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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. w00t! Season 5 promo/teaser pic. -b.
  2. ^quite sure it's just the lighting. -b.
  3. My first impression was Mass Effect as well, but that's a good thing for me. I love, love, love Mass Effect. Hard for me to put anything on the same level as ME, but I do hope the story is compelling. -b.
  4. LOL - we're so funny. I'll put this on a sliding scale of (potential) suckage, 1 being less 10 being the most, my knee-jerk reaction is a 6. -b.
  5. Yep, same here. It's the first place I ever found when I was hunting for the Yamato 1/72 scale YF-19 since there were "issues" with a stateside Toycom release, around 1999/2000. -b.
  6. Might actually buy it just to have it at that price. Hmm... @Veef, poor, poor Destroids. -b.
  7. Ha! You know me so well. Ditto, I've been stalking HLJ and other places like crazy. I might have agreed with this line of thinking (or even said something similar) prior to the Ozma 29 but my gut tells me this will be just as, if not more popular. If pre-orders remain scarce then once this hits the market I'd bet that even Mandarake will have it at a markup at release. But fingers crossed. -b.
  8. With the exception of anything Alto related you can still luck out and find them at "fairly reasonable" after-market prices, but for me I got them as they were initially released (DX Super and Armor Parts). -b.
  9. Kanedas Bike

    Macross figures

    Wow, that Sheryl is massive! Nice pics and cool display Britai 7018. Not much of a figure guy myself, but it does look nice. -b.
  10. LOL, I was going to say close but not enough red; Then I found these; Didn't know there was such a thing until now. Sorry to spam with the non-Luca 171 pics!!!!! -b.
  11. Because unfortunately, all most folks know over here is the R-word. Even my friends that KNOW BETTER still shake their head at my Macross toy collection and then proceed to try to talk to me about Shadow Chronicles as if I've seen it, or a Robotech live action film (to which my reply usually has a lot of harsh language). If it weren't for web-based shops, or places overseas that have a web presence I'd be flat SOL trying to collect just about anything Macross. -b.
  12. Nice! I'd be very happy with both at those prices if they're un-opened or in perfect condition. -b.
  13. TCracker that sucks, sorry to hear about that - especially if you paid after-market prices. When faced with that issue though I see how your perspective on a stress mark here or there is that it's no big deal. I get that Company A and B have their respective issues with quality and design but I wish they weren't so (relatively) prevalent when you consider time, effort and money spent to get these things. -b.
  14. Got my Super Parts today, these are my first YF-29 parts and I really like how it looks in Fighter (my initial impression was too much to add to an already very busy design). It's too dark in the room to see any color difference in parts and Valk so I can't comment on that. I do like them enough to reconsider purchasing the Super Parts for the Ozma 29. And yeah, for those that have seen N-Y declare a lower customs value, not for me on this release. I noticed that they listed a 20,000 JPY value for a 11,160 JPY (pre-shipping) purchase. Good thing I don't have to worry about customs fees. -b.
  15. Hate that, it was like that here in Detroit last year during the '13 Youmacon. An entire floor (part of where they hold the North American Auto Show, so huge) dedicated to merchandise and no Macross to be seen. Was really disappointed. -b.
  16. Agree to an extent, maybe if the CF-171 had another color to break up the solid green it'd hands down be my favorite color of 171. Anyways, I wish this one had a different/variant head but that's really and truly minor nit-pick. Also really dig how this looks in Battroid, I just hope that this thing can stand straight - my other 17i's have a helluva time standing properly (around the chest and how the cockpit folds in/upwards). -b.
  17. Could it be that this is growing on me, or could it be that I just like buying Valkyries....? Thanks for the pictures/scans IXTL. -b.
  18. Something for you car guys - Audi RS6 owned by the late Paul Walker; http://editorial.autos.msn.com/blogs/post--paul-walkers-audi-rs6-on-ebay-for-the-highest-bidder?icid=autos_5666 And for the big spender with disposable income; http://www.ebay.com/itm/Audi-RS6-RS6-PAUL-WALKER-OWNED-2003-Audi-RS6-Avant-Imported-RARE-/261480563855?forcerrptr=true&hash=item3ce174c48f&item=261480563855&pt=US_Cars_Trucks -b.
  19. Or everyone has the potential to get them. I really think that the main culprit is dark plastic making them easy to see and maybe(?) tighter tolerances on this one helping to cause the stress marks. -b.
  20. Truly, I'm of the same mind. But if Bandai comes out and makes a statement specifically about those defective pieces from the CF 171 then that means they acknowledge the problem. If that's something they'd do then cool but my guess is we'll just have to assume the problem is fixed or take our 50/50 chance on the purchase. Yeah, my post was meant to be very tongue-in-cheek and I think you're right about the animation (but I don't remember). Re: the fin on the RVF-25 was further back so the existing 25 stand worked just fine (that's how I have mine displayed, in Fighter with fin down). Maybe it will have to displayed on the stand with the fin up. -b.
  21. Fair enough (I checked my 30th Anniversary and Isamu 29's yesterday evening as well - with none to be seen) but the issue is the stress marks are just a tad bit obvious on the darker plastic. I don't think anyone is denying that these are toys and will get a blemish here or there, but not out of the box as some have seen and speaking for myself I don't want my $ 200 toy to look like it fell of the desk or cabinet. -b.
  22. Just have to keep checking the usual places like HLJ, Hobby Search and AmiAmi to see when they randomly re-open pre-orders up until release. -b.
  23. It was posted in the Star Wars thread, but I'm sure you're correct in that his hiring and/or announcement was made in part due to the success of Godzilla. -b.
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