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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Sure, a lot can be accomplished when you remove constraints like time, design innovation, and money but we unfortunately we don't live in that world. And that said, for me, I like a more accurate Transformer robot mode over all else. If a toy doesn't fit my criteria of that then I don't buy it and it's no skin off of my nose. Macross does it better anyway. PS - Magnus looks fine to me, if anything the pre-orders on HLJ's page show that it's a popular enough release that it sells out over, and over, and over again. So I guess one's perception of the item itself will color their perception of that fact. -b.
  2. Still do (well, Super Parts, there are no Armor Parts for the 29 ); https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/7128-macross-f-super-parts-set-for-dx-chogokin-yf-29-durandal-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom-limited-edition.html -b.
  3. Yeah, no arguments here and I get the "why" behind the way Transformer toys are designed and produced the way they are. I was just saying "I would" to the idea of buying a renewed, well executed (design, playability, etc.) line of Action Masters/DMK or similar product. And @Gakken - -b.
  4. And now all of a sudden, EVERYONE likes Gerwalk mode. -b.
  5. Nice, that Devastator does look cool. -b.
  6. Honestly, it's what I've always wanted from Transformer toys. It's why I like the DMK releases from Takara so much. I don't really care about rolling a truck around on the floor, or running around the house with yet another jet. Not as a kid and certainly not as an adult. I want Transformer robot modes that look exactly like they're shown on the cartoons or on the big screen. -b.
  7. agreed Also agreed, but that's sort of the point I think. I mean the entire premise of Liam Neeson running around beating the crap out of everyone was silly to begin with. But Taken has spawned (or reinvigorated if I lump Ronin with Robert De Niro in) a whole new sub-genre of old-timer actors running around beating the crap out of everyone and some of those movies have been fun-ish to watch. -b.
  8. Ha ha ha, dang. So tell us how you really feel myk. And the fact that, that's even a measure of improvement says a lot about the Transformers live-action franchise. I won't lie, I bought the Blu ray, and at some point I'll even watch it. Why? Because sometimes I enjoy big-dumb-loud-brain-numbing movies to help satisfy my need (or want) to escape real life. -b.
  9. Another really good episode, I love the character development. + I'm happy that the season is NOT starting off slowly. -b.
  10. Sorry to hear...I still feel like HLJ may be a good bet, but you're correct about what you've seen on Mandarake. You could pull the trigger on one of the next sealed 25F's that pop up and cancel your pre-order. If worse comes to pass then maybe you can request HLJ give you some sort of discount on your next purchase. -b.
  11. Springer would certainly grab my attention, I think TF:TM needs more attention from the Masterpiece line (Rodimus and Ultra Magnus aren't enough). Jazz, Mirage and Hound + updated molds from Megatron and the Seekers. Those too. Screw it - Takara, just do everyone in MP form. -b.
  12. Sure, looks interesting enough that I'd give it a go. Let the comments about this being derivative of some other work of fiction commence... -b.
  13. Apparently that was too much "bass" for your connection to handle. I've seen folks sitting on that pylon before, personally I prefer to do my dancing on top of the stand where you get your mail. -b.
  14. ^Nice pic Gakken. A Masterpiece Megatron and MP Starscream would really push that particular shelf over the top. -b.
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