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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. LOL - thanks for not judging me. I did create a Hunter to play as well, but I'm partial to the Warlock class. I don't do much player vs. player in shooters, mostly because I'm so bad at it, and the sh!t talk from the kids drives me crazy. Good tips though based on your experience, it's good to know once/if I do jump into Crucible. Yeah, I'd like to know as well. -b.
  2. No offense given, none taken. And yes I've felt passionately (in one way or the other) about many movies, books, etc. - but one thing I've learned when trying to communicate with others is that often times it's not what I say, but how I say it. So regardless of subject matter it's a good lesson (for lack of a better term) to remember and one I have to remind myself of daily - especially if the communication is non-verbal and not face-to-face. Welcome to the forums. If you're also a "toy" guy then I'll probably see you more in that section of the forum as that's my main interest as well (though I do love DYRL, Macross Plus, Frontier (TV and movie) enough to peak my head in here every now and again). -b.
  3. Blue. -b.
  4. And you my friend spelled Warlock wrong. So typos abound. -b.
  5. Hard for me to understand the initial, fairly passionate/negative response to the ending of Frontier Movies, watched with or without sound. Granted I wasn't a fan of the movie endings either and as such I tend to gravitate more towards the TV series for what I like about Frontier as an entry in the Macross universe, but it never occurred to me to lash out or to call the movies crap. And IMHO the first post set the tone for the early responses; W.T.F... Can someone please explain to me wtf happened to alto? Was it necessary for him to disappear? Did they At any point in both movies foreshadow that?!? OMG I can't believe I sat through this crap. My friend warned me that I should just stick to the tv series. Boy...I should've listened. OMG wtf???. Edited by Brooklynwolf, Yesterday, 10:53 AM. Even if one was inclined to agree, at a high level that the Macross Frontier movies were lacking they may have steered clear of the topic. Very happy to see that cooler heads prevailed, especially since it may be, or was, worth discussing why the movie ending was left so...open to interpretation. -b.
  6. No, no. It looks like white plastic and I'm in the "don't care either way camp". What I meant is that those green and red strips or accents have a metallic look to the paint. Yep. -b.
  7. ^Niiiccceeee. Can't tell if it's the photo or if the paint has a metallic look, either way I like. -b.
  8. Pretty cool, enjoyed looking at the design sketches and CAD drawings for Magnus. -b.
  9. Well good luck sir! I think we'd all love to see some pictures of your own personal Strike VF-1S. -b.
  10. Nice! I'm jelly, especially of the weathered Max VF-1S... -b.
  11. Sometimes they do disappear quickly, other times not. I haven't been staying up as late (I'm on Eastern Standard Time) so I don't know when a lot of these items have been posted and then sold, but looking at the sold out items from the time I go to bed to when I can look again the next day has shown me a few VF-25A's sold at good prices, a couple of YF-30's, a Yamato Destroid, Display Stand, TV and DYRL Roy VF-1S's and Super & Strike Parts. -b.
  12. Truly I hope that the release for the VF-0D is as close to perfect as perfect can get, if not for the price that these are going to command but for the sake of ones sanity. Otherwise it will be 20 pages of nonstop comments about *insert feedback/complaint*. -b.
  13. Nice, saw that one earlier today. Mandarake has also had some good stuff up the past few evenings but I've been too busy and/or too lazy to post about them. -b.
  14. Awesome info MJ, thanks! While I don't have the skill set and/or patience to re-tint or color the canopy I do have the ability to switch canopies from one YF-29 to another. -b.
  15. Great, Saber is full of red, white, blue and yellow goodness. Are there no new pictures of MP Wheeljack, he does come out soon right? -b.
  16. Agreed! If tomorrow wasn't football Sunday I'd go see GotG again, but I can be happy with twice in theaters and owning it on Blu ray when it comes out. -b.
  17. Dang, sorry then because I only have PS4 for this gen systems. XB1 maybe by December. -b.
  18. True. My money is on the answer "YES". -b.
  19. Looks awesome! I can't wait to get mine once they're released. Ha, ha. This guy here. -b.
  20. They did release a white Optimus and label it as Ultra Magnus though yes? And the fact that they didn't even bother to give the dude any armor was even worse. Shrugs indeed my friend. I get the criticism labeled towards this new UM, and the butt flap thing is relatively irksome but I'm excited to have this in my collection much the same as others are to have Star Saber (see! I used his real name this time). -b.
  21. With the exception of the Batsuit I completely agree (although I could be convinced to like it once I see more pictures or see it in action). That said Man of Steel wasn't horrible, and I've actually grown to like it a bit more after watching on cable over and over and over and over again. It's just some of the plot holes like why Lois was falling at the end versus being pulled upwards and into the singularity and the "fact" that a gazillion people died in Metropolis that make the movie less enjoyable that it should have been - IMHO. -b.
  22. LOL - wow! I'm only at level 3, I guess I need to start clocking some serious hours so I can keep up with the Joneses. -b.
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