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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Right, because the standard Yamato/Arcadia box art was or is so riveting. I'd take a Tenjin Valkyrie visor close-up any day of the week and twice on Sunday over most of the "regular" box designs that have come out. -b.
  2. Silly collectors, always driving prices up at the earliest opportunity. -b.
  3. Hopefully he's interested enough to do the box art. -b.
  4. Only hope that means that Bandai has realized there's money to be made by producing more of these, and that the 25S will be easier to get than past renewal releases. Hope. Hope. Hope. -b.
  5. They sell really fast except for when they're released at retail. Big difference. -b.
  6. Fixed/Bold and Underline. -b.
  7. YEEEEESSSSS! Thanks for tweeting Mr. K and posting the updates. -b.
  8. Pretty interesting read, the writer came to the conclusion that it's both a sequel and reboot with a fairly satisfying way of reconciling the two. -b.
  9. Hmmmm...maybe I'll wait until I'm feeling REALLY brave - thank you for the heads-up/pointers! -b.
  10. In my opinion yes (Fighter mode only for my Tornado parts), so if you're looking for a lot of mileage out of Battroid and/or Gerwalk then you may want to see what others have to say. -b.
  11. Buncha comedians around this place. Sure do hope that Arcadia gets the paint right the next go around, hopefully that will squash what's been the biggest complaint so far. -b.
  12. Absolutely, positively, cannot wait for this to come out. While as a whole I've enjoyed the Lord of the Rings trilogy much more than the first two Hobbit films (owed most likely to the fact that I read LOTR as a teen, and have never read The Hobbit) I'm a big enough fan to be stoked for this. -b.
  13. But...but...MOAR. Shout out! And QFT. So true. -b.
  14. It's so funny that you of all people would type that. Yeah, Scarlett is attractive and all of that, but she was not my main draw towards the movie. As a rule I like Luc Besson films and I was offended by the fiction being portrayed in the film. Make believe is make believe is make believe. Ha! 100% or nothing. -b.
  15. Yep! And I ran it Han Solo, got my ass handed to me the first few times at the temple, but it was a lot of fun. Sad, too. I per-ordered the Limited Edition, the Ghost Edition had stuff, like the Ghost itself that I'd end up doing absolutely nothing with. -b.
  16. Which would explain why Lucy trounced Herc at the box office. Still, much love to all the movie-snobs and bottom-feeders out there! (either category I could easily fall into myself) Looking forward to Godzilla on Blu ray. -b.
  17. Officially in for (2). -b.
  18. So happy that I didn't see that VF-4G! I absolutely would have pulled the trigger. -b.
  19. Ha! Just noticed that you used the 25S/A gunpod for those photos Saburo. Very nice. -b.
  20. Very interesting insight/back-story, and I'm very much looking forward to your pictures. Still, it sucks that 99.999999999999999999% of us will never get these. Oh, and hi T-REX! -b.
  21. Fine with the delay on MP Wheeljack as well, if it's only a month I can still ship it with the 25F I just paid for along with whatever else I order between now and then. -b.
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