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Kanedas Bike

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Everything posted by Kanedas Bike

  1. No, I am not kidding you, did I add a laugh emoji or a "lol"? If it's a bridge too far you, then fair enough but it certainly was not for me, and again seems pretty on-par for how "the company" has been portrayed for years, across multiple mediums. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž -b.
  2. Romulus is a good movie, it very much leaned into Alien in feel and tone, going back to it's roots of sci-fi horror vs. other entries in the series that were more action oriented. For anyone concerned that the trailers showed too much, there were still plenty of surprises to be had. There are a lot of callbacks, they range from "hey! that's cool" to "oh, for f#cks sake" but none of them ruin the movie. My only real gripe is I'd rank the movies in this order - Aliens Alien Alien: Romulus Alien: Resurrection (hated the stupid hybrid, wasn't bothered by clone Ripley but this gets points for not being the movie that killed Hicks and Newt) Alien 3 Alien: Covenant Prometheus (beautifully shot film, populated by the some of the stupidest characters ever put on screen) -b.
  3. ThreeZero's Transformers lines, especially the DLX have been fantastic. In fact every ThreeZero product that I own (and opened) has been well worth the money. I don't know anything about their customer services as I've never had the occasion or need to use it. I'll pick one of these up based on the strength of their Transformer releases alone. -b.
  4. Can. Not. Wait. Getting Ryan and Hugh on screen together as these two characters is worth the price of admission. Especially after their hilarious back and forth for years. -b.
  5. Totally get it, hopefully the show (characters especially) get better for you. I know my enjoyment of a movie or TV show is extremely dependent upon how I feel about the characters. I absolutely didn't like Cassian when he was introduced in Rogue One, but it was okay because he wasn't the star, Jyn was, but I warmed to him by the end. So I enter the show with a slight affinity for the character and I have no issues with his motivations or how he's written. -b.
  6. Cool, cool - no argument here. My point was simply that their price, appropriate or not to however they're sourcing it, or any other factors, doesn't surprise me. And that when I look at them, it's usually for the sake of comparison. -b.
  7. Besides The Mandalorian the live action Star Wars shows have been a mixed bag (often from episode to episode), but Andor has been consistently fantastic 3 episodes in. -b.
  8. BBTS is rarely the cheapest option, when I buy from them I just look to see how competitive their prices are to other sources. And thanks for posting the Good Smile link, I didn't think to look at their own webstore. Good to know! Thx -b.
  9. Samus is up at AmiAmi (went up last night); https://www.amiami.com/eng/detail?gcode=FIGURE-145210 They are the only of the big three, HLJ, AmiAmi and Hobby Search that has a listing. The release date is October of next year so that would reconcile BBTS's release date. -b.
  10. It was really just the cannon fodder 171's to be fair. But those flat out disintegrated given enough time. The infamous triangles, legs, etc. The 31AX just have terrible, terrible, terrible fit and finish. -b.
  11. Glad I quickly cancelled my subscription to that build-an-Enterprise D. I really was excited for it, but I'm glad my apprehension won out in the end. I'm bummed because it was at least nice to have a company producing ships from Star Trek. -b.
  12. There are ways to get these things for less than what I paid, of that I'm sure. And I personally was okay with paying a smidge more upfront for this release, especially with an "easy button" like purchasing from places like Big in Japan and others, but I would never begrudge someone for being smarter or more strategic with how or when they buy. As mentioned; Forwarding Services/Proxies Being patient and diligent just after release Getting lucky with reputable etailers or eBay sellers Between MWF and just good ole Google I've learned a lot about how to buy exclusives like this, but there's still so much I don't know, haven't tried yet, etc. -b.
  13. To be honest I've followed both strategies and had both worked, and failed. There's so much speculation involved it's hard to know which was right until after the fact. Will there be tons of supply, causing prices to drop, or will there be limited supply, causing those prices to stay steady, or get higher? Start contemplating that and then BOOM - the fear of missing out, or even worst the fear of seeing stupid after-market prices strike. lol -b.
  14. Thanks for posting this, was definitely a heads-up for me. Not going to lie, there have been a few recent releases, Metal Build or Gundam related as well as Macross related that I've passed on. A few years ago I would have never, but these days I'm skipping all sorts of stuff. Not this one though 😅 It's a good looking suit! It's already sold out at Big in Japan and I don't see it listed on other sites yet, so FOMO compelled me to order at Luna Park (Premium). I had decided to stay way from them but I'll roll the dice this time. 50,500 JPY shipped using DHL was my total, so your estimate is pretty accurate. -b.
  15. Finished my first viewing about an hour ago, the advertising hype around this is spot on, easily the best Predator movie since, Predator. I'd actually really love a 4K release of this. Agreed with @Tking22 comments around the CG and what's in the spoiler tag. 1 Predator 1a Prey 2 Predators 3 Predator 2 (hated this move years ago, but it's grown on me and I appreciate how it expanded the mythos in the final act) 4 The Predator (because it has to be included on the list) Just like Predator I can see myself easily deciding to watch Prey on a slow day when I want something good to re-watch. -b.
  16. In bold is a fantastic point/factoid from the first movie that I'd forgotten about. With that in mind the movie could have been set in South America. Same. Don't care to go down the "PC" rabbit hole, but I think the introduction of a female Predator could be cool if for no other reason than to change the status quo - but I would not want that to be a focal point of the movie. Maybe if She-Predator was simply a part of a pack or trio like AvP (terrible movie, yes, I know) or Predators. -b.
  17. Will reserve my opinion until I see a few episodes, but the trailer did make me nostalgic for GoT, something I haven't felt since the series ended. How just two abbreviated seasons could taint the legacy of such a phenomenon in the way that they did still blows my mind. -b.
  18. Really wish Bandai could, or would make more Star Wars SHF. No disrespect intended towards Hasbro and their offerings, but just about every time they release something all I do is wish that it was Bandai instead, or even in-addition to. -b.
  19. Saw that sneak peek as well, pretty sure it was an exclusive to show in front of Dr. Strange. And it looks fantastic, can' t wait to see this in theaters! -b.
  20. RIP to one of the all time greats -b.
  21. This made me LOL. Also QFT Respectfully disagree, Shang Chi and Spider-Man: No Way Home were superior in many ways, but this WAS good and I enjoyed it a lot. Raimi was perfect for this material and I loved how he managed to sneak in some of his old movie-making tricks with camera-work and horror elements. -b.
  22. Working for a SaaS company these days and I had to quote this because there are times I swear this is what a some of our Devs want to say. 😅 To their credit they don't, but I truly believe that they want to. Also, I skipped this 31AX and if I could go back in time and skip Hayate's I would skip that one too. -b.
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