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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Gonna bring this back... In before the lock! -b.
  2. So I feel like it's a bad thing that I've never opened either of my Wing Zero FFMCs, regular or prelude. Both still sealed behind cardboard shippers... -b.
  3. Really good point. It might feel "weird" at first but with a little (more) suspension of disbelief that could actually work out well. As a technology, Deep Fakes can be pretty scary in real-world application, but for Hollywood I agree that it could be amazing. -b.
  4. Kind of wish Star Wars would leave prequel stories alone for any established characters. I'm all for stories set in the past but I don't want to see Kylo's backstory given how I know how his story ends. And while I totally care about Rey, Finn and Poe I'd rather see their stories continue, not what 10 year old Rey was doing in the desert or Poe's time as a spice runner. My hope is that they don't wait until the actors are old and grey limiting the type of story that can be told with the characters...a la Luke, Leia and Han. That is if they can entice Boyega and Isaac back to Star Wars at all. -b.
  5. LOL - totally agreed about the accents! But I don't regret the purchase at all, totally worth the money (at retail) I spent on my copies. -b.
  6. ...I mean, why not? Sci-Fi can be set in the past, current or future, we've seen past decades touched before. I haven't watched Umbrella Academy or Doom Patrol but given the current state of affairs concerning civil rights I'm not surprised. This is also a subject matter that has generally been ignored in mainstream sci-fi, or at least not treated seriously (at least to my recollection) before. That said, I'd like my horror and sci-fi to be more escapism than anything else, but 2 to 4 shows is still a pretty small sample size for the subject matter. -b.
  7. My .02, the weapons you get with the Deluxe Snake-Eyes are the realistic Uzi and handgun vs. the Sci-Fi inspired guns with the regular version. Realistic Guns More "Ninja" weapons and stand with which to display Nicer box Better QC, the joints on my deluxe are much tighter than the regular version. Not that the regular version is horrible, but you can easily tell the difference Paint apps, in particular the one I care about is the silver visor, but the deluxe has green accents and silver accents (which other than the visor I like less than the all black regular) Worth $100 or more? Eh, only if you care about the above and/or want to round out your Snake Eyes collection. -b.
  8. All entitled to opinions, even when they're very, very, very wrong. Granted, seasons 7 and 8 of Game of Thrones left a lot to be desired. Agreed. Season 2 was a little rocky at points, but I thoroughly enjoyed Season 3 and am looking forward to the final season. 100000 times yes, it was brilliant, even with extremely low expectations given Damon Lindelof's previous work Watchmen was excellently written and acted. As much as I'd love to see what happens I hope that they never follow-up the season and let it stand on it's own. Re: Lovecraft Country, if one can't relate or don't care about the real world struggles of the protagonists or simply don't want to see that in your fiction, then it probably won't matter how well done the fictionalized horror (vs real world horror of racism) is. They're very much intertwined in the novel (from what I've read online - today) and the TV show. But I love that stories that I can personally relate to are finding their way to more and more mainstream media. Googling the poem written by H.P. Lovecraft that's referenced early on was eye opening, but like I said earlier I'm disappointed but at the end of the day not terribly surprised. -b.
  9. Thank you both! Just finished Episode 1 and I thought it was fantastic. It also led me a rabbit hole bringing to light things I didn't know about H.P. Lovecraft. I'll just say that was disappointing, but all-in-all not surprising. In any event, super excited for the series and am about to go and track down a copy of Lovecraft Country. -b. *edit, yes Jurnee is flat out gorgeous - beyond that I very much like that the 3 main characters are all smart and capable
  10. So any other opinions of Lovecraft Country? - thanks @blackconvoy_D01 I didn't get to watch it last night but will check it out after work today. -b.
  11. That Batmobile from the animated series is awesome. That design is hands down my favorite iteration of Batman's ride. -b.
  12. Was able to score (2) Roadblocks via online, in-store pickup. I've yet to see any of these in the wild. The collector in me wants a couple of Cobra Troopers, but if I don't get them then oh well, I honestly would have been content with just Snake Eyes in my collection. -b.
  13. Gotcha. Stalking to commence on social media. Of course, but for this entire conversation you’ve posted from the perspective of business owner. But seriously it’s all good, we’ve beaten the crap out of this dead horse lol. -b.
  14. You're being biased as a business owner, which is fine. We all have our own biases. As a consumer I'm perfectly within my rights to recount my experience with your business as I see it. We all hope for that accounting to be fair and reasonable, and to be honest I don't take any issue with stating that $90 for shipping sounds excessive. I'd be pissed too if it were me. Granted with additional fact finding maybe that $90 is completely justified, but on it's face I'm going to reiterate that based on what's been stated in this thread I agree with the assertion that something doesn't add up, and would likely share my experiences with the folks here if I felt strongly enough about it. Usually I don't though, I vote with my wallet and spend my money elsewhere because as we've said, perspective is key as are our own opinions, bias and viewpoints about the things we go through. Now - can someone tell me where to find a good price on a MB Freedom Gundam Concept 2??? I've got preorder secured from a US e-tailer, but I want one now! lol -b.
  15. Yeah, that would annoy me too. Don't provide an estimate if your customers should ignore it. I don't really have any personal reference for them and how trustworthy or not they are so hopefully you can get an amicable solution to your shipping situation, but barring that hopefully you get what you paid for (and in good order). Good luck to you as well! -b.
  16. So I've only used them once, for S.H. Figuarts items, and the shipping was very inexpensive for EMS. Now granted, those items still haven't shipped and those in no way compare to the Snow White Gundam Wing, but I do have one of those myself and the box is gigantic and heavy (which you already know). $90 "feels" high but as Sqidd was trying to say it depends on the vendor they're using and the method. So my "gut check" feeling is the same as yours, but there are some other factors not listed that might add some perspective to the price. Perspective works both ways, the way that it's fair to give the shop some benefit of the doubt it's perfectly fair to allow someone to feel that the price they're being asked to pay is significantly higher than what they were expecting/prepared for/feel is reasonable. The bottom line is COVID has everything f'ed up and international shipping is just another symptom of that. -b.
  17. Watched this the other day out of boredom, and well I fell asleep on it because it was boooorrrrring up until the last 1 or 2 episodes. I wanted to like War for Cybertron simply because it was the first animated Transformers show I've watched since Beast Wars/Machines, but it was extremely underwhelming. -b.
  18. ^Nice! -b.
  19. IMHO Classified Snake Eyes (Deluxe and Regular) have been by far my favorite new toys of the past several months. This out of the Bandai DX 1/48, various Metal Build and Composite Gundams, Flame Toys Kuro Kara Kuri Optimus Prime, 1000Toys Re: Edit Master Chief and assorted S.H. Figuarts Star Wars and Marvel figures and the Arcadia Premium VF-0D. Many of those toys are outright fantastic (others not so much), but Snake-Eyes is just fun, maybe because he brings me back to so many childhood memories. -b.
  20. So, so, true. And that's exactly why I'm tempering my expectations. Ridley hasn't exactly been hitting it out of the park lately. -b.
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