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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Hey David, currently I just have the order directly through the ThreeZero store and nope, not paid for yet. I read thru their Help section to try and get a feel for how they prefer and process payments and it only says; That payment is due before the item has shipped (ha) Most of the items sold on their site are pre-orders And that shipment is within the pre-order window (so for this it could theoretically be between now and Q4) So for now the order remains opened and awaiting payment when I log into the account, but I'll wait a couple of days to see if it cancels. ^This is what it looks like (I've removed the Order and Transaction ID's). -b.
  2. Thank you! I'll use BBTS as plan B in case my order with ThreeZero gets cancelled. I want the exclusive cannon. -b.
  3. Too bad you have to pay for the pre-order immediately, I really hate that. *Edit, or maybe not - I opted to close out of the PayPal window and I got an on-screen message that said order cancelled, but when I logged back into my account it said awaiting payment Guess time will tell! -b.
  4. Looks like RD Blade beat me to the punch with an actual example, but my reply is along the lines of the movie being created in '86 with a hypothetical 2005 Earth. At that point in time the designers could have made every single vehicle a hover craft and said "viola, here is a representation of how real-world vehicles will look 20 years into the future". One could not reasonably say that Hot Rod, Kup or anyone else looked out of place because there's no basis in reality. Going further, if anything Prime and Ultra Magnus and a few others would have looked like classics since they were based on real-world designs of the 80's. Those guys were more out of place in the movie than the characters created for it. -b.
  5. For the most part I agree, but I wouldn't always count what sales as a deal, more like the prices are reflective of what items are selling for in the "real world" i.e. their brick and mortar shops. You can look at a few listings like Ozma's 25S and Armor Parts along with his YF-29 as examples, in addition to some older or more sought after Yamato items. Auctions are a whole other beast, and if you try and further differentiate between eBay and Y! Japan then yikes... -b.
  6. Personally I'd suggest going with your own sense of personal aesthetic. I have one Detolf that is all Yamato/Arcadia with shelves dedicated to DYRL, SDFM and another Detolf dedicated to nothing but Bandai DX releases. Examples; I have the Vermillion Squad with Roy's VF-1S and a cannon fodder TV VF-1A on one shelf. I have all (3) DYRL VF-1S's, a DYRL Hikaru VF-1A and Destroid Tomahawk on another. I have Alto's VF-25F, VF-27 and Alto's YF-29 on a shelf. You can also take a look thru this thread to get a really good idea of how folks like to display their collections. -b.
  7. OUCH. Is that what happened? Hopefully they don't have to modify the story (much or at all) because of this, I don't want to hear about any "it was originally intended to be this, that or the other" until Old Solo got hurt. -b.
  8. At first I thought the "Transformers are dangerous" viral marketing was kind of cool (chalk that up to me not really looking at any of the related media besides the poster of Prime's face until now) but now it just smacks of dumb xenophobia that could, or could not be satire based off of real life. That said. I'm still in an IMAX seat on June 27th. -b.
  9. Who said anything about Gerwalk? My post specifically stated Fighter Mode. Sorry for the off-topic reply but I just wanted the record straight. No way, there were a few Transformers from TF:TM that could be considered Robots in Disguise. Namely most of the Autobots that transformed into "future" vehicles. The Decipticons created/re-designed by Unicron weren't meant to blend in with Earth vehicles, I think they were more along the lines of "better" versions of whatever they were before (not including the Insecticons that got turned into Scourge/Sweeps). Gotcha! -b.
  10. (2) of them, see! Very easy, Space Brick - by virtue of name is not very aerodynamic. Anywhere from 50 to 90% of the appeal of Macross (Valkyrie toys) is the show features Fighters that look like they might actually be able to fly transforming while having the ability to transform into cool robots. Runs and hides from other TF fans while screaming that I DO actually like Transformers. -b.
  11. Yamato v2 GBP-1 with optional/exclusive missile firing effect; http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1707825.html Not sure how much of a deal this was, or wasn't - but it sold for 18,000 JPY. -b.
  12. Re: the Cannon Fodder VF-1A's from SDFM and DYRL yes, the shade of white is different. The same as any of Yamato's TV vs. DYRL releases. There are also a few other paint and tampo printing differences (besides the most obvious head unit designs). -b.
  13. Judging by just the posts on this page, most likely, you, Smut Peddler, eriku, JBO me (despite my b!tching) and most certainly Gakken. -b.
  14. Congrats dude, sounds like a helluva deal! -b.
  15. RIP - Loved watching Scooby-Doo as a young kid, a lot of fond childhood memories thanks to the voice talent of Mr. Kasem. -b.
  16. Ugh, yeah Powermaster Prime was a horrendously executed toy. I'm going to try not to hate on Star Saber, or rather the choice of Star Saber as an MP. An who the hell knows, I may end up liking the design once it's all said and done. I just know that Takara had better get to work on some TF:TM and G1 designs, Autobots and Decepticons alike to help round out the line. -b.
  17. Ha! Exactly. Matter of fact, I should probably start saving right now. -b.
  18. Oh hell. Then why'd he get considered for a Masterpiece release???? A literal brick. Unbelievable. -b.
  19. Browsed thru the entries for Headmasters, Super-God Masterforce and Victory. Interesting read, but I'm surprised that with the episodic nature of Victory it's as popular as it is (considering prior seasons/series had an overall season story arc). True. Perspective is incredibly important in all matters. Quoted and put in bold for truth. I honestly hope that Space Brick is as awesome as fans want it to be, anything that sells and continues a line that I collect is aces in my book. -b.
  20. Almost spit out my water reading that last sentence. EASILY the best reason to miss a post-credits scene ever. I also agree it would have been cool to see any Wolverine action in the future, but thankfully his lack of an action scene in the future didn't detract from those that happened. Considering the source AND the material, that's some pretty high praise. -b.
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