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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. You know, I can't even lie, some of those movies (as horrible as they may have actually been) were fun. I'm looking at; Equilibrium, Creature, Screamers, Phantoms, Predators, Leviathan and Deep Star Six (there may be others, but those stood out) while adding Deep Rising. There are others that I agree with as actual "good" movies, looking at; Avengers, Captain America: TWS, Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy, Inception, Aliens, Predator and The Hunt for Red October, again with maybe a couple of others. I thought I had a wide berth in accepting "bad" movies as "good" but my friend you take the cake. -b.
  2. Because there is A space mission, not THE space mission from that horrible Tim Burton remake. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rise_of_the_Planet_of_the_Apes Trying to state that Burton's Apes has anything to do with Rise and Dawn is just flat out wrong. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet_of_the_Apes_%282001_film%29 -b.
  3. Yeah, I don't disagree on principle since most Macross series have some differentiation in head-units from character to character and Valkyrie to Valkyrie. That said it's kind of cool, and almost refreshing (even if comparatively monotonous) that the different 171's have the same head. And yeah, re-watch Frontier - it was awesome and worthy of another viewing. -b.
  4. Which is fine, because the head unit on the 171 is bad-ass. -b.
  5. ^Nice! I'll post some pics once the Tornado Parts come in for the 25F. -b.
  6. You're late! The one I've opened shall remain in Battroid mode, I really don't like the more rounded, or bubble shape to the canopy in fighter mode. The sleekness of the canopy is one of the main appeals (to me) of the 25 series. -b.
  7. LOL @ Gerwalk mode EXTREME. I hear you guys, maybe one day she'll get transformed, but I'm in noooooooooo rush. -b.
  8. Makes perfect sense. If you can, find someone willing to sell the older Fligtpose stands with the black rubber tips, to the best of my knowledge those are safe and I use (5) of them on my very favorite (and $$$) Valks; Arcadia YF-19, Yamato VF-4G, renewal 25F and (2) 25A's - all in fighter mode. Knock on wood, no damage, smudges or residue at all/yet. -b.
  9. ^And now you know; -b.
  10. For sure it's a nice nod to those that owned Yamato stands for them to include a connector with Arcadia releases, but I would literally beg for Arcadia to not include any more stands, keep the SRP as low as possible and then offer the stands separately for those who are interested. And I get your point about those new to collecting these items, I'd feel the exact same way looking at a "piece" that there was absolutely nothing I could use it for. -b.
  11. Seriously Sony, anyone interested should just buy a sticker and slap it on their own PS4. Fail. -b.
  12. NEVER!! It's a conspiracy, a conspiracy I say. or They need to grab a few more bin-Valkyries, package those suckers up and sell them. -b.
  13. Yep, just the same as if a hurricane went over islands like Cuba first, weakening the storm, because of the mountains and terrain. Good luck with the clean-up and recovery. *I love how Typhoons, Cyclones and Hurricanes are the same weather phenomenon, just named differently depending on "where" on Earth you are. -b.
  14. Shipping notice came overnight/early morning from AmiAmi. -b.
  15. Ha! Thanks for the encouragement. I did extend the feet just to check out the dreaded ball joints and they weren't loose, certainly not "super tight" but they were in good shape, so nope, in Fighter mode she shall remain. -b.
  16. Well...I would say that Age of Extinction might have had even fewer 'Bot on 'Con action but there were enough action scenes packed into 3 hours that it wasn't like there was a "want" for them. And why was that video of "Robots fighting" out of chronological order, they makers of that loose major points for that. The first ever fight was between Bumblebee and Barricade, not Prime vs. Megatron from the end of Transformers. -b.
  17. Have dated women like that, and it's the same feeling of frustration. C'mon Arcadia, just the tip, err, I mean re-release a Valk or two. -b.
  18. Ugh, just gave me flashbacks of the Hurricanes I went through living in Florida from '02 to '13. Some were just wind and rain events while others took out power and water and caused some pretty nasty damage, all depending on which "side" of the storm I was in. Good luck and stay safe to everyone impacted. -b.
  19. Odd, I received my payment request from AmiAmi for the re-re-issue of the 25F on Friday. Paid on Sunday and outside of the payment confirmation I've heard nothing else. -b.
  20. Fixed that for you/everyone as I think the general consensus is those are areas where there's room for improvement. I still haven't transformed mine for fear of loosening the ankles, and even though I've had no issues with the wings for some reason I'm almost obsessively waiting on some random issue to develop with them. -b.
  21. Voted. Off-white for me on DYRL Valkyries please. I've sold (2) of my (4) Arcadia VF-1S's (a Roy and Hikaru) and the other two are also MIB because I just don't care for the color change, especially when compared to the Yamato DYRL releases. -b.
  22. Hey, we're on the same page. I need more folks to BUY something, just check the For Sale Section. We don't transform things here David. Valks stay in Fighter mode as their packaged and Transformers stay in Bot or Car mode, as they're packaged. Can't have paint chips now can we. -b.
  23. Well...I read the article to mean that the game is getting some good buzz, hopefully that's true and this turns out to be as good as everyone hopes it is. https://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/alien--isolation-lures-back-original-alien-cast-members-183137096.html -b.
  24. Looks great! Thank you for snapping a few pics and sharing. Now to figure out how to maneuver my current shoe-string budget...sigh. -b.
  25. That's awesome for those that will be able to secure one, but now I feel bad because I'll be left out. At 23,300 JPY or some other not-so-reasonable price it was easier for me to get over not having a set. And yep, I'm blaming EXO for my psychological ups and downs. Indeed. -b.
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