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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. HLJ charged me for this earlier this morning; https://www.hlj.com/1-60-scale-kanzen-henkei-vf-1j-armored-valkyrie-hikaru-ichijyo-type-reissue-aca82153 Had I been paying closer attention I'm not sure I would have kept the order. This definitely falls into the category of "don't care if I get this toy or not". -b.
  2. Matt Reeves also directed the outstanding Dawn of and War for the Planet of the Apes (my personal favorite of the trilogy). Cloverfield was hit or miss for me, mostly because of the characters and their dumb, duuuuuuuuuuuumb decisions but I thought the directing and set up was fine. Especially for a found footage flick. Regarding my original critique I still very much think/hope that this will live up to the hype, I'm just more accustomed to the polished Bruce Wayne persona in public so the trailer threw me for a bit. No biggie, at least not until the finished product is seen. -b.
  3. One set for me. -b.
  4. So I keep reading that this is going to be released in (4) hour long installments. That might actually work pretty well for this and/or future XL-sized feature length releases as well. -b.
  5. So does this mean you're only getting 3? Yeah, I really dig this release too, I was reluctant to pick it up at first but I'm glad that I bit the bullet. It currently sits among my favorite Exia related Metal Build Gundam figures. -b.
  6. So IMO Episode 2 wasn't as good as the the first. I watched it distracted on Sunday and missed a lot. The editing felt off, characters ended up in new or updated settings with almost no transition. Re-watched it again just now and felt a smidge better about that, but I dunno, it just wasn't a strong an episode. I will say this there were some really compelling moments and the acting really makes you feel the last scene. Hoping for some more even episodes moving forward. Ep 1 set up a great premise but the show has to deliver on that consistently. -b.
  7. One thing that kind of bothered me about Robert Pattinson's look in the trailer, is that his Bruce Wayne looks a little too 'emo' or 'disheveled'. That very much could be a function of what's going on in those scenes, but Bruce needs to not look like he's ready to beat the sh!t out of you like Batman did that one dude. Just an extremely, EXTREMELY, minor nitpick. I still think this looks awesome, I haven't been this excited for a DC film since Nolan's trilogy. -b.
  8. Totally agree with 1/2 of what you said. -b.
  9. Fingers crossed. He didn't feature too heavily in the promo videos so he's either dead meat or they're saving him for some sort of surprise. My money is on him being meat. -b.
  10. I'd be curious to see an Ayer cut of the fist one, but if it doesn't see the light of day it'll be fine. My hope is that Synder can nail his 'cut' of Justice League - if DC and Warner can pull that off then maybe. Maybe. Maybe. Maybe. lol -b.
  11. Honestly felt the exact same way and thought the exact same thing regarding the beat down. This was the icing on the cake with regards to DC's event this weekend, I'm definitely way more of a Marvel fan (going back to strictly comics) but the DC trailers, including and especially The Batman have me pretty hyped. -b.
  12. Honestly looks good, I'm just hoping to actually care about some of the characters that are going to contribute to what I can assume will be a pretty high body count. -b.
  13. It was hard for me to get much of a feel for the character at all from the trailer, but I'll agree in the sense that she went from meek to FIERCE in the same vein. -b.
  14. The fact that it's necessary at all is the bad thing. Social Justice only comes about because groups are under represented or misrepresented to begin with. If all you saw of yourself was a slave, criminal, thug, bad guy, damsel, terrorist, idiot, etc., etc., etc., - or didn't see someone like yourself at all even when the story is about YOUR people, then you'd be extremely happy that someone in a position of authority decided to champion your cause. And let me be very clear, forced diversity is still a necessity. Don't be pissed at the people trying to rectify the wrong, be pissed at the folks that made created the situation to begin with. To the point of Disney + and Star Wars, while I like more of what I dislike of Disney era Star Wars (including good chunks of the ST) they have a lot of work to do to right the ship as it were. But Star Wars is hardly in a position of say, Star Trek, among pop culture and entertainment properties. -b.
  15. Can we not rehash the whole "women, social justice, progressive" argument. Again. It's not like those are even bad things, let's just stick with the facts that point to poor planning and execution that led to so many people not liking the sequel trilogy. It has not a damn thing to do with gender or wanting to tell a "progressive" story. And Kathleen Kennedy absolutely shares or even shoulders the blame because she was in charge, that's it. I've been managing people for a long ass time and if one of them does something stupid I'm ultimately responsible to clean up the mess and makes sure that they don't do it again. -b.
  16. Still looks like fun. Know next to zilch when it comes to the overall DC lore so I have no idea if Cheetah is comic's accurate or not but she looks cool-ish. -b.
  17. You're not wrong about having show runners, or people in place with a road map or plan. But I also don't think it's a bad idea to try to incorporate or listen to the wants of your entire fanbase. That said, I can absolutely come around to your side of seeing the way that these published stories, if really used as litmus test are dumb. In either instance it's the execution (like the Sequel Trilogy which would have been infinitely better with an actual plan) that is lacking. And where the planning and action was solid, Clone Wars, The Mandalorian - we have shows and stories that are pretty universally liked by the fan base. -b.
  18. So genuinely asking, what would folks prefer? I get the feeling if Disney didn't put out "feelers" the complaints would center around 'Disney doesn't listen to or care about the "real" fans or some such thing. Some random story gets "leaked", Disney gauges the reaction and in some part bases their decisions on fandom feedback. In that scenario if fans keep spewing hate that project gets scrapped. And if by some miracle "real" fans give their blessing then maybe a project proceeds along those lines. I must be missing something so clue me in please. For the record, even having grown up with Star Wars I'm a casual fan and don't feel so enraged about this stuff. If a show ends up on D+ that I enjoy then I'll watch it, if not then I'll ignore it. The same with movies, video games, books, comics or anything else. Do I have "want-to-see" items on my list, of course, but I'm not going to take to sh!tting on Disney every time what I want doesn't get made. I didn't write off Star Wars after the generally God-awful prequels with only 2 or 3 bright spots, I'm not going to do it after a middling Solo movie or a Sequel Trilogy that was well-acted with characters I like that simply because the movies didn't deliver a cohesive narrative from start to finish. -b.
  19. Looks freaking awesome! Saw it on Jim Lee and Matt Reeves IG pages earlier. Hopefully this turns out good, DC deserves/could use a win. -b.
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