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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Once it's released. -b.
  2. "satanic clown orgy" - Now that's the funniest thing I've ever read (not to mention I have a thing where clowns are concerned ). All these fat and fat cat Godzilla comments are hilarious. I keep waiting for someone to Photoshop Garfield into a screen grab or something. -b.
  3. Ha! Someone wake me up when HLJ lists the pre-order or if AmiAmi or Hobby Search re-open. Voting with my wallet and not paying any inflated prices. -b.
  4. So is there a running list/tab of known issues - those that are on multiple units from different members? IIRC; Crooked wings, or those that don't align perfectly in Fighter mode or are level with one another Crooked head/neck Loose, or loosening ankle ball joints Prone to scratched paint in areas during transformation It's too bad that there are a group of issues (small or major) impacting this release, even if most people seem to be satisfied (sans the price) with the purchase. -b.
  5. Great minds and all of that. I really need more display room, I don't have one Transformer (all I have are MP's and (1) Generations Springer) on display. They're all locked away in their packaging in storage. -b.
  6. It's been a while since I've watched Attack the Block but I recall enjoying it, may have to find some time to check it out again. I also don't remember Domhnall Gleeson in Dredd, but I can just pop in the Blu ray for a re-fresher. What surprises me, or maybe it shouldn't considering how it was received is that no one here recognized Oscar Isaac from Sucker Punch as one of the main antagonists in the film. Anyway now that the balling is rolling I'm very excited to see how everything shapes-up. -b.
  7. Still very happy that my copy is OK, and that knock-on-wood with none of the issues pointed present on the one that I've opened. It's even fallen off of the flex-stand a couple of times and each time where a wing was moved or something got knocked out of place I was able to get it back with no issues. The only potential problem I've noticed is that I can see the likelihood for ankles to get loose if posed or used over time. -b.
  8. Ignored the most recent Macross ordering nonsense and ordered (2) copies of MP-22 from HLJ. Can't wait to get it in-hand. -b.
  9. Not going to stay up late, or set an alarm for this one. It doesn't help that I'm not that enthusiastic about the design (although some of those fighter mode profile shots are nice) or I'm out of town w an 11 hour drive on Monday to get back home - sleep will rule the day for this initial pre-order window. If anything I will wait till release to get a (1) copy. -b.
  10. Cool, I never said that the movies would be connected to the EU, I just reiterated what one of the film makers said in the article you posted, and that was they'd take inspiration from multiple sources.Happy for those that were looking for closure or an official stance. -b.
  11. Awesome! I love Mass Effect and the SSV Normandy SR2 (especially in Alliance colors), good luck with your project and I can't wait to see how it turns out. -b.
  12. Gunmetal . It's what made me order the Super Parts for the Isamu custom YF-29. -b.
  13. Well truthfully the OCD collector in me is gonna hit the submit order button once it's available ( ), but I'm not a huge fan of the design (yet). I'm betting that like the YF-29 it will grow on me - especially once I have it in hand. I hear you, I've always thought it was cool how much Kawamori seems to be involved with the franchise, especially the toys. -b.
  14. ^ok, cool -b.
  15. Hopefully you're both right, especially for those that are really hyped for this release. The YF-24 might be a good indicator as a Valk that wasn't as sought after, it wasn't as hard to get as other Renewals but it still sold out at pre-order pretty quickly. -b.
  16. Same here. I remember when it used to come on cable when I was younger but I never paid it any attention. -b.
  17. IIRC it's a general release, so pre-order madness it is. -b.
  18. Metal Build Destiny has been sold out well longer than a month ago. I know this because I've had the page bookmarked and I'd check daily along with Mandarake, Jungle and other places trying to secure a copy at or close to the original 17,000 JPY retail. I will take your word on the Freedom and Repair II/III as I never really paid attention to them on Amazon. That said, the point I'm trying to make, as it relates directly to Bandai's Macross Frontier DX Renewal lines is that they are very hard to pre-order at the same places one would buy a Frontier Valk at retail or pre-order prices; HLJ, AmiAmi, Hobby Search, etc. That's all - if one is able to source them locally, or thru Amazon or if Santa Claus dropped them down your chimney well then good on you, my experience has not been as such. And even still I don't hate Bandai, they just get less of my money. -b.
  19. Obviously. Please be sure to find and post a link to any Metal Build listed at retail (especially with Prime since I'm a member) currently on Amazon besides the Exia Repair; http://www.amazon.com/Bandai-Tamashii-Nations-Gundam-Repair/dp/B00D3Y18XS/ref=pd_sim_t_3/188-0706911-2122345?ie=UTF8&refRID=0JB2K0S5ZZX25VDBEF1C Thanks, -b. *edit for grammar
  20. ^Lucky. For me there is no such thing as a "local retailer". All of my ordering comes thru online stores like HLJ and AmiAmi, and with regards to some of the more sought after Bandai items my experience has been the same. Click, click, cart-jacked, or click, page loading, "sorry this item is no longer in stock". edit to add - just cause I'm posting in this thread doesn't mean I hate or love Bandai, I'm pretty ambivalent to most businesses. If they produce a product I like at a cost that suits me then I buy. It's truly business. My love or passion comes into play with the property itself, in this case Macross. -b.
  21. Grrrr... My money's on a Monster! -b.
  22. Funny thread. Too bad we can't compartmentalize all the Yamato/Arcadia hate to one thread too. And for those unhappy with the ridiculous pre-order windows for DX Frontier merchandise try collecting just about anything from their Metal Build line. -b.
  23. Kind of jonesing for some more pictures or something, 2015 just feels like a long time to wait for a new "thing" from Arcadia. I get why and don't have a problem with what appears to be a more modest release schedule, it's just my itch to buy something new. Moar new pics please. -b.
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