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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Not a fan at all of the Reactive Armor, and no disrespect intended towards those that do but if Arcadia tries to bundle that thing with the VF-0S then there damn well better be a stand-alone VF-0S release. Now I know I've been on the forums for a long time, I'm at the point where I can recognize recycled discussions/arguments - this regarding the scale of items and how large the VF-0 series is comparative to the VF-1. Arcadia, we need more progress pics of the VF-0D please. -b.
  2. Yep, I appreciate them, thank you! -b.
  3. If you live in the States and many other countries, Amazon.com.jp will not ship toys, and relevant to this discussion, Macross items to you. You have to have a proxy buyer. If it were that easy, affiliate or not, most of us would probably have a ton of stuff via Amazon. -b.
  4. good Now to hope that it doesn't end up on the Worst Science Fiction of All Time Thread. -b.
  5. Right? I thought I was the only one who felt that way re: current discussions. And new rub-off faction stickers would be WIN. Loved those things as a kid. Do it. Doooooooooo iiiiiittttttttt! -b.
  6. ^Cool, glad to know that the experience with Jungle has been pretty consistent and positive. Sealed Ozma YF-29; http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1650915.html Opened Alto VF-25F http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-763860.html -b.
  7. No words. I have no words. Correct. -b.
  8. So wait...is that picture above an actual representation of a Takara product or a 3rd Party (whose origins may or may not be from Takara)? -b.
  9. So yeah... Takara Tomy DMK-03 Age of Extinction Optimus Prime! http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-toys-products-30/dual-model-kit-age-of-extinction-optmus-prime-180522/ Can't wait to get my hands on this kit, hopefully they've improved upon the fit and finish issues that plagued DMK-01. -b.
  10. Pic! http://popwatch.ew.com/2014/06/25/mad-max-fury-road-tom-hardy-charlize-theron-cover/ -b.
  11. So...isn't there an actual 3rd Party Transformers thread, or are they talking about Takara MP-22 Ultra Magnus over there? -b.
  12. It certainly looks that way/has the potential. Makes me think of the calls for Yamato/Arcadia to add or redesign the VF-1 to allow for waist articulation. How awesome would that be to get even more dynamic poses with a Max VF-1S or 1A. -b.
  13. Ha! Right! It does seem to pop up at least 2-3 times per year since it's release. Truly, I'd love to see pictures or hear about products/projects that were discussed and in the works or that were abandoned. Graham, where art thou? -b.
  14. ^Ha! Probably in a couple of days, both shipments still show as being processed thru a sort facility in Japan. -b.
  15. Ha, it wasn't horribly horrible. I think of it as another in a long list of lazy day movies one could watch when there's absolutely nothing better to do. ^this -b.
  16. See, that part in bold irritates me. There is no need to shoehorn Earth into Transformers history, they had the perfect reason to be here in the first movie. There doesn't need to be some giant-intergalactic sense of kismet. But as DuelGundam would say, A++ for effort!* -b. *( , its all good man, enjoy what you enjoy)
  17. You feel the need for speed do you? Just so happy that this comes out next year, I really need to (or try to) replenish the bank account. -b.
  18. That last page is pure Valk po4n. Cannot wait for mine to arrive. -b.
  19. Gotcha, what you're saying makes perfect sense. And what strikes a chord with me is the erratic or inconsistent experience that they provide (from rules enforcement to shipments going out etc.). Let me say that while I am a very vocal critic of N-Y I think they provide a great service making exclusives available with ease. But there are some things that absolutely need attention to get them to the level of an HLJ or AmiAmi - if not from a volume/revenue perspective than from a "respectability stand-point" (if that makes sense). If there's a dollar to be made from some exclusive or add-on set you can bet that Bandai will explore the possibility. -b.
  20. Yikes. Being better than Revenge of the Fallen is like saying that what you ate from some horrible restaurant was better than eating what's on the bottom of your shoe. Still gonna go see it though! -b.
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