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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Here you go again buddy, slap away; -b.
  2. Would have liked to score another 25A (even though I have more than enough of them) I'm glad to see that there are still the occasional surprise re-stock. With the announcement of the 25F re-issue it's a very fair bet that the 25G will be re-issued to coincide with the release of that particular Tornado pack too. The 25S will come soon enough and even though I'm in the camp that wants another, with all of these releases (Arcadia's YF-19, Bandai's YF-25, 25F & G Tornado Packs, Armor Packs for Isamu's YF-29 and the 25A AND the YF-29 Ozma) I'm happy to give my wallet some time to recuperate. -b.
  3. Saw this earlier today with my son (who only watches movies with the words fast, speed, car or chase in the title) and it really wasn't that bad. The car chases felt "real" and even though it was fairly predictable I was entertained throughout - the 16 year old next to me loved it and all I could think was "no way in hell will he ever be able to borrow my car". If you're looking for some car-race escapism then I say go see it. -b.
  4. Looks better - using Firefox 27.0.1. What's with the new main page banner? -b.
  5. According to David this guy; -b.
  6. ^ Cool! Looking at how Bandai released the v1 25's I wouldn't be surprised if future releases of the 25F, G and S were bundles. As long as Bandai still has interest in Frontier, and it looks like they still do since there are releases scheduled up thru Q3 it's a fair assumption that at some point they'll revisit previous items just a matter of how (bundles, web-exclusives, etc.) and when. -b.
  7. There are other categories of potential buyers, those that want additional copies for play/display and/or MISB collecting, both of which I place myself in - don't forget about us. -b.
  8. ^Too funny. I find that I do the same thing, buy multiples of things and then just leave them in their boxes, forgotten about. Heck the only reason I even opened (1 of each) my Arcadia Roy and Hikaru VF-1S's was to take a look at that them during the whole "what color, what hue" are they discussion a little while back and right back into the tray they went. For me the "extra" MIB/MISB copies are my security blanket in case I ever need to sell or trade, or to replace something that gets broken. -b.
  9. Listing for Bee at AmiAmi; http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-005059&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_seriestitle%3DTransformers+Masterpiece%24pagemax%3D20%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1 But, looks like it's sold out. -b.
  10. If you're referring to my comment about the blood effects, I simply mean the way they were rendered/shown. It looked a little too much like a cartoon, even against this movie which was probably 99.9% CGI*. And I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about how the final conflict with Eva Green's character should NOT have been portrayed. -b. * my guestimate, meant to be tongue-in-cheek
  11. Then Bandai could mitigate their risk by releasing the 25S, F and G in smaller numbers, but if you take a look at the secondary market by way of prices or lack of availability to see that there is money to be made by Bandai by revisiting those models. -b.
  12. Whether it be re-issue or new release I'm not talking about the business merits of why or Bandai will re-release one Valk over another. It's just a matter of what I and/or others are hoping for. That said, someone earlier posted here, or in another thread that by now Bandai has recouped any costs associated with the development of the DX line (especially the 25 Renewals) and I would agree so at this point it's probably all icing on the cake for them. So bring on the re-issues AND new releases. -b.
  13. It doesn't have to be either or, most of us would be happy with Bandai re-issuing the 25S, F and G. -b.
  14. MP-21 Bumblebee up for pre-order at HLJ; http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT80318/Sci -b.
  15. ^Yep, but "with" right imply a little more than what was actually happening between the two, it was more "basic" than that. I have my money on Skye as the one LoreLei referenced. Wonder if Fury being hard to find has anything to do with the events in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. -b.
  16. Initially I wasn't very impressed with the idea of a fast-speed mode on the YF-19 but that Fighter mode is sexy. -b.
  17. Yeah, those 25F's on Nippon-Yasan have been siting there forever. I almost feel bad for not pulling the trigger on an extra before the Tornado sets were announced, but I just remind myself that even before this last price-hike they were over SRP. I'll wait for a re-issue, hope to find on somewhere else or just do with what I have. -b.
  18. Seriously, seriously. And then re-issue the 25F and 25G to go with those minty new Tornado Packs while they're at it. -b.
  19. Those are some awesome screen captures Plastik. Too bad Bandai's DX Alto YF-29 is such a horrible floppy mess. -b.
  20. Well, saw this earlier today and it was kind of silly but very much a guilty pleasure. Good-ish: Lots of action Eva Green Continuity in story from 300 Eva Green Meh-bad; Wasn't a huge fan of the blood effects, but I do get what the filmmakers were going for. The whole God-King angle, even with the over-the-top action it was hard to suspend my disbelief for some of the "mystical" elements of the story Running time, could have been about 10 or so minutes longer, but at 1:43 it's hard to complain I was happy to see it in IMAX 3D. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone outside of a guilty-pleasure matinee or rental but I wouldn't tell anyone to stay far away either. -b.
  21. Your money, but no, no and no. The Xbox One and Titanfall will eventually decrease in price, the YF-19 is sure to increase. Anyways, can't wait, my want for a new "thing" needs to be satisfied. -b.
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