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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. ditto -b.
  2. Well that escalated quickly. -b.
  3. Shhh! Don't jinx it. -b.
  4. Ditto on the 4G (well paid earlier this morning, the payment request came in at like 3 am EST). So. Happy. -b.
  5. Oh anime52k8... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=834253729933790&set=a.745100928849071.1073741831.697107020315129&type=1&theater Enjoy! -b.
  6. QFT -b.
  7. It's all in a little fun - but trust me if a wing falls off I'll be right in line to kick Arcadia in the nuts. Color changes or things along those lines, whether I like them or not I find it easier to just shrug off as a cost of not being in the toy/mecha/whatever design and manufacturing business myself. -b.
  8. So happy that I'm not that picky. I don't understand the competition to find something wrong with the color or the this, that or the other of every single toy, model or media. As long as this holds up as a quality product, meaning no parts disintegrate or fall off, etc. for no apparent reason then I'm happy. -b.
  9. For sure, thank you - pros and cons to both, the key like with most things is to find that nice middle ground. -b.
  10. Advice from being around my friends, most of whom are married with some children at or around 3 yrs old - like Loute suggested wait until he's a bit older and depending on development 6, 7 or 8 could be cool for a Chunky Monkey. I do remember waaaay back when my son was 3 he demolished a Yamato 1/72 YF-19 I had in a cabinet he'd managed to get into. Good times, good times. He never really became a "toy" kid though, his interest was always being outside on a bike or skates or skateboard so who knows, this could all become moot. -b.
  11. More pics of WJ! http://www.taghobby.com/1-0/1-1/%E4%B8%8D%E6%96%B7%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0-%E9%9B%BB%E6%93%8Ahobby-2014%E5%B9%B45%E6%9C%88%E8%99%9F-%E7%8E%A9%E5%85%B7%E5%85%A7%E5%AE%B9-transformers/ Love the side-by-side shot with Prime. -b.
  12. Well everything happens for a reason - glad this one worked out in your favor. I guess I shouldn't count my chickens before they hatch with that 4G, I'll wait until I get the total invoice w/shipping for doing my happy dance. -b.
  13. For sure, was tempted on that VF-11B but something whispered in my head "v2". Even though there really is no need for Arcadia to revisit the design, at least no time soon. I had (2) VF-4G's but sold one on the boards awhile ago. The other I kept unopened as a Yamato memento so I'd been waiting on a good deal to pop up so I could actually have one for display. It's been an expensive Friday/early Saturday. Might have to find something in the collection to sell so I don't feel so...guilty. Sigh. AND Didn't take long someone to snap this up either; http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1140032.html Good timing considering it's compatible with the v2 1/60 YF-19. -b.
  14. Posted in error earlier, $ 45 for FedEx - not EMS (this is why you shouldn't rush to post kids). Received the shipping notice and tracking number but no estimated date of delivery yet. Was very pleasantly surprised to see that HLJ shipped these so quickly, it's been my experience that they are generally slower than other retailers to get your items out of the door. Can't wait to see some in-hand pics once folks start to get theirs. -b.
  15. Kanedas Bike

    Macross figures

    Where's the fun in that? -b.
  16. Quoted for the absolute truth. Just paid for the (2) at HLJ - $ 45 for EMS. Now to go and see which blood banks are open to fund these things... -b. *edit to just list shipping costs
  17. ...well just paid for (1) at Hobby Search. Hopefully I will have this in-hand by Monday or Tuesday at the latest. $ 337 including EMS shipping (4,000 JPY) -b.
  18. Runs back in to say "sequel/continuation to Macross Frontier". Runs back out before other members curse me out. -b.
  19. Plan to at some point, either after the series or near the end. I find my relative enjoyment of TV or Movies adapted from printed works to be that much higher if I haven't read the source material first. And it'll be a ton of reading, the last time I was in a comic book store I think I saw at least 6 hardcover volumes of The Walking Dead. -b.
  20. Just to confirm, Beth never appeared in the comics. She's original for the TV show. That's not to debunk anything about what was posted earlier, just saying that there is no comic history to go on for the character (just like Daryl). Disclaimer: I have NOT ready any of the comics but I do Google the stuff I don't mind being "spoiled" about. -b.
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