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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. You rock! -b.
  2. That pic Black Valkyrie posted has me convinced - it's a SIGN. -b.
  3. Wrong twist to headless Isamu... All kidding aside, this should be a great release. At this point I'm just trying to temper my own expectations so that if this isn't the end-all-don't-beat-all I won't be disappointed. And even though I'm a Fighter mode guy, those latest Battroid pics are damn nice. -b.
  4. For sure, Cloud Atlas grew on me. Even though I didn't see it at the movies I'd heard enough good things that I bought it on Blu-ray. Admittedly on my 2nd watch is when I actually enjoyed it. And that something off could be any number of things, like Magic Mike and/or the specter of The Matrix sequels. -b.
  5. Congrats on the purchase - you weren't exaggerating when you said you had the itch. -b.
  6. Ah, Iron Hide - recipient of one of the greatest cartoon deaths of all time. -b.
  7. ^b00bs Both of those Batman Arkham Origins figs available at AmiAmi for 7580 JPY; http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-7014&page=top & http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-KAI-7015&page=top -b.
  8. Going to blame you if we get Valkyries with faces. -b.
  9. Looks good. Was pretty ambivalent about WJ as a character but he is one of the few G1 Transformers my Mom was able to track down and buy for me when I was a kid (she never did find Optimus Prime - lol). This will definitely be a nostalgia buy more than anything else for me. -b.
  10. / -b. PS - I didn't realize that was Denise Crosby, good eye Uxi.
  11. Sorry, I was asking about War for Cybertron and Fall of Cybertron - as a rule I assume that most movie adapted games will be...less than satisfactory. I really enjoyed Gears of War so maybe I will pick those games up if the opportunity presents itself. Thank you kindly. -b.
  12. Best guestimate? Probably around $ 30 to the States, give or take. Someone else can keep me honest. -b.
  13. Play Arts Kai Batman and Deathstroke from Batman: Arkham Origins both listed at 9800 JPY; Batman http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/square-enix-%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AA%E5%AE%9A-play-arts%E6%94%B9%E3%80%8Ebatmanarkham-origin%E3%80%8F-batman/ Deathstroke http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-3/square-enix-%E7%99%BC%E5%94%AE%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AA%E5%AE%9A-play-arts%E6%94%B9%E3%80%8Ebatmanarkham-origin%E3%80%8F-deathstroke/ Both look pretty good - especially looking forward to adding Deathstroke to the collection. -b.
  14. So excited to get my hands on one that I changed my order from Private Warehouse to Ship Immediately over at HLJ! / -b.
  15. Hmmm...appreciate the feedback, thank you. Then I guess I'll wait and see once the game launches. -b.
  16. As others have said the visuals do look cool, but I'll wait for word of mouth before deciding to see this one in theaters (just like with Cloud Atlas (which I did not see at the movies)). -b.
  17. Very cool news! In the "no reboot" crowd myself, if for no other reason that all of the time and money invested in SDFM, DYRL, Plus and Frontier merchandise. Beyond that I don't really care what direction this new series goes in as long as it's not similar in style and tone to Macross 7 (sorry, no disrespect intended to Mac 7 fans). Now bring on some new VF's! -b.
  18. Are the other recent TF games any good? I'm asking seriously because I've always ignored them (more of a super-casual gamer so I ignore a LOT of games), but if they were then maybe I'll pick TF: Rise of the Dark Spark to have a Transformer game in the collection. -b.
  19. Awww, that Ultron stand-in looks cute. What was that friendly robot from Buck Rodgers? -b.
  20. Excited for this one as well, but I've enjoyed all of the Phase I and II Marvel films so far (certainly some more than others, but they were all decent). -b.
  21. Hopefully more than just a one-shot. Love me some Fred. -b.
  22. Love what looks to be a more compact box, not a huge fan of the Battroid cover, but do love how it looks packaged under the flip-top cover. Now take my money! -b.
  23. Ha, I only received the Order Acknowledgment. Whoops! But yeah, back to normal. And of the Bandai Mac F stuff only the VF-27 w Super Parts is available for order. -b.
  24. Cool, can't wait to hear what happened. Everyone else is busy adding everything they can to their shopping carts. -b.
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