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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Hard work pays off, looks amazing MJ. -b.
  2. Can't wait to get the Super Parts for the Ozma 29. Hopefully they have 4 coats of paint just to keep things consistent with this release. -b.
  3. Ohhh, my bad guys, appreciate the clarification. No comment on any of the in-universe stuff though. -b.
  4. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLL Gary? Gary? On topic: I may go back and order Smoke Exhaust, but only because it's the completion instinct taking over. http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT81693/Sci -b.
  5. HA! I thought it already was based on the color of the VF-0D prototypes. I do wish that the VF-19 had a different colored gunpod, the red makes it look more like an accessory (like a purse) than an actual weapon. -b.
  6. Awesome movie, I still need to pick it up on Blu ray (never bought it on DVD). -b.
  7. They keep blurring images! At this point I care more about what's being hidden than what's being shown (I'd feel the same about a VF-0D pic). -b.
  8. She's there, that guy is standing in front of her (you can see her arm just to the right of Captain America's face). Like Vision's look, but it's so funny how fiction likes to follow similar story, design, whatever, trends. Vision's costume has a similar look (texture-wise) to the new Batsuit in the upcoming S vs. B movie. -b.
  9. Heads-up, HLJ has Star Brick up for pre-order, only 14,400 JPY after a 20% discount. http://www.hlj.com/product/TKT81692 Surprised Gakken didn't already have this up. -b.
  10. Good point! Maybe it's because Prime turned colors to gray and they only had magic glue and no magic paint. -b.
  11. Sorry to hear that Erik Elvis. If I recognize the area correctly then it's one of the hazards of driving in S. FL, drivers down there are some of the worst I've ever seen. Kind of on topic, some kid drove past me so past in a Challenger SRT8 I thought the doors on my Taurus SHO were going to fly off. Not that I was driving fast or zipping through traffic but the guy driving blew past me so fast I thought maybe we were in a race down the street and someone forgot to tell me. -b.
  12. Honestly, with regards to television and movie personalities, presence and usefulness (or lack thereof) they both suck equally. That said I still like Hot Rod despite the fact he got Optimus killed. Call it nostalgia and/or rule of cool - especially since Hot Rod got a theme song in "The Touch" and Magnus just got dismembered and glued back to together by a bunch of junk scrappers. -b.
  13. ^more like too many pages (or perhaps just posts) about technical specifications as they relate to Ewoks, but yeah... I'll be very, very happy when official set pictures start to get released. It's been awhile since I've been genuinely excited about anything Star Wars (I liked what I saw of Clone Wars, but it was never "must see" entertainment for me) and I'd like to have that feeling again for such an iconic franchise. -b.
  14. Had to vote or use that little + 1 button for this post. Nostalgia, whether it be from my childhood or something I saw just a few years ago like Macross Frontier is what drives 99.9% of my hobby spending. Hopefully this is a very solid release for those that want it. Despite my own personal opinion of the design depending, and on any number of arbitrary circumstances I may pick one up down the line as I do recognize the VF-19's status in Macross history. -b. *edit because apparently I quoted Aye Aye's post twice, whoops
  15. Me too. That is if a pre-order, or one, or two, or three could actually be secured (you know, at or below retail). -b.
  16. So the only discussion concerning this particular Masterpiece release is about how awesome we think it is? Me thinks not, just like any other discussion thread across all of the internet you will have fans and detractors. I will grant that the design of Star Saber seems to be very nice, especially if those in the know agree that the toy incorporates all of the cartoon design and gimmicks but to proclaim OR debate against it being the BESSSTTTT OF AAAALLLL TIIIMMMMEEE FORRREEEVVAAA is pointless, opinions are opinions are opinions and nothing more. And yeah, 'Space Brick' because that's what it looks like, IMHO of course. -b.
  17. Absolutely looks like Jarhead meets Monsters. I'd be down to watch on Netflix. -b.
  18. + 3 on Everything, logistics and business models be damned, it is a "wish" thread after all. side note, Alison Brie -b.
  19. So...many...nice....shots...of awesome Valkyries. Nice work to all you photographers and customizers, your work really makes the Valks come to life. -b.
  20. Agree, but that is one colorful bird with the 25G Tornado Parts. And of course, excellent pictures Saburo. LOL @ Big Bird, I would love if that nickname stuck for all Tornado Part equipped Valkyries. -b.
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