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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. That's a pretty interesting theory, I hope that they do expand upon that in some companion material as I agree that particular "ability" irked me when I first learned about it before the movie came out and a little during (but not enough to take me out of my movie-going bliss). -b.
  2. ^school is in session -b.
  3. not a problem! -b.
  4. ^Nice purchase. I was always hesitant to pull the trigger because I wasn't sure about how much articulation the figure had. It's too bad they never released the Justin Bailey variant. -b.
  5. That's awesome the way Mandarake took care of the issue, still sucks that you're back on the hunt. I sold my Robotech Scott a couple of years back, kind of wish I didn't but desperate times sometimes call for desperate measures...That said I'm not actively looking for one but IF I happen to see one before you I'll shout. -b.
  6. It's okay, we still like you even if you have bad* taste in VF-25 colors. I will agree that I wish the tan were darker, but as is I still like it best out of what's been released. If no other reason that it's a Cannon Fodder scheme. But take a look at my avatar to see what my favorite 25 load-out is. *OK, so not bad, just not good enough to like the 25A -b.
  7. ^So if it's not being screened for critics do we think, that Disney thinks, it's a stinker? My interest has kind of gone up after seeing some of the later trailers, but still not enough to go check this out in the theaters (outside of date night or something). -b.
  8. Honestly if the ask is if it's worth investing in one or two to see what their value is down the line then it's a risky proposition. Most other Valks that were first-time shelf warmers had an aesthetic appeal that the average Macross fan could like. The 30th Anniversary VF-1J is, in my opinion, to polarizing a scheme. agree...again -b.
  9. ^can't see the video (not available in my country - US). But it's very possible, a lot of times trailers contain footage that doesn't make it to the theatrical release. Also, really cool perspective from you and your wife. -b.
  10. Sorry to edit your comments Mr. March, I just wanted to quote your thoughts on Channing Tatum - you know for posterity's sake. Odd, I would have said that maybe the thought is that DoFP is too adult, but Captain America had some pretty gritty moments and tones as well. -b.
  11. Honestly, hadn't noticed (not an action figure guy). Besides the Hot Toys/Sideshow items were there any toys for Captain America: The Winter Soldier? -b.
  12. See, I would say Xavier wants co-existence thru peace vs. Magneto as co-existence thru dominance. The above (taken as a whole in myk's post) is kind of like those folks that want to cram their religious/political/socio-whatever views down your throat by debating you to death or always flaunting their cause or ideology to get your attention. -b.
  13. So...I was kind of high off the idea of getting more "stuff"...but seriously? Let's take off the black carbon fiber hood (ha) and add the stock silver/grey one back. Instant repaint. -b.
  14. The two places I usually shop at for Bandai web-exclusives, N-Y and Mandarake usually have a fair amount of stock available. Using only the Isamu YF-29 as an example there are still plenty of those available at decent prices. David or others can add their own experiences. -b.
  15. Not that they're really meant to be taken off, but yes you can remove them. -b.
  16. Thank you Gakk, I had one like that when I was a kid so I'll pick up two for the sake of nostalgia. That EVA Prime is f$*#$ing hideous. No joke it looks like something I threw up in a drunken stupor after a night in South Beach when I lived down there. And now I have an excuse to hit a few Toys R Us's tomorrow, nothing like a good toy hunt to kill some time. -b.
  17. ... So did I miss any news about the paint scheme being confirmed on "exclusive" MP-18 Streak? -b.
  18. So...uh, I hope that they introduce one of the spawns of Summers in the next film. Always liked Nathan and Rachel. -b.
  19. Thank you Golden Arms. I have to admit that I didn't really didn't delve into the film with regards to some of the very important social issues you brought up. I think because I don't really expect it from these types of movies, for better or worse. I also fall into an ethnic minority demographic and I expect a certain "treatment" in all forms of news and media and at this point in my life it just doesn't vex me anymore, again for better or worse. With regards to the movie I tip my hat to Mr. March as he added insight in a much more eloquent manner than I could. You both bring up really valid points, I just think I'm of the mind that "it is what it is" and with that I'm happy that even at a shallow level they addressed the idea of living harmoniously with those that are different. Also credit to Bryan Singer who I didn't have much faith in before seeing this (regardless of any other issues going on). -b.
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