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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Well orange you glad that you were seeing it correctly? The Macross the Ride variant looks cool, it's hard for me to tell but does it have eyes, or a hint of eyes inside of the translucent green head unit? If so that's awesome. -b.
  2. So back on topic; trying to get back into theaters to see Edge of Tomorrow again in IMAX. As with any subsequent viewing I'm trying to pick up on things that I may have missed the last time. -b.
  3. ^And I thank you. I started reading the wiki page on Ocelot but the more I read the more it kind of reinforced my thoughts on the Metal Gear story it's...scope. I will absolutely read and check out the resources everyone has pointed me to (and again, thank you all ). It'll just have to be one weekend where I'm stuck in the house, and in the mood to take notes. -b.
  4. fixed But really the only similarities are the flight competition, and "jets", the similarities end there. WM, I wouldn't take those box office numbers as defeats, it really speaks to who goes to the movies. Children, teens, women (or dudes on dates with wives, gf's, etc.) and young adults - besides those that are science fiction fans most of those demos are not the audience for Pacific Rim or Edge of Tomorrow. Honestly I'm not surprised how the weekend box office turned out. Take it as a win that the movie is so well reviewed and that it has a chance for significant overseas revenue and home viewing. -b. -b.
  5. Cool! Pretty sure that I already have that, and it's sitting in my list of DLC that I never paid attention to. Thanks! -b.
  6. But the box...it's so nice. Logical or not, to be honest I'd pay $ 20 (give or take) for the box alone. So with a 1/2 of sale I view it as getting an awesome display piece (the box) with a $ 60 v2 1/60 Valk to boot. -b.
  7. Wholeheartedly agree. -b.
  8. Agree with all of this except; War of the Worlds, Cruise and his movie family drove me nuts - I wanted them all vaporized. And I'm not ashamed to say that I liked The Last Samurai or Top Gun - for what they were I was entertained and I could watch either to this day. I also agree with this to an extent, but re: Cruise people are up in arms over his faith and how he went ape-sh!t for Katie Holmes. Which in my humble opinion is ridiculous. There have been a few women in my life, that for various reasons made me want to jump up and down on a couch, some good, some bad - so I won't judge. -b.
  9. Slip? I ride that slope all the way down! Found my way into another Toys R Us this evening, nothing new to report other than that there were noticeably less Age of Extinction toys on the shelf and only 1 or 2 Evasion Primes left. -b.
  10. Excited for Batman: Arkham Knight. And even though nothing this year, did someone say a new Mass Effect? -b.
  11. Thank you, appreciate the offer. The smart ass in me wants to say all of it, it just gets a tad convoluted in places. Like The Boss, Ocelot, Snake/Punished Snake/Naked Snake, Solidus, Liquid Snake and Ocelot, Raiden, the Patriots, etc., etc., etc. Honestly I stopped trying to put it all together but if you have a resource/link/wiki I'll read up and shut up. -b.
  12. Interested, I just wish it you had a 3rd person view as an OPTION. -b.
  13. LOL That's where I used to do most of my damage, my thinking being, I'm here earning dollars to spend on toys. I would actually do the math for how many hours I'd have to work to fund a purchase! -b.
  14. IF, I was to buy one second hand Mandarake is probably highest on my list of places I would trust. I've purchased a few opened items from them, one being a 25A and that came in brand-new condition with zero issues. That said, you are right, it's always buyer beware but if I had to risk my money I would do it with them first. Re: the if/when's of any re-issue it's a coin flip, just as simple as that. -b.
  15. Yeah, I think at this particular moment in time MISB will be a bit more than $ 400, just based on how they're being priced currently. All I've seen have been opened, north of $ 300 and then the two opened on Mandarake for $ 400+. -b.
  16. Oh, I know I was only teasing you two. Hence the " :P". -b. Edit/odd, hence the is what should have shown
  17. Not sure I understand, besides some plastic pigmentation issues were there problems with Arcadia's two VF-1S's? I hadn't heard of anything, especially compared to Yamato's earlier v2 1/60 releases. Agree about more product being put into the market - Bandai and Arcadia are two gun-shy. I understand wanting to mitigate risk but the writing is on the wall that there's a market that can support the production and sale of more units. -b.
  18. Not gonna lie, I would totally be down for a Hello Kitty Valkyrie too. For one simple reason; women LOVE Hello Kitty. From FL to MI 80% of the women I've, uh, met, like Hello Kitty. It still blows my mind because they came from all different demographics. So yeah, sign me up - it'll be a nice conversation piece to have when they come over and see my toy shelves. -b.
  19. Yeah, those two on Mandarake are a bit over-priced (which surprises me since they're usually on the reasonable side) since they're both open box. For now a Renewal can still be found for around $ 300 but if those two $ 450+ units sell then look out. -b.
  20. Loved Metal Gear Solid and Metal Gear Solid IV, I just wish I could understand the damn story. Then I might be more excited for this release (and yeah, I'm going to buy it, especially since I already have Ground Zeroes). -b.
  21. ...the makings of a future cult-classic? Going to stay away from the Tom Cruise stuff, but I think he's a talented actor and I appreciate the effort that he puts into his movies. That alone will get him, and the movies he stars in the benefit of the doubt with me. -b.
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