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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Ha ha ha. Well I would tell you to check out an old game from Nintendo Entertainment System called Lifeforce, a space-fighter shoot-em-up. These other guys would call me crazy and recommend an arcade game about amphibians. -b.
  2. Where's that Vader "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Gif when you need it? -b.
  3. Thanks gents! Much appreciated. -b.
  4. Hey, it's all good. We're all passionate about this, that and the other. I loved the game as a kid so from a nostalgic standpoint I do as an adult. Maybe if I would have had experience with Salamander I might feel differently, but alas. -b.
  5. Yes, it was sold out before I posted here, I'm just very curious to know if it was opened or not. -b.
  6. Can anyone who reads Japanese (not using Google, Bing or some web translator) tell if this was opened, or unopened? http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1715660.html Pretty please. -b.
  7. Sorry, I was just trying to do a SRP to SRP comparison. So sure, one could find just about anything at some over-inflated cost but that's not the point. And I'm truly not trying to argue or anything, but real world experience has shown me (and again, willing to bet others as well) that most, non-shelf warming Hasbro MP releases are generally ridiculously difficult to find at their original release. And from what I've seen these 3rd Party releases are easy (relative or not) to find at their original price, but I'm not an expert on them at all. -b.
  8. D'oh! Old people, you know they say the memory is the first thing to go. What were we talking about again? -b.
  9. Not at all trying to get into this official vs. 3rd Party release debate, but I would take exception to the line highlighted in bold. From my experience of just looking it's very difficult to find (most)Takara or (damn near all) Hasbro Masterpiece items at retail. Hasbro obviously in Toys R Us stores or online. Whereas I can look at a few online vendors and find 3rd Party stuff available. The only caveat being that I've never purchased a 3rd Party Transformer and while I see items available for purchase I wouldn't know if these are the "desirable" releases or the "undesirable" ones, but they've been easier to locate than a lot of official releases - and I would venture to guess I'm not the only one that's had a similar experience. -b.
  10. ^Interesting use of the Armor Parts vs. Super Parts. -b.
  11. Alright, since the tears came out I graduated high school the year that's mentioned in that post AND my only child is only three years younger than the poster. So...yeah... Those sound like they suck. Glad I never had any pay for time games/arcades. That might have turned me off from them completely as kid. *and for those with X-Box Live/360, Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition is free!!! -b.
  12. Yeah man, Dave & Buster's is a chain that has arcade, other games including pool and serves food and drinks (although you're too young to enjoy the latter). Now I need to look around my area to see if there still any proper coin-ops still going. Oh, and you better hope azrael doesn't see your post! -b.
  13. For those looking/wondering/asking, MP-22 Ultra Magnus is back up at HLJ. -b.
  14. LOL - Exactly! -b.
  15. Re: the Alto 171, go for it. I'm betting the triangles will be safe on the Luca 171, and yes I have mine ordered as a sign of confidence. -b.
  16. Because to Bandai Gundam>Macross. -b.
  17. You first man! At this current moment in time if this is a panic button issue I'm good with remaining blissfully ignorant. -b.
  18. Maybe the silver lining in hearing about how low the stock allocation has been across the board is that Bandai will do a another release in short order (vs. a long wait or not at all). -b.
  19. Agree with the price being high, when they show up at stores like Mandarake and Jungle, but it's not that often that they do show up. I don't go on eBay or Y! Japan so I can't speak on quantity of Ozma 29's that are available, but I'm quite sure that for those that are there they're marked sky-freaking-high. -b.
  20. Hey, you have to be a fan of the design. There are a few releases that I've gladly passed on and not looked back in regret, this Monster will join those ranks along with the last one from Bandai and the one from Yamato. -b.
  21. You probably did yourself a favor, IMHO the Alto YF-29 was one of the weakest releases in terms of quality from the Bandai Renewal Frontier line (the 29 being the herald for the Renewals). I know folks have had some success in tightening the joints, but mine have always loosened right back up. Money better spent elsewhere or saved. -b.
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