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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. What's the holdup buddy?* *I'll look for you over in the Transformers thread... Yamato's 1/60 TV Max is one of my all time favorite Valks. Mostly because of nostalgic value, but still that's a very nice "get". -b.
  2. HAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA!!!! Breezed past this post last night, but just re-read it, that's freaking hilarious! I would love for this to somehow become internet lore. -b.
  3. You rang? I certainly cannot deny that my gateway into Macross and what little anime outside of Macross that I do watch was Robotech. And what I can assume, based on comments in this thread and throughout my time on MW, is that The Macross Saga was the most popular/liked portion of Robotech - and that makes sense. From a purely nostalgic sense I'd like for the brand name Robotech to not be synonymous with mud, but it is, and HG is what HG is. And it's great that we our respective roads led us here, but the on topic discussion or question is do you want a new Robotech series. Maybe this thread should be turned into a poll/have a poll added... -b.
  4. As horribly amazing as that was, it's hard to argue against it. And Gatoroid sounds like a Robo***h term. -b.
  5. Valid concern. I think that despite a LOT of promotion via television and movie trailers over the past few months Guardians of the Galaxy, more than any other in-universe Marvel movie will require positive audience word of mouth to be a huge hit. Simply because there isn't one hero in the movie that has name recognition in non-comic book fan households. I do think, and hope that this will do well but I'm not expecting Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America or Bats/Supes type numbers and hopefully Marvel/Disney isn't either. -b.
  6. Great question. Hopefully so, but nothing has been announced. -b.
  7. Was just the first thing that came to mind. Very nice. Have you opened Silverstreak yet? Curious to know your impressions of the figure. -b.
  8. Fun topic! For my (1) wish, since the overwhelming theme seems to be real-world working Valkyries I'd have to go with a VF-25A with Tornado Parts. The classics are cool to be sure, but I'd want one of the more recent models. and @ jvmacross - !!!! -b.
  9. they better be -b.
  10. Good eye/guess. These look wonderful, love the attention to detail paid with Yamato/Arcadia's newer pilot accessories. -b.
  11. After some thought, this isn't a biggie for me since I'll have this in Fighter Mode anyway. The Battroid Mode did grow on me but I won't have space to display it that anyway...so back brace or not it won't make any difference. I also see the pro's of added stability and con's of why the hell wasn't this designed to eliminate the need for a brace to begin with. But oh well, such is life with regards to Macross collecting. -b.
  12. Very cool! I like the brighter white in contrast to the tan/brown. -b.
  13. If they run into trouble it's because they aren't producing pieces people want vs. too many pieces people want (or say that they want, but don't buy until they hit clearance bins). Their approach is incredibly cautious, even with Nacho Fortresses and Tiny Tiny SDF-1s to be released in very small numbers or as Event Only items. -b.
  14. You know, I'm going to not throw any shade on HG for this attempt, regardless of what I may actually think. There are still some die-hard Robotech fans out there, as evidenced by the amount that's been raised so far and from even in my own peer group when we talk about old cartoons and the like. I hope Harmony Gold raises the money, makes a decent pilot and that it gets picked up. That way those that like Robotech can finally have a victory, especially if they've put-up vs. shut-up. HG can't or won't fund their own property, asks fans for money, that fans contribute then good on all of them. -b.
  15. Well to be fair, some of those were junk too. But that said, if your 171's are holding up then that means there's some hope that not all of them are going to have disintegrating parts. -b.
  16. Don't know about you folks, but I think 15,000 JPY is an absolute steal for that tiny handful of crunchy tortilla-y goodness. -b.
  17. For anyone truly interested The Signal had some real flashes of "good", and a few flashes of "you've got to be kidding me". Taken as a whole, plus possessing one of "those" endings that leaves you shaking your head I'd just say temper some of those expectations when you see it. -b.
  18. HLJ has a few Masterpiece items back up, 13, 13B, 18, 19, etc. Get 'em while the getting is good. -b.
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