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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. IMHO rule 34 has nothing to do with what people are talking about re: the VF-11 MAXL. Just people expressing their opinion on whether or not the design speaks to them or not (some think silly because of certain design features some think unique and interesting because of the same). Anyway, on-topic I'd be curious to know about sales of the new VF-19 and if Arcadia was shrewd enough to make this in small quantities understanding that the first release is still fairly easy to find in the marketplace. -b.
  2. The last few posts have me feeling blue... -b.
  3. Regarding confirmed Arcadia Macross releases in 2015, there's the VF-0D, but there's a separate thread for that. -b.
  4. ^Awww, lil' baby Prime. I feel like that should have a Cybertronian diaper on or something. @GU-11, no problem and good luck w the hunt/purchase -b.
  5. ^ Re: Six Degrees of separation that would be pretty cool. I wasn't there for the Orvis but I absolutely helped build the Laredo's of those model years along w/ the 5.9 (I worked on the engine trim line, and trying to get parts into that engine were a PITA, just so cramped). -b.
  6. Well JBO, I think your observations are very kind and fair. I'll just leave it at that. I would add that all of the Autobots are sociopaths following the definition above, even Bumblebee was a little more over-the-top then what he'd been in the previous films (thinking about the first time we seem him on-screen and his temper tantrum after seeing that human-created TF modeled after him). -b.
  7. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -b.
  8. Whoops, it's Dual Model, not mode. But "why"? I dunno, because it rolls off the tongue I suppose. -b.
  9. Going off of price alone someone got a great deal on a YF-30, but it makes me wonder if there was something wrong (like a loose joint or something along those lines) with it; http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-1801257.html -b.
  10. True story, I used to work for (Daimler) Chrysler from '97 to '99 as an Technician II (fancy title for assembly line worker) building the Jeep Grand Cherokee at Detroit's Jefferson North Assembly plant. While for the most part I think they're nice looking SUV's, I don't think I'd ever buy one. I still have nightmares of nights when the assembly line ran for quantity, building 72 cars per hour. *shudders* -b.
  11. Truly. I don't even think his wheels are visible in robot mode, at least in the first 3 movies you could pretend like Prime turned into a truck. This one is a straight up robot with the same paint scheme as his vehicle mode. But for some inexplicable reason I like Prime and Bee's robot modes from the Bay-movies. Probably the same crazy condition that makes Gakken like Space Brick so much. It's order stop at HLJ but still available at AmiAmi (http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-006771&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Ddmk%24pagemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1). -b.
  12. Agreed that certain Valkyries just need to be shown/displayed in Gerwalk mode. And like others have said the VF-1D is one (if not "the" one in my book). -b.
  13. *Waves hand in front of my computer monitor Jedi-style* You will sell me your extra copies of random Valks at a hugely discounted price. Blah! I think of my car as a "she" and named her Ruby because of the color, but if anyone tries to smack boobs on my SHO I will do something very violent to them. -b.
  14. LOL - perhaps. -b.
  15. Agree, although I've been too chicken sh!t to even attempt to transform mine. It's been displayed in cruiser mode since I got it. I remember when it was released I didn't have the money, I was fortune enough to be able to purchase one off of a fellow member for at, or very, very close to SRP (thank you again!!!!). -b.
  16. Uh huh. I don't want to see a post a couple of months from now with a stack of 8 of them sitting next to some speakers in your living room or whatever. -b.
  17. All the suggestions, we just gotta see that new Blue. -b.
  18. lol - Bigger fish to fry probably. To add my .02 I honestly figured at some point there'd be some more actual Macross merchandise posted or the thread moved over to the Sci Fi forum. It could probably use a "what did you recently buy" thread anyway, especially since a lot of us collect multiple product lines. But hey, it's all good if no one is bothered. -b.
  19. No sir. Even if I wasn't currently counting my pennies I probably wouldn't have. The price coupled with the fact that I'm not a fan of the design make/made it an easy pass. -b.
  20. QFT And I wouldn't mind a sequel to this iteration of Dredd either. -b.
  21. Courtesy of TFW2005, some pics of the AoE Dual Mode Kit Optimus Prime from a couple of days ago; There is no way, none, that they'd be able to design a perfect transformation toy from this. Hopefully this fits together better than the first gen DMK releases. -b.
  22. So...essentially you're saying you feel this one was exactly like the first three. And Crazy, or Murderous Prime as I like to think of him is just that. His first words in this movie were "I'll kill you". And yeah, I get his motivations and all of that, but hot damn, you'd think that they had no concept of what a heroic leader is. -b.
  23. Meh, it's all subjective, speculative and moot anyway. Let's go back to wishing for more releases in the Masterpiece line. Like Hound. -b.
  24. ...Macross 7 Valkyrie designs. The very nicest thing I can say about them is that they're "interesting". -b.
  25. ^^Yep, looking good as always. And that's the same armor setup I have a group of my 25's in, all in Fighter mode with the 25F in Tornado, G and RVF in Super and 25S in Armor with a couple of 25A's flying bare. -b.
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