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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. No, there really doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason. Although someone mentioned that it could be in terms of shipping type (EMS vs. FedEx vs. SAL) but not sure if that was proven or not. I will say that as much as I knock N-Y, deservedly so, the one time I placed an order with them for in-stock merchandise (Gundam Metal Build, RVF Super Parts and something else) the order shipped the next day which is pretty good in my book. Too bad that there is always some other nonsense going on. -b.
  2. Ditto - this one is definitely getting displayed in Battroid. Too bad Bandai is (probably) going to use that same old purple gunpod. -b.
  3. The 48's failed for me in Fighter mode when you go to attach the Fast Packs, which is my preference for the VF-1, no locking mechanism for the arms was a big fat fail for my playability "wants". Don't say anything when I blow up your PM! LOL -b.
  4. Very cool of you to offer, I was just giving you grief back (29). You seriously don't have to do any research or legwork on my behalf - but I TRULY appreciate the offer. -b.
  5. That's an interesting obsession. I'd be partial to the Yamato Max VF-1S, Cannon Fodder VF-1J or TV Max 1A. And since I'm sure you have an extra of at least one of those you should fund your next Roy by selling me one. **Nice pic Gakken -b.
  6. IMHO 90's Godzilla was pretty awful, I like to think that with my taste in movies I have a very high tolerance for the "bad" ones. I won't be dismissive of those that like it, after all we are all entitled to our own opinions but be fair in what others critique as well - the "problems" with that film were far from "nit-picky" - if you like the movie then truly, good on you, but just realize you enjoy a pretty universally disliked film. -b.
  7. Although I'm sure you'll find one or two more Ozma 29's before it's all said and done. -b.
  8. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    Sold 99% of my Yamato 1/48 years ago, the only original one I kept was a VF-1A Low Viz (first version) and I also purchased a MIB Chronicle 1/48 VF-1A Max Exclusive recently (earlier this year) for around $ 100. Truly the appeal of the 1/48 is the larger size and thinking about how many features can be packed into a model, but from a cost (purchase and shipping) and display or storage perspective the appeal starts to wane just a bit. -b.
  9. Man...hate* you. *by hate, I mean I am envious of the picture you just posted -b.
  10. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    Ha! Wish list? Fine. Arcadia 1/48 VF-25's. *Mind, Wallet AND Budget Blown* -b.
  11. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    Wish list? Fine. Arcadia 1/48 VF-25's. *Mind Blown* -b.
  12. That's actually a pretty cool pic that Mr. K tweeted. -b.
  13. You are very fair. Wonder if Sean Bean will live through this one...ah who am I kidding, he probably died in the trailers and I just missed it. -b.
  14. Intrigued by your respective intrigues. But yeah, swappable ordinance would be pretty cool and a(another besides the 25A or anything else someone wants to add to the list) release that doesn't turn into noodles after a transformation or two would be amazing. -b.
  15. ^Geez, really? Didn't know about that, I'd only heard and seen pictures of the eyes. Well if nothing else it will give me and others something to complain and speculate about I guess. -b.
  16. Oh Bandai, you so crazy. -b.
  17. Nothing odd about that, those in Japan are going to receive theirs well before anyone else. I wouldn't be surprised to see more pop up pretty soon, the Isamu 29 isn't that popular judging by the prices and/or availability on Mandarake. -b.
  18. Damn Channing Tatum, for me his best roll was in This is the End. -b.
  19. Awesome! I missed out on every single one of those releases the first time around so I'll be happy to get my hands on them. Hopefully they will improve/fix MP-10's whole "dead eyes" thing though. -b.
  20. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    No problem and yep. That said, I don't remember (or know) exactly why the move back to 1/60 was made, most likely some really boring "more/better profit" explanation but I'm sure there is someone on the board that can keep me honest and/or provide way more insight. -b.
  21. ^Impressive! Love the poses on the 27 and Ozma 29. -b.
  22. w00T! That means more awesome pictures. -b.
  23. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    With regards to Yamato/Arcadia - yes, they've moved away from 1/48 scale and all of the news that's come out has that line DEAD. -b.
  24. Good luck! Can't wait to follow your progress, love cannon-fodder schemes. -b.
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