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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. My copy from AmiAmi arrived earlier today (shipped Saturday!) I haven't transformed it but I'm really digging the finish. There is some obvious inconsistency in the shade of red across some of the parts, but IMHO it's not jarring. The YF-29's box is larger to accommodate the Valk and Super Parts but AmiAmi used the exact same size box to ship my 29 as they did the Dancouga which also arrived today. The box is so big they could have put another 29 inside, so that's where my 6170 JPY DHL shipping cost came from. @davidwhangchoi - just pay for it lol -b.
  2. Honestly with franchises that are as long in the tooth as Star Trek and Star Wars you're bound to run into issues like this. Inconsistency in story from show to show, movie to movie and medium to medium (film to novels to comics to games). I'm sure someone can keep me hones on this point but I can't think of any series that has kept everything air tight across decades of storytelling. I say that not to excuse the issues that have been articulated here, but to me the less egregious inconsistencies are almost to be expected. -b.
  3. Same re: payment from and to Amiami. DHL was just slightly higher than what I was expecting at 6170 JPY for DHL . I'd like to see the video as well, but not available in the states either. -b.
  4. That's disappointing, I've got a handful of items at AE and was considering that option - but I'll just continue to wait for EMS to resume...eventually. -b.
  5. Sure it was intended as Beskar, and I agree. But I'm sure there'll be another variant down the line with the shiny bits. -b.
  6. Nice! This IS the way. I'm trying to figure out if I'll ever be able to remove this thing from the box, I don't even have space for all the Valks I want to display so I'm good with a smaller sized ship even if it's not perfectly to scale. But I really like the Razor Crest design, between this and watching the ILM video that was posted in another thread I am desperate for someone like Bandai to release detailed toys (like their models) to 1/72 or similar scale. -b.
  7. The rifle fits just a smidge better on the copy that I opened, but it does not have the type of improvement over the first SFH Mandalorian that I was looking for. Kind of bummed me out. I didn't test the mug because it was so tiny, but all I wanted Baby Yoda to do is be able to stand-up on this own and he does that just fine. But still a bummer about the mug since it has icon/meme status. Agreed. -b.
  8. Well first, I'm very happy to have had a hand in making "disingenuous" the word of the week. In summation, "all" you innocently did was post about how CBS and by logical extension Discovery, by posting to a "fact-based" analytical data-driven article about CBS's failings in the Star Trek Discovery thread and I "all" I innocently did was state my response to that post. That said, by all means split the hair on that one post if you want, I'm calling it as I see it. And along the lines of missing the point, I purposefully wrote "see how I'm now repeating the exact same thing" in an effort to draw attention to the similarity in the tone your posts carry in this thread. It was hypocritical on purpose to prove a point about how senseless it can be to say the same thing as if it's a song playing on Repeat 1. The show is bad (one or more of the following is bad; writing, actors, characters, story, script, effects, etc.) CBS is bad. We. Get. It. I promise you, we get it. Like months ago. Got it. Box is checked. And yes, the constant, or consistent, negativity sometimes annoys me, it's annoying to read this sucks and that sucks and that thing failed and this is dumb and that is dumb and, and, and, and. After I added my response a huge part of me wished that I hadn't, but what can I say, I'm not a Vulcan with suppressed emotions. Especially when I see or know that there are some people that might want to discuss what they like about a thing, but can't because they're drowned out by the chorus of "IT SUCKS", whether I'm one of those people or not. I'm not in any way shape or form insulted by that. I'll wear it as a badge of honor, or Starfleet insignia. -b.
  9. This seems fun, I'm going to impose a limit of what's already been made and/or is available for pre-order for my list. Also going to exclude customs because I'd have some combination of Minmay Guards and Enigma custom VF-1Ss. In no particular order; 1. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-19 Advanced 2. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25A 3. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-31S 4. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-31J Kai 5. Arcadia Premium 1/60 VF-0D 6. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-31A 7. Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1S Max 8. Yamato v2 1/60 VF-1A Max (TV) 9. Arcadia 1/60 Premium VF-1S Roy 10. Bandai DX Chogokin VF-1S Hikaru -b.
  10. Looks good (no comments about screen accuracy). It'd also be nice if they got around to making a Cara Dune or Death Troopers (assuming they're not identical to those seen in Rogue One). -b.
  11. Thank you! All I've said is that the horse is dead, yet it constantly gets beat. And major props for trying to start a trend of positivity for those that might like all or parts of the show. For the members that do like Discovery and or Picard maybe the Mods will allow a "I actually like Star Trek Discovery and Picard" so that they can chat in peace. This is just LOL - I know what my point is. And again, there's nothing wrong with discussing the merits of a thing and why you like it or don't, but dude - it's damn near all you do - as articulate as you are you use your powers for evil. Don't you get exhausted of talking about how Discovery and CBS have put this stain on Star Trek? You've made the point ad nauseam, that's all I'm saying and have said before. This thread had been dead since the end of July, then out of the blue here's a post about how CBS and Discovery suck with their half-assed attempt to put it on TV. I saw the commercials, chuckled and moved on. I didn't feel compelled to come here and talk about how silly I thought it all was. I'm not even arguing that the show is good, but there are practically 35 pages worth of reasons why it sucks. I mean, what else is there to say about it other than feeding some insatiable need to drone on and on about it. It's baffling to me. It's like if I went out of my way to constantly talk about how terrible Star Trek V is, we all get it, there's no need to talk about how shitty a movie it is every day or in this case, a month after a conversation concerning the movie was over. And to be clear, we don't need to provide false or faint praise. Just walk away on to something that you do like, especially after you've argued the point for the 85th time (see how I'm now repeating the exact same thing?). I like Trek, you like Trek, collectively most people wish CBS knew what to do with Trek on TV and on the big screen, but they (CBS) don't. I hope that things improve and that's that. If they do, GREAT, we all win, but if they don't, I'm going to walk away until there's something worthy of my attention. It'd just be nice to peak peek my head into a Star Trek (and Star Wars) thread every now and again and not be hit with a vomit wall of why it's all just soooooooooo terrible. -b.
  12. Hope that it works out. Ideally by way of you receiving what you've been paying for, but if not a hassle free refund. -b.
  13. For sure Discovery isn't the success that CBS wanted and I assume that the fans of Star Trek as a whole wanted. This, despite the constant bitching, complaining and shitting on all things Trek the high-minded internet brings, but talking about how poorly it did on a throw-away Thursday night going against the NFL and whatever else was on TV seems just a smidge disingenuous. No? It's just more "I told you Trek sucks because reasons" that killed this thread and saps the energy out of Star Trek, Star Wars and just about everything else these days. And it's PERFECTLY fine to criticize but when it's ALL that's ever tossed around it's exhausting. For me, I want to watch the new Trek shows because I grew up with Star Trek, and even if it truly is as terrible as this thread would have me believe I'm sure there's something positive worth chatting about. But why do so because the conversations are just connnnsttannnntttt negativity. FFS -b.
  14. Just backed it, really hope that this comes to fruition. It'd be nice if a Child / Baby Yoda and IG-88 were included but I really just want the Razor Crest. -b.
  15. This week's episode (S2 E6) was fantastic! -b.
  16. Paid for my Beskar Armor Mando and The Child at Hobby Search and HLJ, just waiting on the invoice from AmiAmi. I truly hope that the tolerances are better on the Mandalorian than they were on the first release. Trying to fit the peg from the rifle onto his back was true PITA. -b.
  17. Never fully put a name to the designs I love from The Last Starfighter, Alien and Aliens. RIP -b.
  18. This discussion is fascinating, a good portion of items that I've had in my collection the longest, Yamato 1/60 v. 2 and Bandai Renewal DX Chogokin Frontier line have been on display for years - from Southeast Florida (as sunny as sunny can be) to Southeast Michigan. I didn't and still don't do any of the extreme anti-yellowing methods mentioned on this thread and so far I've only suffered (3) toy casualties to yellowing out of about 30 items that have been on display for at least 7-10 years. And all of the yellowing happened in Michigan that is undeniably less sunny that Florida. Of the items that yellowed; Bandai DX Chogokin VF-25F in Fighter with Tornado packs, the yellowing occurred because I had it on display on my desk, near a window that faces north, but accepts sun from the east. It was that eastern sun that yellowed that side of the Valkyrie. That one was all on me. Yamato TV VF-1S Roy, that has partial yellowing on the lower portion of one leg (displayed in Battroid). This item was positioned towards the front of a Detolf shelf on the top shelf. The yellowing is barely noticeable and seems to have arrested by simply moving the item further back on the same shelf. The one that pains me most is a DX Chogokin VF-1J (displayed in Battroid) that seems to have caught sunlight via reflection through from that same window that accepts eastern sun, reflected from one picture on my wall, to another picture that the Valk happened to be positioned in front of. The yellowing is on the back of the Valkyrie and only on the portion that was in front of that picture. Personally I try not to worry about it too much, especially as I still collect items to remain MISB and the idea that they're just in a box turning yellow irks me to no end. But I also know that not having my toys sealed in a sunless vacuum isn't a death sentence either. I'd just say exercise some "common" sense with how you display your toys and do your best to enjoy them while you can (and not worry too much about their eventual degradation or loss of value). -b.
  19. RIP -b.
  20. Good to know! The current after-market prices are way to rich for my blood so I'm safe from that particular dilemma. That'll be @sqidd's headache. That does look pretty cool, but IMHO does not beat the aesthetics of the original. Maybe if it had markings or a little more splash of color to offset all of the black. -b.
  21. ^Me too , I remember you had to use that zip thingy to get it to run. I both hated it (because it wasn't accurate) but loved that toy. Pretty sure I used to try and shove my Joes and/or Star Wars figures into it. -b.
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