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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. That's exactly how my Frontier Valks are currently, or will be (one Alto VF-25F w Super Parts in Battroid, the other will remain in Fighter with Tornado Parts). 25S - Fighter/Armored 25F - Battroid Super & Fighter Tornado 25G - Fighter Super RVF - Fighter Super 25A - Battroid plain, Fighter plain/Super YF - Battroid plain -b.
  2. For some reason that sounds dirtier than intended. -b.
  3. For those that really want a set, it's practically guaranteed that at least (1) will show up on Yahoo! Japan, just be prepared to take out a second mortgage or sell an organ that you may not have wanted to. @Benson, I'd like to know too but a few posts above I see 22,000 JPY being floated as a possibility. -b.
  4. Ha ha ha!!!! Agree, the progress pictures look nice, but then again we're still in the pre-release honeymoon stage. Once we get more pictures closer to production expect the barrage of posts that state this, that or the other is wrong and watch out once it's released ( ). It's the Macross toy circle of life. -b.
  5. Bandai, why you no share? *obvious answer is obvious -b.
  6. HLJ has re-opened orders on MP-21 Bumble, 22 Magnus and 19 Smokescreen. For anyone interested. -b.
  7. Well price of items, quality of items, inclusion or exclusion of items is just the name of the game. Not really a big deal in the grand scheme of things and truly if "anything" is that much of a deal breaker, vote with that wallet and don't buy. I do fully agree that the design and implementation of the Fast Packs for the Arcadia YF-19 leave a lot to be desired, but I don't regret my decision to buy - even if I am selling one of my THREE. Hopefully one or two show up on Mandarake or something, but the probability of that is probably next to zero. Guess it's time to learn to use one of those proxies for Y! Japan Auctions. -b.
  8. ^nice pick-ups guys!!!! @Duymon, that's how my first shipments of VF-25A's looked. -b.
  9. Yeah, all of that plus it's just how uneven his personality is in the movies. To be kinda fair, even though his last line in Dark of the Moon was about allegiances being tested and betrayal and how the Autobots would NEVER forsake Earth or humans, I would change my tune too if I, and my brethren started getting shot the hell up. Transformers: wholeheartedly agree. Revenge of the Fallen: he was actually kind of bad ass in the battle where he died and then for those 30 seconds he had Jetfire's armor. Dark of the Moon: Prime was uneven, bad ass at times, a punk at others - notably in the end when it was Megatron that saved him. Age of Extinction: again uneven, bad ass at times, others fairly inept. But all of that is just a sign of how the movies treat all of the Transformers as characters. -b.
  10. Ha ha ha! Transformers with street cred. I'm astounded at that auction, not so much with people bidding on what may or may not be a "cool" toy or piece of history, but with the fact that folks have that amount of disposable income. I'd need an actual museum, complete with more than one wing filled to the brim with other pieces of history to justify that much for any one "thing" that I couldn't live or travel in. -b.
  11. So is anyone else here playing Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition on Live? I've been killing so much time playing that it's not even funny. Doing a lot of Ranked Matches where I just go around challenging random folks (I turn challenge off if I'm doing Arcade off). -b.
  12. Not a crime to like the remake, it had an OK moment or two (and Kate Beckinsale ). But for the crime of dissing the original you're sentenced to multiple viewings of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Skyline, back to back to back. -b.
  13. Not sure if anyone's ever told you this before, but nice pics Saburo. I might have been tempted to leave the regular "crotch plate" on the YF-25 since that would have the only visible blue with the Super Parts on. -b.
  14. Maybe it was actually Nemesis Prime and the real Optimus is in status lock in Witwicky's garage. -b.
  15. Almost feel bad, I forgot about this show in a week. Watched an 1/2 hour of Dark of the Moon on TNT or something before catching the premier of The Leftovers (which was rather emotionally brutal). -b.
  16. It's a frustrating experience. I've transformed my Alto 171 about 3 times and it was a pain in the ass each one. If anyone finds it easy then I say kudos but it's not a "transformation friendly" design. -b.
  17. ^^ditto That said, there are now (2) sitting collecting dust at a certain store that deals in after-market goods for about $ 280 each. I think everyone buying has YF-25 fever though. -b.
  18. Wow...that was pretty bad. The only thing the writer(s) got right was calling the twins revolting. -b.
  19. ^agree, nice looking photo (even with the mis-transformed/aligned nosecone) and many thanks for putting it up IXTL -b.
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