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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Had a few hours to play last night, created two characters a Human Male Titan and a Human Female Warlock. So far having much more fun with the Warlock class. Hopefully able to log in some more hours tonight since I'm only level 2 and I've seen a bunch of 8's running around. -b.
  2. OUCH. OUCH. Ouch. OUCH. OUCH. OUCH and ouch. -b.
  3. ...for Arcadia to NOT make the VF-14 or Metal Siren. Really don't care to have the inevitable "it's because they made two ugly Valks no one wanted, or was willing to spend 35,000 JPY on, that they went out of business" discussions if they do. -b.
  4. The next time someone complains about one of Arcadia's stands I will kindly direct them to this thread. I've ordered (1) and I'm good with that, it will remain in it's cardboard prison until I decide that I want to sell it or I get REALLY bored one day. -b.
  5. Looking at those pictures that The Old Man posted my concern turns back to all of those pointy-bits and different hinges that will probably be used for the wings and stabilizers. Shade of blue be damned (it'll be either 'close enough' or 'perfect'), just make sure this thing is structurally sound and can be transformed more than once without issue. -b.
  6. Keep your eye on N-Y and Mandarake once they're released in a couple of days. -b.
  7. Yes sir, and as much as I want to wear that as a badge of honor I'm still paying the credit card bill so it's more like a scarlet letter D. For debt, . And as much as the 4G has grown on me, once those Tornado Parts arrive for my 25F that will be my (current) favorite. -b.
  8. Prefer the grey goggled version myself, that's which VF-1J I have displayed with the rest of my Vermillion Squad/SDFM Valkyries. -b.
  9. Vision as Iron Man? That's a theory I saw floated based on that pic of the new Iron Man armor. -b.
  10. Thought it was good enough to warrant a spot on the DVR and/or a weekly watch. Some of the acting was really cringe-worthy, which surprised me but I'm willing to see how things progress. -b.
  11. Must. Not. Be. Hypnotized. By. That. VF-0D. gif. -b.
  12. Well I remember when gas was .79 a gallon for unleaded regular (when I started driving). And kudos to locidm for doing the inflation comparison. Never really understood why the need to complain about the price of this, that or the other. Just consume less, or don't consume at all. Problem solved (at least in my head ). Even when Yamato was in business I didn't buy every one of their releases, it was too much to keep up with, and with Arcadia my spending habits will probably be the same, especially with the VF-19 Kai. -b.
  13. Truly! Or really any of the very interesting customs (VF-0, 1, 11, or YF-19) from some of these art/model magazines. -b.
  14. Thanks guys, I'm set. I per-ordered and a friend of mine gave me an extra code. This guy right here. LOL -b.
  15. Me! Me! ME! MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! -b. Please and thank you.
  16. Exactly. Re: these character and Avengers line-up changes, ugh (I was wrong about Angela being the new Thor) but why oh why do they need to make characters evil or a-holes. And there's also the currently running death of Wolverine story. Make mine not-Marvel (comics only, the TV and Movie-verse aka Earth-199999 still rocks) -b.
  17. Meh, just Marvel's way of keeping their comics line "fresh", driving sales and doing their own slow-roll version of DC's New 52. The new Thor I can get behind (ha ha) but not at all on board with Falcon America. The good news is it won't be long before the originals are back, just as it has happened time and time before. -b.
  18. +1 Ha ha, I even said this the other day to someone on the boards that may or may not be able to secure a set for themselves. -b.
  19. Well hopefully the final production version will be to everyone's liking... -b.
  20. AGREE about Fem Shep - created a Female Shepard once in Mass Effect 2 and it was so traumatic that I erased the file after 5 minutes of actual play time. No sir. No. No. No. Truly, but comics have always had that certain "if it's convenient" for the story we want to tell then scratch the last bit of "definitive" this, that or the other about this character everyone knows inside and out. And hopefully there is no human that transformers into Thor angle, I never liked that. Let Thor/Fem-Thor be an Asgardian with a hammer. -b.
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