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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. WUT!!! - Macross Plus Zero wasn't bad per say, and I agree that the mecha designs were pretty cool but something about it wasn't as engaging as some of the other Macross stories (IMO). -b.
  2. It's just one of those polarizing designs. It's not as extreme as you either love it or you hate it, but it's close enough. Just add the folks like me that are like "wow, that's (the missile pack/siren/barrier thingy ) kind of odd - not sure if I like it or not". I think if this DX release were priced a little less then I'd be more inclined to jump on the bandwagon, but that price tag is a huge turnoff for a Valk that at most I'm ambivalent about. -b.
  3. Whew! I was feeling really guilty. Well have to check into it, although my Android is starting to show it's age now, I've had to delete a few apps to make room for updates on stuff because the device (even w/ expandable memory) has started to run out of space. -b.
  4. So I'm an idiot - I came home tonight to see an episode of The Goldbergs recording at 9 vs. Agents of SHIELD. Why? Because the link I posted clearly states April 15th and not April 8th. I truly hope I didn't mess up anyone's DVR recordings like I did my own. -b.
  5. Ha - yep, now you do. -b.
  6. Late June per AmiAmi. -b.
  7. + Ozma YF-29, 25A Super Parts, and, and, and... A good problem to have if you like "stuff" but it really never ends. -b.
  8. Voted as well, and yep could see the results. -b.
  9. There are some minor structural differences as well, as close313 confirmed the grey piece over the lens on the DYRL and a more 'streamlined' head. Here's a really good shot of a DYRL style VF-1A head; http://anymoon.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Yamato-V2-Gunstrap-1.jpg Here are a few really good shot of a SDFM style VF-1A head; http://www.mech9.com/blog/2011/08/160-vf-1a-valkyrie-mass-production-version-by-yamato-toys/4/ I'm sure there are other shots, maybe even a comparison that you can find here on the Boards or via Google. -b.
  10. It's probably not that extreme. In the arguably don't want category; 30th Anniversary VF-1J VF-19 Kai Bundle In the wanted category; VF-1S Roy VF-1S Hikaru YF-19 VF-0D Good for Arcadia if they want to re-release this with a bundle, and if it's the 20th anniversary of M7 then it does make sense to release this. Hell, it may even be a fairly limited release to mitigate any risk. -b.
  11. List of known Easter Eggs - WARNING, SPOILERS!!!! http://www.hypable.com/2014/04/03/captain-america-winter-soldier-easter-eggs/ -b. *found this while trying to find some supporting evidence of my comment above
  12. Re: Stark and where is was during The Winter Soldier, I'm almost/fairly/moderately sure that I saw Although that doesn't address if he had any armor or not. -b.
  13. This. This - though admittedly I'm really looking forward to finding out if it's good or not (fingers are firmly crossed). The article didn't say anything about Depp or any actors for that matter. -b.
  14. Me too! But it's supposed to air an hour later, they're going to run last week's episode at 8 EST and the new one pushed to 9 EST. http://enewsi.com/news.php?catid=191&itemid=26401 -b.
  15. Not overly fond of the decision to re-release this particular Valk but I do hope it means more re-releases are coming (VF-4 and a few of the rarer VF-1 variants). -b.
  16. For sure, many issues were fixed and improvements made, it's just some design choices seem odd. You're probably not doing anything differently, I imagine each unit will have varying degree of 'tightness' to the ankles and dependent on use will get loose over time. -b.
  17. Very much agree with those for the most part (High Speed mode is cool, but if the design of that came at the expense of better Fast Pack attachments or another possible design innovation then yeah). While I haven't transferred transformed mine yet but I did fiddle with the ankles just to see what all of the fuss was about and I can absolutely see how those ball joints can and will become loose ( ). Still a very nice bird, just a "thing" here or there could have made it great. -b. *edit for spelling and grammar
  18. That's very true to an extent - Bandai's Cannon Fodder 171 has caught some well deserved heat for being a crap release and there's general conversation about Bandai's limbs getting loose over time but all-in-all Yamato and now Arcadia releases are subject to scrutiny more than the average. Now it could be any number or really innocent reasons, like price per release, our own high expectations related to price, line-art-accuracy, etc. Being reasonable I'm going to go with the higher expectation reason for the additional conversation over their releases. It's always good to see those that get a copy of X release without any issues and it's always garbage to see issues like broken parts right out of the box with one as well. -b.
  19. Those are some cool customs. I'm waaaayyyy to scared to try anything like that with my Valks and the one time I tried (on a Bandai DX VF-25A) I took that paint off so quickly it wasn't even funny. My hats off to you for your skill and bravery! -b.
  20. Yeah, the Season 4 opener was pretty good. Forgot that this show is like the fastest hour on television. Re: Honest Trailers - Lord Friend Zone - !!!!!!! -b.
  21. Re: the violence it really earned the PG-13 rating. It didn't bother me but I agree that the action/violence was very in-your-face noticeable. -b.
  22. Last few posts are classic! Hopefully these can be made a reality, there certainly is a market for versatile display stands. -b.
  23. ^Very cool! My SMS squad (27 is in Battroid) are all in fighter mode with the same armor parts. -b.
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