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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. 3rd'ed At this point in the game paint applications and the like should be amazing on every release. -b.
  2. Logically it wouldn't make any type of sense for it to be one and I agree, but I've just learned to put nothing past folks in Hollywood and their "want" to put their stamp on a franchise. It wouldn't make sense. Unlikely that it is. So just don't do it JJ or whomever. That's all I'm saying. -b.
  3. Very true...and gotcha. I also like this version of the X-Wing, as long as it's established in cannon that this is a different version (1.5 or 2.7 or whatever) and no one tries to ret-con and say that this was/is the definitive version of one of the most iconic space fighters in sci-fi history. -b.
  4. Literally laughed out loud when I read that... What I keep focusing on every time I see that scan is Ultra Magnus' butt flap. I really hope that doesn't make it into the final product, but at this point I think it may be a forgone conclusion since it shows up in every picture. -b.
  5. Thank. You. Exactly what I was saying in the other thread about the color changes from Yamato to Arcadia's DYRL VF-1S's. Very cool. Of all of Valkyries in my collection I have the most fun, or maybe the easiest time, transforming the VF-1's. -b.
  6. Yes! And DYRL for the win. More likely just a very deliberate design or aesthetic change. Especially since every Valkyrie had styling changes that include coloring and mechanical details (like the VF-1A head, Battroid hands, cockpit designs, etc., etc.). -b.
  7. Says the guy with 80 of them. But agreed, the VF-1S is about as iconic as it gets. -b.
  8. Yep, and the ability to upgrade/customize which they have only shown partially in the Beta. This is a nice mix of M.E. and Halo to keep me happy with something to play (on a consistent basis) on the PS4. -b.
  9. See above, that post was a continuation of the original tongue-in-cheek critique of Abrams and/or parody of what he did with another popular franchise. So with this new/updated/whatever X-Wing supposedly heavy influence from works in the EU is it safe to assume that other elements might make their way into the movies? When I said that the filmmakers would take influence from EU it was met with a little skepticism (IIRC). -b.
  10. Honestly I like it a lot more than I thought I would. I've never been an MMO fan but this has actually been a pretty fun experience. Technically (graphics, controls, game physics, etc.) everything was fine to me and the game made me want to come back and play for more. Which is a good/rare thing in my book as I generally lose interest in games after about 2 or 3 days (it's really bad, the only games I play repeatedly are Mass Effect and Street Fighter). So, I like it, I'm keeping my pre-order and I hope that they extend the Beta while the servers are down. -b.
  11. Battroid, Battroid, Battroid! Nice pics Saburo. Or get home from work or whatever and they've already closed. Had that happen a few times, and it sucked each and every one of them. -b.
  12. LOL, they might actually do that...before the break the wings clean off of the Valk. But I don't care - TORNADO PARTS, w00t!!!! -b.
  13. Yeah...well too bad the Beta is offline (I guess it has been since earlier this morning). I'd gotten my Warlock up to Lvl 6. -b.
  14. Forget Macross, I'm in awe of your Joe and Star Wars figure and vehicle collection. 10 year old me would never, ever leave that room. Very, very nice. -b.
  15. Thumbs up. And I love your site, I always go there for my line art fix. -b.
  16. Well...I guess I'm happy that I only like the Tornado Parts for Fighter mode. Not at all a fan of support or ancillary bits and pieces that I have to keep track of, but good for those that enjoy their Valks in Gerwalk mode (good from a structural stability stand-point). And oh yeah, N-Y shipped mine as well. -b.
  17. Nice job! Even though I like the 25A as is, the additional color really does make the Valkyrie "pop" in Fighter mode. Check out the paint job Macross Junkie did as well (IIRC, apologies to all if I'm remembering the wrong member!!!), he was able to match the colors and his Valk is beautiful as well. Yeah, I actually tried with a used 25A that I bought using a gunmetal grey and some random shade of blue and I messed it up (naturally) and ended up stripping some of the factory paint when I used alcohol to remove what I'd done. Needless to say that Valk is posed in Battroid now so as you can't see the result of my over zealous foolishness. Right! That was the feedback most people gave when the 25A was released, great Valk as far as fit and finish but severely lacking in the paint apps department. -b.
  18. Then you sir are much more patient than I. I swore off SAL a few orders ago, just takes too long and I'm way to impatient to get my hands on the loot. That said, glad that yours will at least ship immediately. -b.
  19. As long as Arcadia as a company is doing well and the VF-0D sells within, or surpasses expectations then the VF-0S is a given. -b.
  20. Me four! Doing my happy dance right now. -b.
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