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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. Let's be real here, beyond the legacy of the comics and the very diverse few that have carried title of Black Panther (there have been a LOT, including apparently Steve Rogers in the Ultimate universe), the audience that catapulted Black Panther to success at the theaters is not going to accept the mantle going to a non-BIPOC. https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Panther This is not likely to go to Bucky, precedent in the comics or not (besides, he's busy in the Falcon and The Winter Soldier (which I'm very much looking forward to)). That said, with nothing but respect to everyone reading this, please just look at current or historical real-world events to find your no nonsense answer to why not. Everyone has their money on Shuri, but I'd honestly prefer some comic book movie shenanigans that brings Michael B. Jordan back to take up the mantle. -b.
  2. Pretty sure that "all" she did was post a link to some nonsense conspiracy theory video from YouTube that covered many topics, including COVID-19. Hadn't heard any of that other stuff. In any event she's off of Social Media now and probably for the best. Disney PR will crisis manage the sh!t out of her (and probably Gina C.). I'm curious as to how they will handle the Black Panther mantle, but time will tell. -b.
  3. Cheers! I totally get why people are so put-off (to put it mildly) regarding the ST, I feel the same about 90% of the PT, but there's so, so, so, so, SO, much ground already covered with that era of Star Wars. -b.
  4. Honestly glad that this is (planned) to be set in the post-The Rise of Skywalker era. The the OT trilogy has been done to death and at this point anything done pre-TRoS is essentially a prequel. In any event I'm choosing to be optimistic. -b.
  5. There've been rumors of a new TRON movie being developed staring Jared Ledo and Garth Davis directing. But yeah, for sure I'd be ecstatic for more TRON. -b.
  6. For me a hit would be defined as a commercial and critical (fans) success. For a streaming service that would mean new and/or renewed subscriptions and from a critical perspective see how well The Mandalorian is received. Some of this content is not going to be aimed at adults or older fans, and guaranteed there will be some 'kiddy' content because Disney needs younger fans to grow up and become adult fans. The cycle continues. Personally I just want some continuity across the shows that are for the "adults". -b.
  7. To be honest I'll be very disappointed if that particular plot point is dropped and never revisited in future episodes/seasons. I thought about that too since the Pirates didn't seem to be trying to steal the "things", they were trying to blow up the "things" - which makes them more or less rebels. The length of these episodes don't allow for Mando and those dudes to perhaps see they have the same enemy. Same. While we've seen members of the Empire defect I don't recall seeing them have PTSD about the things that they done (at least I haven't). S.H. Figuarts please!!!! Exactly. -b.
  8. If you've paid any attention during the season you'd see how dumb the assertion that this was just a move made just to placate Pedro, substantiating all the click-bait rumors about him being unhappy. The more likely reason is that it's simply a plot device set up around Mandalorians showing their face despite everything that Din Djarin has been taught not to. And how now there's a scan of this enemy of the Empire/Remnants of the Empire/Pre-First Order. But sure, maybe they've laid this ground work all season just because Pedro was allegedly a diva on set according to the interwebs. -b.
  9. Agreed! Personally really liked Boba's cleaned up armor and look. Also, I'm betting that getting that Imperial terminal to work is going to come back to bite him in the future. -b.
  10. Hopefully the majority, the internet has more than enough nerd-rage as it is. Especially when it comes to Disney and Star Wars. -b.
  11. LOL! It's interesting to see how the number of backers has dropped for the Haslab Razor Crest. It's dropped by a couple hundred (very rough estimate) since I started watching the page on Friday. I wonder if that's just normal attrition or if it's related to in-universe events. I'm keeping my orders but I get extremely annoyed every time I think about what happened on the show. -b.
  12. So the article title and the contents contradict each other just a bit, Extraction 2 is referred to as both a sequel, and potential prequel. Hopefully it's a continuation. -b.
  13. Agreed! That's probably the first "named" ship Star Wars has destroyed in a live action TV show or movie. I keep reading about the possibility of getting that other named shipped and I think that'd be a terrible, terrible idea. Let that one stay with it's owner and let Mando get another pre-Empire gunship that happens to look almost identical to the R.C. -b.
  14. Feel you on being committed, and I honestly really like the design but daaaaammmmmnnnn it. 2 for me. 5 is way to rich for my blood. And that's what my emails says as well. -b.
  15. Welp...looks like some decisions need to be made before December 10th. -b.
  16. All quoted for truth. There's just something inherently fun about the movie going experience. Because it's just that, an experience. Yes I have a really nice 4K set at home, but that's just "watching TV" versus "going to the movies". At this point I have 99% of the streaming services anyway, but I'll always enjoy going to the movies. I also hope they survive, even in a changed release format post-pandemic. But who knows, post-vaccine we could all be in a real-life I Am Legend so this becomes moot anyway. -b.
  17. For me that would be * 2. "The Tragedy" indeed. Yep! Agreed! Thought this episode was fantastic and there's finally something on film/live action that supports the literal decades-long hype around that character. -b.
  18. Thank you! -b.
  19. Thanks Noel! That is the MB Destiny Soul Red (I haven't even removed the slip cover lol). The AutoArt is a metallic red Lexus LC500. And yeeepp Max has seen some action, I love it! -b.
  20. Customer DX Chogokin Max VF-1S, courtesy of @RedComet!!! @sqidd -b.
  21. So I was requested to throw some pictures in this thread (mostly of the DX Chogokin Max VF-1S) but since I had other new items on display, and/or not yet put away in storage I figured I'd do some group shots. Forgive the "blah" nature of the photos, making my toys look cool through pictures isn't really one of my strengths . Cheers! -b.
  22. Yep, I bought mine from Mandarake a few weeks ago at Y30000 (Unopened). The price has been pretty consistent on Mandarake since that time. -b.
  23. Ended up ordering the Avengers set/bundle from AmiAmi, a Hulk and a stand-alone Iron Man. Then another Iron Man from Hobby Search for good measure. -b.
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