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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. VF-25A VF-25S VF-25F RVF-25 VF-25G I think the G suffers because for (what seems like) all the hate that gets thrown at Alto, Michel is an even less liked character. Just my very unscientific guess. -b.
  2. LOL - I was usually the one boring everyone at meetings/conferences. And when I wasn't I was usually on MS Lync talking to someone I shouldn't about something I shouldn't. And thanks for the review Veef! -b.
  3. Cannon Fodder all the way. -b.
  4. Another point to add regarding the movie, characters and who the story revolved around; Very happy to have been wrong about that. -b.
  5. All I have is her Queadluun-Rau... -b.
  6. Point taken. It's just odd to read so much negative reaction based on this, that or the other but then see "OMG, I love it" on another. -b.
  7. Sometimes, but you don't really know until you've seen the movie. It might be the case here, it might not. And if you're using what you've read from the source material - the film makers could still surprise (or enrage) you by changing up the story. -b.
  8. Can't wait! -b.
  9. Uh, the same namby-pamby kid that pilots the 25F? I do like the VF-25 out of all the Mac F era Valkyries but everyone is entitled to their opinions on what appeals to them the most. -b.
  10. Very cool pipedream, yeah I like what you did with the second picture that Saburo and Hey-Pi-Ron are partial to. -b.
  11. ^Nice! The only thing you need (that's been released) is her VF-1J. -b.
  12. Kanedas Bike

    1/48 dead?

    Ha! But it'd probably retail for $ 500. It's all good to dream big, but when the SRP get's announced it'll be nothing but fire and pitchforks around here. -b.
  13. Excited for this one as well, I'm happy to see that (IMO) each trailer has looked better than the last. Emily Blunt -b.
  14. Everyone = majority Maybe you can have a movie marathon with 90's Godzilla and XM:TLS to make yourself feel better. -b.
  15. So now that the majority has spoken about their like of the new Batman suit, will that mean you'll give the movie a fare shake? Or do we all still hate the title, premise, director, etc.? -b.
  16. ^No worries! Hopefully you get whatever the issues with your landing gear figured out. It's little things like that (pieces not sitting flush, or not aligning properly) that drive me up the wall, so good luck with yours! -b.
  17. Sorry, the intake cover. No issues that I know of with my landing gear doors. -b.
  18. From a design stand-point, especially in Fighter mode it evokes the VF-1. An homage doesn't have to be a direct copy, just something that pays tribute to what came before. You also have Max, Roy and Millia colors making appearances in Frontier too. -b.
  19. Just got back from seeing it, was damn good. I agree with all of the high points already mentioned by folks like Mog, Mr. March and others. Easily the best X-film made to date. The post-credits scene was kind of an emotional meh considering how the movie played out but I'm interested to see where they go with this. And -b.
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