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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Saw it. Left the theater mad. The End. -b.
  2. Very interesting, thanks for sharing the breakdown. Not really rage-worthy but definitely in the realm of "par for the course" with Bandai. -b.
  3. It's just the same 25F re-issue that came up right after the Tornado Parts were announced. I do agree the 25S truly needs another run but this is just more stock opening up from a couple of months ago. -b.
  4. Love that there are so many options for cabinet lighting. Plus a lot of great ideas and some really good implementation of them as well. Good stuff guys. -b.
  5. Just Google-d that since I don't have an X-Box One and never played Titanfall. I would agree but with the caveat that Enix did the Ogre in addition to the Atlas vs. in lieu of. -b.
  6. Go away for the weekend, come back to the forums and this is what's here. 4 pages and counting - for shame. Macross World, you know better. -b.
  7. Release date is most likely after the 19th, the 19th is N-Y's payment deadline. -b.
  8. ^agree And the pilot with the Play Arts Kai isn't even articulated, which makes zero sense coming from a line whose entire premise and sense of being is articulation. -b.
  9. ^Maxipads!!!! LMAO!!! I loved Beast Wars, I agree with David H. that it was one of the best written Transformers stories (I haven't watched any of the newer ones so I can't comment on how good they are or aren't) that enhanced and respected the animated cannon. -b.
  10. That Batman is over and done with. This will be an entirely new take on the character - there will be nothing related to the Begins, Dark Knight or Dark Knight Rises trilogy. -b.
  11. Good question, I was thinking of the standard lighting but if there are some cool color change options then I'll look at those too. Thank you for the suggestion! -b.
  12. Cool! But no thank you Arcadia - it would be great though however if you could release something like, you know a Valkyrie, preferably one not colored like a clown. @ CoreyD -b.
  13. My reply would have simply been; "Virus" -b.
  14. That bandwagon would be joined if there was a really good Metroid AND Zelda release. Never got into Mario Kart, although I certainly get the appeal. -b.
  15. Valkyrie Pirates and boobs. Hard to go wrong with that combo. -b.
  16. To the very best of my knowledge the Arcadia VF-1's (Hikaru and Roy VF-1S's and 30th Anniversary VF-1J) are all problem and breakage free. Yamato was able to nip that particular problem in the bud. Wishing for unlimited funds? Me three. -b.
  17. Hard to disagree with the 25S being deserving of it's own space, I made the best compromise I could and have it sharing space with the Focker 30th Anniversary YF-29 and Ozma 29. So far those three seem to be getting along just fine. -b.
  18. Yeah, that's kind of my fear as well, that they're cramming too much into this movie. In Man of Steel it's shown very a small Easter Egg that Batman is known, even in Metropolis. There's one of those Keep Calm and Call Batman posters in the office building where Superman and Zod fight and the floor falls out beneath Supes. Blink, breathe, allow your heart to beat and you'll miss it, but I'm sure Google has tons of images for reference anyway. -b.
  19. Hmmmm....I'm still looking forward to seeing it, and I too hope it's as good as the "better" reviews have made it out to be. Apparently there's no pleasing EXO. -b.
  20. Far from my favorite Valkyrie mode, I have to say that I love the look and perspective of that Gerwalk shot. LOL -b.
  21. The cut or may not be different, but there's no gray. It's the lighting and background. That's. So. Horrible. Actually happy that the suit is essentially the same, there really was no "in-movie" reason or way for him to get a new one since the first came from the scout ship he destroyed. And no one is talking about the fact that he's in Gotham. Probably there to get beat up by Batfleck. -b.
  22. Found a couple of local theaters playing this, will try to check this out today. -b.
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