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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Yeah, me too. It's a nice little departure from the VF-1 which is what the 25 (IMO) is an homage of. -b.
  2. The intakes have always been a little finicky on all of my 29's for some reason, the Ozma 29 being no exception. The left has a tendency to pop up if it get's hit/bumped just the right way but 99% of the time it stays into place. -b.
  3. Go for it, we could always use another thread to complain about something. That said it doesn't bother me on the 25 or 27. -b. I almost think you are being sarcastic... But if not... -b.
  4. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    Possible, but I think it will be too cost prohibitive. Especially if it"s a new mold Arcadia would want, or need, to recoup costs on. -b.
  5. Says every Macross fan with every Macross release. -b.
  6. Perhaps, but it doesn't change the underlying assertion that comic book movies are very big business for the movie and comic industries. And that this movie will make a gajillion dollars, ending up on one of these highest grossing lists. -b.
  7. He's not talking about highest grossing thru the entire run, but through opening weekend. I don't see any adjusted for inflation figures on Box Office Mojo that address opening weekend. -b.
  8. As far as stands go I only use those that come with the Bandai DX, FlightPose (or Flexi-Display). I use acrylic risers that can be found on Amazon.com if I need to provide lift or different levels to make room on a shelf. -b.
  9. My two CF-171's pose like crap in Battroid mode, and my Alto VF-171EX has been in Fighter so long I don't think it's capable of transforming to anything else. And yeah, transforming the 171 is the, or one of, the worst. -b.
  10. Ha ha, true! Nobody else mention the Monster or other Macross related capital ships or fighters, we're only talking about Valkyries. -b.
  11. Looks great! That's such a hard call, as you say Bandai may or may not do a second run and other retailers like HLJ may still get in additional stock, OR they may not. Even if I didn't have an Ozma 29 I would not pay the $ 250 being asked for by that one shop on Mandarake but that's my personal choice - it all depends on how badly you want the item. Tough call for sure and even tougher to predict what will happen with stock and after-market prices. -b.
  12. Word. And I demand to be able to find one at a reasonable price. -b.
  13. Regardless of personal taste it's just going to take a lot to convince folks to double-dip, especially so soon and especially if the original is still *available. I get the anniversary of Macross 7 is this year, and really that's cool but I think if Arcadia is going with this release they'd be better served making it to order and not more than that. -b.
  14. Good buy! I wish I had room for one or two more, the two that I have are pretty packed from top (including top of the cabinet itself) to bottom. -b.
  15. If you mean variable fighter then yeah, the (3) different modes are a pretty integral, but as you go on to say, it's all about personal preference. -b.
  16. Comic book fans would've thunk it - I remember clamoring for good movies based on comic properties as a teenager. I 100% agree about Burton's Batman, although I don't look back fondly on any of that era's Bat-movies. I really like Nolan's Batman from top to bottom the best, and arguably they did more for comic book films from a pop-culture perspective than Burton or Reeve (RIP) ever did. Another thing we agree on is that there is money to be made, and it WILL be made with this film, no matter what any of us say about it here, so yeah... And I really want to pre-hate this movie on principle but the nerd in me would prefer for this to be "good". -b.
  17. Ooouuuccchhhh! At you Fargo guys, I guess I need to start watching as I keep hearing good things. -b.
  18. No, no - please don't do any extra work. Great pics as always - we're just giving you a hard time. -b.
  19. Yup, about 7 pieces added to the Valk. -b.
  20. ^Hey, you forgot the skull emblem on the ground! -b.
  21. Good luck! I tried to separate my Tornado Parts order once I realized the 25F parts would ship later with the 25G parts, I had to cancel the entire order and place them separately. Although I think another member was able to get it accomplished w/out cancelling - so YMMV. Funny thing for me, my first impression was of how tiny the box was, I was expecting something the same size as the 25 Super Parts, but it makes sense, since there is less "stuff" with these. -b.
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