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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. + nostalgia + those that care (enough) now have the disposable income to spend on this if they so choose -b.
  2. LOL Seriously, Godzilla could have wheels or two little nubs down there for all I care as long as the movie is good. I'm more surprised no one is complaining about Kick-Ass as one of the main military/soldier protagonists. Instead it's all about how Godzilla doesn't have an hour-glass figure and well proportioned extremities. -b.
  3. Really love the head unit on this 29, going to have to find room to display this one in Battroid mode. -b.
  4. Hey, we all collect the way we like according to personal preferences. This latest 25F re-issue is due in July with the Tornado Parts, it'd be nice if once that's released Bandai announced another re-issue that folks seem to be asking for *cough* S *cough*cough* G. -b.
  5. Was going to go check it out today, but got distracted. Will try and get to the movies, but if not I think I'll be okay with a home viewing. I was pleasantly surprised by Amazing Spider-Man and was hoping for more of the same but I'm starting to have my doubts. -b.
  6. Agree, apologies for bringing up a topic with a lot of mileage, I was just curious after reading an earlier comment about direct sunlight and then looking at how those items I have on display are situation. When possible I get multiples since there are items I like to have out, but I don't know if it's a collector's mentality or that of a hoarder but I like to have at least (1) tucked away in a box. -b.
  7. Hmmm....yeah, going to have blinds installed in that room and with summer coming up they'll be closed during the day to help with cooling costs. That should kill two birds with one stone. And put in bold for truth. Thanks for the reply! -b.
  8. Nice shot, I got my 25A Super Parts in the mail on Friday but I'm going to wait until I have Alto's 25F Tornado Parts in-hand before I armor them up in Fighter mode. So, I'm going to ask a really n00b question, if you have your collection near a window that only has curtains, thick enough that you can't easily see thru them during the day or at night, but thin enough to allow natural light into the room do you run the same risk as having your Valks in front of an open window? -b.
  9. Nice! I just looked it up, I like the choice of grey/color that you used (reminds me a bit of the VF-11B). Out of curiosity does it still transform? It looks like it could be fixed in Fighter mode but wanted to be ask to be sure. -b.
  10. Rat Trap = cool Tankor = (sarcastically) great, Beast Machines Thank you though, hopefully that means there's hope for some of the cooler characters like Prime (not the surf board one), Cheetor, Tigatron, Waspinator, etc. -b.
  11. For sure, I imagine between the overall difficulty and logistical issues you and Duymon point out along with the "rarity" and price make the idea of customizing one difficult to put into reality. But This is MW, I'm sure someone out there (1) wants to and (2) has the skill sets and patience to make it happen. -b.
  12. Sounds like a cool idea, but I don't think that there is, I haven't seen any of the members here try to tackle that project w 3D printing and I'm not aware of any online shops that offer it either. Matter of fact I don't think I've seen any custom Renewal 25's - c'mon folks, get on that already! -b.
  13. Shepard Commander. Too bad about Legion... Don't think I would pick up Whirl if I saw him on shelves but I wouldn't mind Rhinox if there were other characters released from Beast Wars in this Generations lineup. -b.
  14. Objectively speaking, this has flop written all over it. Kind of like The Lone Ranger no one is clamoring for a Ninja Turtles live-action movie (that I know of, or have seen) and even if there's already an audience waiting I'm willing to bet that Guardians of the Galaxy which comes out the week prior will still be going very strong. -b.
  15. Cool - no prob! -b.
  16. If it helps you to search your email/junk mail, my notification for the Ozma YF-29 came on Friday the 25th. -b.
  17. ^Yep, I absolutely would. Having my 2013 SHO for about a year (and putting a ton of miles on it) has turned me into a Ford convert and I really do like the new Mustang. -b.
  18. True story; I was just reminiscing in my head about the original Metroid for NES and how awesome the levels and hidden levels where and how I'd PAY for the original to be available to play on a next gen system. Loved that game as a kid. -b.
  19. RoboCop agrees; I'm gonna buy the Blu-ray because buying stuff is one of my addictions. -b.
  20. This whole movie has me "meh". Apologies, considering I haven't (and don't EVER plan to) see this movie I should keep my .02 to myself or at least not just bash for the sake of bashing. I really do hope that this is enjoyable for those that are interested. -b.
  21. And Firefly, and, and, and, and...I'm still beyond shocked that Fringe (which I LOVED) made it through it's entire run. Seriously, Fox is where Sci-Fi goes to die. -b.
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