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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Man, didn't you know? Everything in Frontier is Alto's; Ranka, Sheryl, VF-25 (formerly Gilliam's) using at one point or another all of the armor variants,a VF-171EX, YF-29, Brera, etc... -b.
  2. Nice pictures Tochiro. The YF-30 looks good enough in Fighter mode, not my favorite Macross Frontier design but it's nice to see something that isn't a YF-29 repaint. * the 25 releases and re-releases get a pass for me 'cause it's my favorite -b.
  3. Counting down the years before the 30th Anniversary 1J is commanding $ 300 on the secondary market and everyone who dissed the paint scheme (myself included) is clamoring for one. -b.
  4. Good grief. If you want it, and can afford it buy it, if not let the rest of us enjoy what we spend our money on. This argument about what a TOY is worth compared to another TOY gets recycled about twice a year - and it's always the same old thing. People buy what they want at the prices that are justifiable to them, not to every anonymous Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet. Speak with your wallet and keep on moving. -b.
  5. That pic reminds me of the Yamato 25th Anniversary 1/48 VF-1S and v1 1/60 YF-19. Still happy to have this in my collection but I may just leave it boxed (besides, running out of display space anyway). -b.
  6. Definitely got a The Goonies meets Super 8 vibe, but looks like fun for kids or people with kids. -b.
  7. The vest-off feature for Briareos is actually pretty cool (pictures at Anime-Export), but I've always hated those bunny ears. I'm really happy the line seems to doing well given that Square Enix is pumping out release after release. -b.
  8. Picked up a YOTH Prime from a local Toys R Us and yes, the box is ridiculously over-sized. I still absolutely hate the gold but it's not as gaudy as it appears in most of the pictures, the other colors look awesome on him. If any 3rd party does end up offering silver or chrome parts to replace the gold then (1) it's an automatic buy and (2) I would actually consider taking prime out of his plastic and cardboard prison. -b.
  9. On that note I do wish Enix would put out consistently "good" looking facial sculpts. What they did with Commander Shepard was criminal and killed all of my enthusiasm for their Mass Effect line. That said my RoboCop v1 and 3 shipped from AmiAmi and I'm looking forward to checking those out once they arrive. -b.
  10. With (1) exception I 100% agree (just going by what I know of one of those characters from the comics). -b.
  11. ^Right? That comparison is almost cliched at this point. Even though it looks like the 30th Anniversary VF-1J is no longer on sale for 50% off, at $ 140 is still on the average or inexpensive side for a VF-1 or retail VF-25. Personally I'd rather pay the money for a Valk over an average Deluxe Transformer and most Masterpiece Transformers - all a part of personal preference and what a person is willing to spend their cash on. -b.
  12. Not $ 70 shipped cheap, but still a good price; http://www.hlj.com/product/ACA82001/Sci -b.
  13. ^ Perhaps. Wonder what the last two episodes will bring, unless there is some serious plot advancement I'm not hopeful that anyone will make it to Terminus this season, let alone resolve Daryl, Beth or Glenn's respective situations (as the only folks not with other members of the prison group). -b.
  14. Play Arts Kai Watchmen; http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/square-enix-%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AA%E5%AE%9A-play-arts%E6%94%B9-watchman/ Rorschach Might be worth a buy, especially if they are going to release other figures from the series. -b.
  15. Just slightly...and W00t! -b.
  16. Huh??? Not sure where you got that from what I wrote. Daryl never was much of an angry redneck, he basically followed his brother's lead and over time has evolved as someone incredibly tolerant of and carrying for others (especially illustrated this season in his time with Beth). So much so that he was actually looked on as the leader of the group during the last days of their time at the prison. Daryl being a bad-ass allowed him to punch the leader and basically dare the rest of the gang to react or kill him and his actions are in keeping with how he's always been on the show. I respectfully disagree about them being two sides of the same coin. Daryl is and always has been very capable whereas Carol has evolved into someone that just does whatever she feels needs to be done, regardless of the consequences or how others may feel - all stemming from the loss of her child. Daryl = Good Guy/Anit-hero Carol = Borderline sociopath -b.
  17. Carol being a bad-ass is debatable, she's evolved into a character that makes the hard choices and does the dirt but it's almost a coping mechanism. Her whole persona now was formed from an abusive husband and the loss of her daughter. I'd be hard pressed to think that she could have handled herself the way Daryl did when he was surrounded by that "biker" gang. And I'd be hard pressed to think that Daryl would have killed other survivors to stop the spread of an illness, especially if killing them hadn't been shown as the only alternative. Also glad that when the comic came out I was done collecting, I'd hate to have notions about the story and characters based on the printed work that came before - across the board from movies to television it seems to always have a negative impact for those that have read the books. -b.
  18. ^ Many thanks. Yeah, Talking Dead was pretty good, and considering the episode that it followed it was handled really well by Hardwick and the guests. Can't believe there are only 2 more episodes left this season, its gonna be a long wait until Oct. -b.
  19. Some of the broad strokes were certainly telegraphed, but I agree that the details of how what happened really couldn't be called. I feel like I should be more shocked than what I am, but more than anything I feel relief in the closure of a couple of plot lines. Carol as a character is pretty tragic. -b.
  20. Got home late so I'm about 1/2 hour behind in watching. Luckily I'm recording Walking and Talking so I can fast forward thru the commercials. Wonder what tonight's "oh sh!t" moment will be... -b.
  21. Agree with you on the RVF-25, especially as a companion to one or more of the other renewal VF-25's. I picked up my armor parts for Luca yesterday and I'll put them on late tonight once I'm done in front of the tube. -b.
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