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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Wouldn't blame you. And it bears repeating that businesses need to make it easy for their customer's to do business with them. If N-Y has a set policy then it needs to be handled with more consistency and understanding of potential future business. -b.
  2. Preferably with an expensive purse, pair of shoes or whatever else she loves. -b.
  3. ^The replies above are what's so awesome about these boards, members being helpful to one another. -b.
  4. +1,000,000 I only play as Ryu or maybe Ken but for sure there were always the over-powered or "cheap" characters and characters that have moves or other characters as Achilles heel. I remember getting cursed out by some kid on PS Network when I beat his Akuma with Ryu calling me cheap and I was like...wait, you're playing as that guy and talking trash. LOL -b.
  5. Ultra Magnus looks good to me but I wouldn't be that critical of the release because it's not a holy-grail that I want to see done just right. The only thing that goes in my WTF column is that silly face and that itty-bitty Matrix (unless of course it's the same size as other Matrices and it just looks smaller relative to scale). @Benson, I'm sure Bumblebee will open again for pre-order at HLJ, it's opened and closed, along with Magnus a few times already. -b.
  6. Challenge. Accepted. Ha! I learned from getting my ass handed to me over and over and over and over and over again by my friends. But when I started handed out the beatings it was truly one of those "the student has become the teacher" moments. -b.
  7. Bonus points galore. Right down to placing quarters on the machine for next and having a crowd watch your matches. The hell, a 90's kid. GET OFF MY LAWN! Only as old as you feel guys! And I feel 28...that's my story and I'm sticking to it. -b.
  8. ^Sorry, I still haven't transformed mine. -b.
  9. There are a few Valks that I want as well, that may not ever be re-released or found at a "palatable" price but if that's the case then I take it that it's just not meant for me to have them. Besides that, it just means some other company gets my money, or I get to save it. I'm over being bothered (for lack of a better term) about the release schedule or quantity of these things. If I get what I want, great, if I don't, great. -b.
  10. Agreed that The Island was mediocre at best (or worst) but it was certainly watchable. Kind of a tough call, between Bad Boys II, Pearl Harbor and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen you could go in any direction (no pun intended) with which is Bay's worst. The others on that list I could watch on a lazy day if and only if I had absolutely nothing better to do (no comment on Pain & Gain since I've never seen it). -b.
  11. Yeah, expectations, sometimes regardless of the "quality" of the actual product released, can really make or break a person's enjoyment of a product. No disputing anyone's sense of satisfaction or lack thereof with the YF-19, my comment was more along the lines of a "cool" Valkyrie design and not the actual implementation of such. That said I hope that the VF-0D meets or exceeds whatever expectations are out there. I like Arcadia's cautious approach when it comes to releasing entirely new molds, but that comes with added pressure to release a truly quality product that their customers can get behind. My fingers are firmly crossed for a nicely designed, issue free VF-0D. -b.
  12. Oh wow, those doors are not aesthetically pleasing... -b.
  13. Re: sturdiness, the same here. I've moved my two, fully loaded on all shelves across the room they're in at least twice and there were never any issues. In fact at least once nothing inside was even disturbed. -b.
  14. ^Reminds me of a chess or even checkers board. -b.
  15. Ha! How *cough* YF-19 *cough* funny! -b.
  16. Agree. And that ridiculous $ 399 price tag makes it an even less attractive alternative to the Detolf. Thank goodness they're not discontinuing the whole line. -b.
  17. The Arcadia VF-0D is going to be the new new. -b.
  18. Nice! The 25A should get ALL the love. -b.
  19. Unfortunately not. -b.
  20. Are those Swiss Army knives? And someone call Marvel and the producers of The Wolverine to sue, they stole Silver Samurai and put him in this...ahem..."movie". -b.
  21. ^Nice pics, and cool couch...err, photo booth! Really starting to regret selling my VF-11B all that time ago. -b.
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