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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. The 25A is pure win. Granted I think a lot of my bias comes from a love of cannon fodder schemes AND from a really solid toy release. Surprised to see folks that don't like the head on the 25S, it's honestly one of my, if not outright favorite Macross Frontier-era Valkyrie head unit. -b.
  2. As awesome as those, and most of the other posted ideas sound, we'd be lucky to keep this Valk under $ 1000. ^this guy. -b.
  3. A parade of nice Grimlock pictures. Something about the blue on King Grimlock doesn't sit well with me, but I'm digging the crown! -b.
  4. Agree, Bill Paxton was really good in this. I'm happy to see him recently in really good supporting roles. Reminds me of how awesome (read that how you'd like) in Aliens. -b.
  5. Well...if anything Ant-Man's journey to the big screen will be interesting. Guessing they're going full-blown comedy with this one though. -b.
  6. Ha! You're probably right about that. -b.
  7. Very nice cabinet aaajin! Please just find someplace else for that horrible that 30th Anniversary VF-1J, the 25A should have a shirt on that says "you can't sit with us". -b.
  8. Decided to use my YF-19 as a guinea pig to remove one of those missiles, to remove them you'd have to pull straight up. There are two tabs that fight into the bottom of the missile that secure it to the door. Re: the ankles a few members have been pretty vocal about their design so (unfortunately) that's nothing new or uncommon. -b.
  9. The dudes working there were really cool (I don't think I'd been in that store for at least 5-6 years) and I wanted to broach the subject, but I decided since I wasn't going to buy it anyway then why bother. But yeah, that price tag had me like WTF. -b.
  10. ^Impressive, or even imposing. That weathering looks really good, to be expected since that's threezero's thing. Congrats on the buy! -b.
  11. Honestly, we don't know. But it's a good-enough bet, guess or assumption that they will re-issue the 25S in one way, shape or form. Regarding the high after-market prices, they're like that because someone, somewhere is buying them at $ 300+ per so for those that really and truly just have to have a 25S right this second just be prepared to pony up the cash. But for my money I would wait or just do without before paying that much for this particular item. -b.
  12. Is there one event (industry show, show premier, magazine publication, etc.) that is likely to have an update on this production? I'm equal parts curious and anxious to find out the direction and theme this will take. -b.
  13. Sorry to quote your post, I know that you're relaying news/discussion already had in other threads so my response is not directed at you. That said, the whole each production is a unique universe unto itself is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read (related to Macross). The fact that (in chronological order) Zero, SDFM/DYRL, Plus, 7 and Frontier have stories that are built and predicated on what happened in prior releases makes this alternate universe stance very irritating. And while I'm not a fan of Macross 2 or 7 I don't hate them, they have their places in Macross-lore just like any other series or companion material (books, games, etc.). And oh yeah, I choose the YF-29 or whatever... -b.
  14. The kind that will cause about 5 pages of complaints before pre-orders even open. Maybe 6. -b.
  15. Speaking of MP Grimlock, I was in a local comic book store today and saw a Takara MP-08 with a fairly shelf-worn box marked for sale at the bargain basement price of $ 400. I had to walk past the display cabinet twice just to make sure that I wasn't seeing things. In other news I bought a Leader Class Optimus from AoE with the intent to try and customize it, or at the very least remove the "shell" so that it looks 1/2 decent in robot mode. This is now officially the first transformable Transformer I've purchased from any of the live-action movies. -b.
  16. Saw this earlier today, I really enjoyed it. I thought it was smart, funny (yes, the movie has a few bits of humor sprinkled in) and well acted. For those apt to get bent about such things, expect a plot hole or two and some leaps in logic but taken as a whole I thought the movie was more smart than not. -b.
  17. Too bad they didn't have it in Fighter mode with the stand. Inquiring minds want to know how that's going to work or if there will be a new stand just for this release. -b.
  18. Something tells me these words come from first hand experience. In my perfect world I just want a nice, comfortable "place" to be able to escape to, where I can be surrounded by all my creature comforts. There are a few folks on this board with incredible collections and a few very nice rooms and displays, I'm inspired by all of them. -b.
  19. Hopefully not, but I did have similar thoughts this morning (was tempted to pre-order). I don't ship SAL anymore and even with Airmail at $ 37 vs EMS at $57 bringing the cost to something a little more reasonable (vs.pre-orders at other stores) I'm not 100% comfortable with this particular CD Japan pre-order. -b.
  20. ...never had Metroplex but I did have Fort Max as a kid. No idea what happened to him but I remember I loved playing with the (2) Headmasters that were apart of that set - they had better articulation from what I remember other Transformers had at the time. -b.
  21. You spelled Hound wrong. *yeah, I know y'all are talking about Porsche, but still -b.
  22. Ya know, the colors never really stood out as a positive or negative to me before your comment. They are fairly Gundam-ish but there is enough grey, white and even the brown/bronze on the gatling gun to tone things down a bit. That said, I wouldn't be opposed to a darker/low-viz variant. -b.
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