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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Truly, mine came from CDJ via Registered Airmail and arrived as fast as a lot of the EMS shipments I've had come over. And I'm STILL waiting on shipping confirmation from HLJ that I paid for on Tuesday for my 25F and 30. -b.
  2. Nice job Murphy, the After pictures look amazing. -b.
  3. Odie! My Mom used to buy me collected editions of Garfield and Calvin and Hobbes when I was a kid. Good times, good times. -b.
  4. The only open Masterpiece in my collection is a Hasbro Hot Rod/Rodimus. TRU Hasbro MP-03 Grimlock TRU Hasbro MP-09 Rodimus *2 (1 open, 1 MISB) TRU Hasbro MP-10 Prime TRU Hasbro MP-10 YOTH Takara MP-17 *2 Takara MP-18 *2 Takara MP-19 *2 I have neither... -b.
  5. If only...and I'm not even that big a Superman fan. -b.
  6. AGREE And I love the Amazon idea for Masterpiece releases, it's so much easier to purchase from them then going to a brick and mortar or trying to use TRU's website. -b.
  7. No problem. Still going well after having it in a static Battroid pose for a couple of days. See, my first impression of weight or heft matched another member's feedback (sorry, don't recall who) but I this Valk feels surprisingly light and not very heavy at at all. Yep. -b.
  8. It was a couple of weeks ago but IIRC I pulled the wing up from the leg armor attachment with too much force. I was unaware of just how deep the peg seats inside the attachment and that little peg snapped clean off. ^This. Slow and steady is the best approach when removing. I haven't had any issues with the 25F I'm using now for the Tornado Parts. -b.
  9. It's a good effort from Bandai for sure, but even if there were no reports of inconsistent QA....no sir. -b.
  10. Yep, exactly the same. -b.
  11. VF-19 with metallic gold accents this fall. -b.
  12. ^^Strike! Reminds me that I don't have a DYRL VF-1A Max or Kaz. -b.
  13. Have to agree, not a home run in my book mainly because a few fit and finish issues, mostly in Fighter mode - the pilot in need of a safety harness along with a nosecone that doesn't quite line up the chief culprits. I love the Battroid mode and while initially the skinny legs bothered me the look from head to toe has grown on me. Knocking on wood, not QC issues and most parts are pretty tight - no brackets or braces needed in Battroid. -b.
  14. Hopefully Bandai does decide to release some Renewal with Parts (Super, Armor or Tornado), but if not I won't be terribly upset. With regards to the 25S re-release, I want mine for display in Battroid since I already have a 25S Renewal with Armor displayed in Fighter mode. Seems like a natural progression from bulkier to more streamlined designs. The "kibble" can be hit or miss but I think with all things a strong, yet sleek silhouette is the "look" of the day. Personally I'm fine with that, sleek works for me. -b.
  15. Darn it, missed the one that came via Registered Air Mail from CD Japan, so I have to pick it up from the post office tomorrow. -b.
  16. Ha ha, right! Very, very, very nice. Congrats on the kits you managed to score. -b.
  17. ^Not going to lie, whenever I was going on a long enough trip away from my collection I would try and stash at least on Valkyrie in my bags/luggage just to have. Pretty sure a 25F, Yamato YF-19 and Alto YF-29 have made trips with me. I'd do it when I lived in FL and came back to MI for my annual 2 week vacation and sometimes even on trips for my old job. -b.
  18. Ha ha ha! Great phrase. And I would say that nostalgia exploitation is BIG business. Just look at Transformers as a prime example. And I pre-ordered Aliens: Colonial Marines, but I started hearing the rumblings and didn't open the package, so I returned that POS and got all of my money back. -b.
  19. LOL - right? Any sufficiently humid area would be safe from the aliens too stupid enough not to wear space suits to the little blue orb covered in the stuff that can kill them. Ok, so I will agree that there were some genuine moments of tension in Signs (and probably all of his other movies, except The Happening - that sh!t was dumb from start to finish), unfortunately a few good moments does not a good movie make. Monster costume or being hidden in a State/National Park. Hard to decide which was worse. It was a bunch of glasses of water Mel Gibson's daughter left lying around the house/living room. So, less than a gallon combined with the blunt force trauma of getting beaten with a baseball bat. Better than being in Ohio. -b.
  20. Yep, yep. 10-4 -b.
  21. Bah, I'm waiting on the apocalypse. And then, only if I'm stuck in a house with Emma Watson, Seth Rogen, James Franco, Craig Ferguson and the cast from This Is the End. I will say that I am honestly surprised at how many people have posted that they've enjoyed it and even more surprised at how much money it made at the box office. I was wrong in my calling this a bomb, but I'm still not gonna watch this (unless above criteria is met). -b.
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