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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Dang, tell us how you really feel - LOL. Preparation in Progress email just came in from N-Y regarding the Isamu 29 Super Parts. -b.
  2. TRUTH (although I take what you and Duke are saying about other Godzilla movies, because I wouldn't know) -b.
  3. Agree with you on a guess or two, especially some of the details on the "why" a mission is needed. Jessica Chastain FTW and in the trailer (thought she was awesome in Zero Dark Thirty). -b.
  4. Not sure if the trailer is online or not, but the one they have showing before Godzilla (IMAX) looks really entertaining. Still not gonna line up on the first day to see it at the movies but the movie looks like it could be fun.* *despite stoopid Space Magic Mike the Space Elf -b.
  5. Very cool - can't wait for mine to get here as well. Glad that I was tempted to pre-order and double-dip ($43 shipping EMS). -b.
  6. Saw it again in IMAX and picked up an Easter Egg that I didn't notice during the first viewing. But overall I thought And I almost cheered aloud at the end of the final battle (then I almost LOL'ed at my own silly joke). I also hope that they're able to make at least 1 or 2 more good sequels. -b.
  7. Pass on this simply because I'm not a fan of this Valk, but if Arcadia tried to take advantage of me by re-re-re-releasing a VF-1 or two with metallic accents the I'd insta-buy and hate myself for it later. -b.
  8. The more I look at my Ozma YF-29 the more I want a 25S with Tornado Parts. That said, I still very much enjoy this Valk and I'm glad I came back around on whether I like it or not. Yeah, the Low Vis Roy VF-1S and 29 are about the same shade (dark vs. light) but funny enough the 29 is close in color to a few of the accent parts like the intakes and feet/thruster of that particular 1S.* *metallic look of those parts on the 1S notwithstanding -b.
  9. IIRC Nolan didn't reveal that much with the Inception trailers either, and that really worked well for the film. The new trailer isn't flashy (for lack of a better term) and it leaves you wanting more - that's a good thing considering a lot of trailers reveal way too much. -b.
  10. Didn't know that Jungle had an eBay store - good to know. -b.
  11. Nice! But now I have to resist the urge to try and keep up with you guys! -b.
  12. ^See the suspension and a lot of what happened off screen were fine, and I agree with your points but for me it was about the movie starting to show a fight with G and then cutting to something completely different. It was like watching a (American) Football game on TV and just as a touchdown is being scored they cut to the commentators AND never go back to the scoring play. And yeah, that finishing move was pure awesome. After G was done it was like he "dropped the mic" and walked off stage. -b.
  13. And here I was thinking there was an announcement about a new VF-1J. -b.
  14. Marky Mark, his daughter and her boyfriend - just saying, but I'm super-cautiously optimistic. -b.
  15. Well, as usual the visuals look like fun. Just hope that there aren't too many cringe-worthy moments with the script/dialogue. -b.
  16. Saw it, enjoyed it. It should go without saying that this was better than the last American version and yes better than the 5 hours too long Peter Jackson King Kong. I'm surprised no one brought up the fact that; Besides that minor to major gripe I thought it was awesome and I'll be checking it out again in theaters for sure. -b.
  17. ^Yeah, Agent May continues to be a bad-ass. Loved the incentive package that Wolfram & Ha....I mean Cybertek offers. -b.
  18. Oh dude, watching that speed run of Ninja Gaiden 1 brought back so many memories. Stupid birds!!! -b.
  19. ^ So very true (I have more 25A's than any other specific variant, Bandai, Yamato or Arcadia), and real life will compel me to both curb my spending and maybe even thin out my existing collection, but damn if that price wasn't wouldn't have been tempting if I'd seen it before it was sold out. -b. *edit to correct context/tense
  20. You're probably right, and honestly the folks at DC/Warner Bros. are getting their asses handed to them by Marvel/Disney with regards to movies. I was in a comic book store yesterday and heard some guys talking about how DC is doing well with TV (no comment, I like Marvel's AoS but I don't watch Arrow and didn't care for Smallville) and not so much cinema and this is probably the best approach for them to try and make up some ground. And costume, story, etc. b!tching aside, I do hope this movie is good - if for nothing else to have some variety and not just Marvel, Marvel, Marvel. -b.
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