shipping situation is come November. Especially since A-E and N-Y don't (yet) offer DHL. -b.
  9. Extremely super tempted on Loki, but I think I'm going to wait to see what the prices look like from BBTS and other stories before I pull the trigger. -b.
  10. This is going to give me nightmares "eight foot tall albino in a cybernetic gimp suit". I'll check out Isolation for sure and I agree about what movies to accept into Alien cannon. Covenant could have been an okay entry into the Alien mythology, even as a direct sequel to Prometheus, except that there were more stupid characters. Not all mind you, but enough to to convince me that Weyland-Yutani actively sought functional idiots for space missions. Super OT, but I've been watching John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness almost on repeat the past few days and that was one movie that had an interesting take on Sci Fi, Horror and Religion. But I'm a huge Carpenter fan and am biased in my opinion. -b.
  11. ^Nice! -b.
  12. Might have to check it out, I heard good things but was super pissed about Colonial Marines so I threw a tantrum and swore off all Alien/Aliens related games in a huff. See, that makes me even angrier - because I don't hate the high-level concept, I just hate that there were any ties, however flimsy, to Alien. Just make Prometheus and say "from the old dude that brought you Alien and Blade Runner comes...". At that point I could have just ragged on the movie for it's idiot characters and how poor writing ruined an interesting concept for a science fiction movie. Instead of bemoaning idiot characters + a piss poor attempt at distancing from, or even being associated with Alien. Oh well, spilled (and long since spoiled) milk at this point. Time to fire up the extended edition of Aliens to wash the taste out of my mouth. And thank you for the background info Seto, I really do think they had a cool concept. -b.
  13. @Seto Kaiba - that was a pretty interesting read. Asking only for my own edification, was that expressed by the the writers/director or more an an educated opinion of what Ridley was going for with Prometheus? Either way, I think the concept is interesting enough, just not for an Alien/Aliens movie. I think I remember reading that Prometheus (which was beautifully shot, but filled with the dumbest in-universe characters imaginable) was not originally intended as a prequel for Alien. -b.
  14. ...impatiently waiting for the "regular" all black Snake-Eyes orders to open up. I'm digging the Hasbro Pulse exclusive version but would much rather preferred he came in all back. -b.
  15. Okay, so as promised I dug these up from the basement. Screen Color Drop Ship and APC, with a couple of pics with DX 1/48's for scale. The box for the Drop Ship is over-sized to allow for the the ship to be secured in styrofoam, and I stand corrected about it fitting inside of a Detolf. -b.
  16. As far as I'm aware, none of the Aoshima versions were weathered (that would have been great if they were). These are the versions that I know where made and readily available at the time of their release. Dropships: 01- "Green" regular release with Colonial Marine figure. Has 01 painted on the side. 02- "Green" regular release with Alien figure. Has 02 painted on the side. 02-"Screen Color" release. Has 02 painted on the side. I don't recall if it included a figure. 03-"Black" version sold under the Blister Direct brand name (made by and exactly the same as those under the Aoshima brand name) that includes a Colonial Marine and Alien figure. APCs: Green color Screen color All of these were available at HLJ and the links can be found via Google. Here's the Black Version and the regular (green) APC; https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-alien-drop-ship-3-black-version-bld09093 https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-aliens-apc-w-alien-warrior-figure-aos09069 @sqidd I really do remember the Dropships being pretty big, from tip to tip I would err on the side of them not fitting in a detolf. And if they do, it likely be at an angle which would put that antennae dangerously close to either side of the door. And the antennae is fragile, on an otherwise solid piece of metal. Which reminds me, the swing out arms with missile pods could get loose from their own weight. I have a nostalgic soft spot for the Aoshima releases but I'd really love for someone to put an updated version out. Maybe in 2021 for the 35 year anniversary of Aliens. -b.
  17. LOL - good to know that I'm not the only one going crazy trying to remember this, that or the other. And damn fourteen years...really hits home how long I've been collecting and how old I am. -b.
  18. Nice pics! Are you 100% positive about that being the screen color version? They look more like either 01 or 02 with that are military green. The screen color version was a dark grey aaaallllllmoooostttt black in color. With the Blister Direct variant being black/black. I regret not keeping more lol. I sold a "regular" 01 or 02 and the Blister Direct version. I'm 99.9% sure I still have a MISB Screen Color variant in my basement somewhere. I'll try to dig it out later today or tomorrow. If it fits, it might be a tight fit, the antennae at the tip of the nose is kind of long and super fragile so you want to make sure there's enough clearance. LOL - they definitely had a bit of weathering to them. -b. *Edit, here's the HLJ link to the Screen Color version; https://www.hlj.com/1-72-scale-alien-dropship-screen-color-aos09091
  19. ^ Not gonna lie, any of those would make for cool desk ornaments. -b.
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