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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Gotcha. And agreed. It would be nice if they get released, they're both pretty noticeable absences in the lineup. -b.
  2. 85 and Scarlett Witch are live and available for pre-order on P-Bandai right now. https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2533329001001 https://p-bandai.com/us/item/N2543182001001 -b.
  3. A lot of good points being made recently, and I'll reiterate my own and other's thoughts that THE primary problem the Sequel Trilogy has is that there wasn't a consistent narrative or plan from movie to movie. Like someone said, Marvel was literally right across the hall, plus all of the source material at the filmmaker's disposal and they just f'ed it up. I actually liked the characters, but felt like their story lines were wasted. Finn, Poe, Hux (as comedy relief) were all prime examples of this. As far as the fan-rage/fan-fiction click bait nonsense about any current plans to erase the ST, not going to happen. 30 years from now, who knows, but I wouldn't bet .01 on it happening. And honestly it shouldn't. Disney just needs to take the L for the disconnected plot and for splitting the fandom and learn from it for the next go-round of big live action movies. The shows are doing fine, just tighten the ship for the movies and all will be right in the world. It's nice that the Prequel Trilogy is going through some sort of revival or appreciation for what people think Lucas's intentions were, and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if we see some of the same thing at some point for the ST. -b.
  4. Cart Jacked at HLJ -b.
  5. LOL True -b.
  6. The way 2020 has been going this might as well be a documentary. But it does look entertaining, would have been a good turn your brain off summertime flick. -b.
  7. So when I was younger I absolutely identified with Max, but these days I definitely feel like I'm in my Roy Focker phase. Not because I'm fatalistic or anything, but in the real world I find myself playing the old-timer/mentor more often than not. Haven't voted yet because I'm taking my choice waaaaayyyyy too seriously right now. -b.
  8. Thanks for the updates @sh9000 Given how 2020 has felt 1/2 way through the year, 2022 seems like a decade from now... -b.
  9. My AJ doesn't have a shipping date, but does have an approximate arrival date of Jul 3 thru 6 which reconciles with that shipping date if shipped via DHL. Apparently when this thing got announced I was preorder happy. I'd forgotten about orders I have with AmiAmi (shipped last night/this AM via DHL) and Hobby Search (stuck until EMS resumes). -b.
  10. For Bandai to release this as a super-duper exclusive? Wholeheartedly agree. If you mean for me not placing a pre-order when I had a chance, I also wholeheartedly agree. -b.
  11. For sure, that's why I only kept the screen color variant of the Drop Ship and APC. -b.
  12. ^Similar to the Drop Ship and APC 'real' vs. 'screen color' discussion. How the vehicles were painted in real life, compared to how they appear on screen don't always match. Apparently the same as the weapons and other props. Admittedly that brown pulse rifle is AWFULLY brown. -b.
  13. Here ya go! There are a few sellers out there that are carrying that version of Snake Eyes (which IMO has the better figure paint, but the crappier weapons (recommend third part scale weapons like what Saburo used). -b.
  14. Good deal, I have the version 2/redone Mark VII but hadn't opened it yet. I'll check it out this weekend. Still don't plan on getting Mark I, even as a completionist, but would jump on a combined order of Suit/Cave Tony and Mark III. So yeah, hopefully Mark III goes up on P-Bandai soon. -b.
  15. Yep, realized that when the PO's went live on BBTS and P-Bandai. Works for me, as I don't have the original Mark III release. But from what I've seen of videos and other pics, the paint apps, beyond just some weather/battle damage, look better all around. -b.
  16. Certified Iron Man fanboy, so I'm down for both. IMO these two iterations of Tony are way more iconic than the Iron Man 3 workshop version, which beyond being a fan will get me to buy these if/when available. -b. PS - Final Battle Mark 85 is awesome! It'd be perfect if it included the nano-gauntlet, but you know...Bandai and their inexplicable need to leave out "no-brain-er" accessories.
  17. Hey, I'm right there with all of you anxiously awaiting. But between having to pay for this thing 6-7 months ago because the release was imminent, to the pandemic related production delays, to N-Y's more miss, than hit flexibility when it comes to shipping you the items you've paid for, I'm just not confident in having this thing any time soon. Prove me wrong Arcadia and N-Y! -b.
  18. Until I see them in the wild and/or I have what I paid for in my hands I'm going with Neveruary 31st.
  19. So....(2) out of (3) of the Mandalorian Figuarts I've received so far have been lemons. And I only know that because I had to open all (3) to get to (1) that didn't have any issues. Mandalorian #1 - Connector on the hip that allows you to connect the holster - broke Mandalorian #2 - Peg in the back/waist was too small to allow the peg for his rifle, ended up breaking said connector on the rifle Mandalorian #3 - So far so good I still have a 2 with Hobby Search that haven't shipped and those things are staying in the box so I don't find any other issues. This is the first S.H. Figuarts release that I've had any issues with so I'm not going to decry the entire line or anything, but man this release has been a DUD for me. -b.
  20. Thanks very much @mikeszekely! I actually have an MP-28 boxed up somewhere (never got around to opening him) and once upon a time I had MP-09 but sold all of my copies years ago. One thing I noticed looking at the iterations styled after the '86 movie is that all by MP-28/40 have shoulders that sit too high. Kind of a silly nitpick but something that immediately stands-out about Hoodlum. You've given me a lot to think about with the 3rd party options which was exactly what I was hoping for, so again thank you kindly. -b.
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