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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. And it can sit there for that price. I've found that particular location to have higher prices than others. *edit, hope that didn't come off snippy towards you aaajin, I didn't mean it that way. I'm just fairly irritated at the immediate $ 80 mark-up. -b.
  2. Probably and I think close313 said it best in the Macross Collectibles Market Watch thread earlier today. -b.
  3. Ok, scratch that. Looked closer under better lighting (an LED flashlight) and there are very tiny stress marks developing in the same area, but on the wings themselves (vs. the picture posted on page 31 by Saburo where the stress marks are on the same piece of plastic that holds the Skull emblem. I had to look pretty hard to see it, but I'll keep watching since this Valk is getting most of my "hands-on" time at the moment. -b.
  4. Yikes. No, no stress marks on mine, out of the box or after handling (including a mid-transformation to correct the positioning of the legs and to attach the gunpod). -b.
  5. It's still awesome that you pulled the trigger! I'd end up leaving it in the box until I could commission one of our talented builder/customizers to assemble. Congrats on the purchase and good luck! -b.
  6. Nice! Love the Skull emblem at his feet. And for anyone wondering, those pictures really capture exactly how this 29 looks color-wise. -b.
  7. Updated! (fixed is a bit presumptuous) -b.
  8. Yeah, Bandai is holding out for the "Once we've sucked every bit of your wallet dry with every variant we can think of and we don't have a damn thing left for you to buy" event. -b.
  9. Agree, that Battroid pose is pretty killer. If I get one I will definitely wait before I hear about the experience other folks are having it before transforming mine. -b.
  10. LOL Not that this was a design that I was clamoring for, or even really cared about - the completion compulsion in me will have me get 1 or 2. I mean, how many episodes did this variant even appear in? -b.
  11. Psssh...everyone had better just hope Arcadia doesn't release a Fire Bomber theme to further commemorate the anniversary of Macross 7. -b.
  12. Partially agree with you on Star Trek (Darkness was a bit of a letdown, at least in parts). J.J. will make a good looking Star Wars film, if the optimism isn't misplaced then the story should be good as well. And waves hand...you will find the feeling you're looking for. -b.
  13. Sorry. That's the word on the street, or maybe that's the theory on the street. -b.
  14. ^Very pretty. If you haven't already track down the GBP-1S armor for it. Or go all out and customize some Fast Packs and yes, I know there are no jungles in space, but they'd look cool and matchy ( ). -b.
  15. Yeah, but DC has resigned itself to taking the shorter path to "catch" up with Marvel in the cinematic space. They don't have much of a choice if there won't be any other lead-in movies to their ensemble superhero flick. *edit - I guess they could've called this Batman AND Superman: Dawn of Justice or Superman AND Batman: Dawn of Justice, but folks seem to like the versus aspect so here we are. Or they could've been patient and just built up to the J.L. movie, but that dead horse has been beaten enough. -b.
  16. Glad you got your answer Mommar, speaking only for myself I sometimes get disappointed after I spoil something because I just have to know - so I was trying to be helpful in my own way. My skepticism of Bryan Singer (based off of his previous works) had me lukewarm for this one, but I think I will check it out in theaters sometime over the long holiday weekend. I liked First Class, but to say that it was the best X-Men movie is hardly that high of praise because I hated the others so much. If A7 says this one is better or at the very least "good" then I'll give it a chance. -b.
  17. ^Me too, although I had to cancel my Iron Man Mark 42's. I kept my pre-order for Silver Centurion (soft spot ever since the Armor Wars storyline in the comic). -b.
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