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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. THANK GOODNESS!!!!! A pre-order I can pass on. -b.
  2. Philosophical differences, I'm the customer and if you as the business can't except that things happen, from significant life events to me simply changing my mind then we probably shouldn't exchange my money for your product. That said, of all the retailers that are generally used on these boards, HLJ, AmiAmi, Hobby Search and N-Y, N-Y is the ONLY one that cried shenanigans over pre-orders, but yet they ALWAYS manage to find stock to mark items up from 10-100% more than retail. Taking the Ozma YF-29 as a prime example AFTER they couldn't fulfill the paid orders of other customers. So again, I say "no" to that line of reasoning, especially when it comes to N-Y. -b.
  3. Yes, it is. But just take a look around, you'll find your answer easy enough. -b.
  4. ^That actually looks really f'ing cool. Makes me think of that super-duper-deluxe-what-if-chogokin thread in the Macross Toy section about a VF-1 toy to end all VF-1 toys. I'm interested enough to follow the progress of this and any other products that are put out, but I won't be ordering anything until reviews on quality are out. -b.
  5. HLJ had it up until earlier this morning (again). Just keep watching there. -b.
  6. Sure, sounds like a can't lose deal! Pictures or it never happened (you know, in the future when you paint your Arc room orange). -b.
  7. For real, I'd be down to purchase that Ark display, it's actually pretty cool. -b.
  8. Which actually sounds like a cool idea to absorb a $ 400 purchase, I just don't want to commit the money right now. And don't mention the shipping charge, at least HLJ is generally fair with their rates. -b.
  9. Order and pay for more stuff. Or Whatever it says on the page N-Y has set up explaining their discount and experience points program. -b.
  10. Update scanner caught Hobby Search opening this back up*; http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10264916 It's gone now but for those that may still be looking tonight/tomorrow you may have a shot. *no, I did not order one -b.
  11. No. As I also ordered the Tornado Parts for the 25F and G on the same order, well before the Ozma 29 was released and asked them to separate the order since they ship items together and I was also told to go and pound sand. Luckily it was immediate, they cancelled the order and I placed two separate orders with no change in price. But I tell you if there was another "easy" click and order e-tailer for exclusives my $$$ would certainly flow their there instead. Besides, the way that they've priced items before and after release makes them borderline scalper-ish themselves. I feel no mercy towards them. -b. *edit because I used the wrong "there" -
  12. Interesting. Very much appreciate the inside perspective. -b.
  13. Based on how N-Y has conducted some business, I'm betting on the latter - but I guess we'll find out soon enough. Can't wait for more pictures to pop up of the YF-25, although now I really wish it looked like that Bandai 1/72 Kit that folks keep referencing, that thing is awesome. -b.
  14. Don't it happens. And at least you acknowledged that a whole page of conversation took place without jumping in an rehashing or asking about the exact same thing that was just discussed. One thing I noticed that I don't think was touched on since TFW2005 put up the newest pictures is; 1) In the O-Face Matrix picture you don't see his Butt Flap, so maybe (read: hopefully) it's just a transformation error where it's seen. But probably not since it's in every single other robot mode pic. 2) His gun is stored in vehicle mode on the top level/ramp of the trailer, that's kind of cool. I'm 100% keeping my pre-order since I don't have any particular nits to pick. -b.
  15. Yeah, as much as I want to be optimistic in the same vein as 505thAirborne the realistic/pragmatic side of me agrees with s001 1,000,000%. Bay has made himself and studios way to much money to ever have an incentive to change. Oscars or critical acclaim be damned when you're rolling in dough and still getting opportunities to work and do what you want to do. QFT. -b.
  16. Exactly. Kids, I tell ya... When is the latest Street Fighter money grab coming for Capcom coming out again? I'm itching to jump back online and play now. Oh, sorry. They're pretty cool but kind of pricey. Always a good date night and if you can swing it an awesome place for after-hours team-builds for work (I could tell you some stories about drunken co-workers...). -b.
  17. Hey, nothing wrong with liking the classics! Every now and again you can find a good deal, or price on BBTS, but depending on what you collect they're few and far between and more often than not they're priced on the higher end of the spectrum. And there is no flipping way I'd pay $ 90 for MP-21 Bumblebee. Especially when HLJ and other places have it (or will have it) at or below retail. -b.
  18. Well...I just read the Discount Power page that Saburo posted (thanks!) and it looks like a moderately convoluted way to encourage your business and award you with some arbitrary discount once you've spent enough $$$. Similar to something that AmiAmi and Hobby Search already offer, but more complicated and not as transparent to what you'd actually earn (by way of a discount). -b.
  19. LOL - Dave and Busters are everywhere (or at least everywhere I've lived and/or visited). Was too busy getting drunk to remember if they had any SF games... -b.
  20. ^Well good luck! I also enjoy seeing my married friends try and explain expensive purchases to their respective wives. -b.
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