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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Well I suppose there's never, ever, ever, ever multiple releases of the same product just Robotech..
  2. I always thought that Max cover art was done by fan. Is it a Studio Nue commission or something from HG?
  3. Kawamori Senpai wasn't involved in Macross 2 OAV, Mac 2 manga, or any of the PC Engine games..
  4. I didn't know BW actually produce products. I thought they had 3rd parties like Studio Nue, Artmic, Model Hobby, & Satelight...
  5. Overall I like Tommy; I think his heart is in the right place but I don't get the constant put down of past RT projects especially when your projects haven't really surpassed or separated from the past stuff. Robotech 3000 as a CGI wasn't really attractive or visually satisfying but the story elements were a little more intriguing than Shadow Chronicles was. I get you wanted to make a continuation of the original story but the follow through left me like this is it? No new character or mecha designs just the same cannibalizing of the same Mospeada that the Sentinels did. His leap frogging from Macross to Mospeada while totally ignoring Sentinels and the Masters Saga has been a bad mistake. Robotech is built on it's togetherness; you omit one it kinda falls apart. In the Robotech: Inavasion game which wasn't a bad game but to make it a 3rd generation story wasn't a good idea; it really should have been a Sentinels game. Invasion totally ripped HALO (I never played HALO in my life and I new 5 mins. into the game). So, if you're going to steal from the most popular game of the time Sentinels would've been the best bet. You have different military campaigns on different alien planets (and you can use the same Mospeada designs) would've allowed to tell the Sentinels story without planning an animated feature. I think HG's learning from their mistakes and embracing some of the past that's why you have both the Dana Sterling and the MAC destroyer 2 cameos in Love, Live, Alive..
  6. All of the RT Antarctic comics were completed except for the disliked Sentinels: Rubicon series. Crystal Dreams was completed just not released due to the video game publisher going bankrupt then broken up.. There were plans to do a anime Robotech 3000 but that transitioned to Shadow Chronicles..
  7. Didn't Books Nippon have a store in Manhattan? I kinda remember seeing it but it was closed. I really wanted to check it out..
  8. To be fair you didn't add the Antarctic Press years, Crystal Dreams, & even Robotech 3000 all in the 1990s..
  9. I have vague memories of this show; I don't think this aired in Maryland. I remember seeing trailers for this on VHS tapes I rented at Erol's. Did this come on Cable?
  10. That was Jean Grey's reintroduction back into the Marvel universe and the beginning of X-Factor (the re-teaming of the five original X-Men: Jean Grey, Cyclops, Beast, Angel, and Iceman). Also, having the Phoenix replace Jean during the Dark Phoenix Saga absolved Jean of being a mass murderer (Phoenix ate a star and killed a entire solar system and a Shi-ar Star Cruiser). I thought that little retcon was really lame and ruined a great X-Men story..
  11. The best animated FF: The 1960's Hanna-Barbara one then the1990's FOX one (2nd season). I really wish WB (the owners of the show) & Marvel could work it out and get the original series on DVD. If you're able check out the 1970's FF radio show; it's surprisingly good with Bill "Groundhog Day/Ghostbusters" Murray as the Human Torch.
  12. It's going to be interesting seeing Djimon Hounsou playing a Kree, Michael Rooker as Yondu, & Benito Del Toro as the Collector. Djimon for years was campaiging for Black Panther so I guess that's not happening..
  13. Whose gonna win this fight Nurse Sheryl versus Nurse Dana? I guess it really doesn't matter but I think we'll all be winners..
  14. I suppose he's Prince Lotor. Sorry, I don't know his Japanese name..
  15. I don't know.. Though, I hope I live to see a Super Dimensional Castle of Lions..
  16. I was pretty hyped for this until I heard Zack Snyder's been talking to FRANK MILLER..I was like ugh..The one guy that believes Superman & Batman would never be friends or at least allies and you gonna seek his advice? Don't get me wrong I liked The Dark Knight Returns but only as an alternate reality tale but not to shape the new DC Cinematic Universe.
  17. I always felt when HG promoted LLA with having new footage they were always talking about the LLA footage & the RageX animation fillers. To an anime vet who has seen the uncut LLA I would imagine you'd ask "Well how come animation from 1985 be considered new?" To a layman or someone who watched RT but never seen LLA the scenes from LLA could be considered new. I think at one point HG might've been claiming the footage was lost.
  18. A lil' off topic, a description of George Miller's Justice League: Mortal. Why didn't they make this movie but there's still time! http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/nailbiter111/news/?a=84343
  19. Star Wars: Rebels Details, Logo, & Concept Art.. http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/JoshWildingNewsAndReviews/news/?a=84304
  20. To be honest I really wasn't expecting more than the product we actually got. The original LLA was 30 min clip show with new animation with the purpose of saying goodbye to Mospeada. So HG extended the movie and added more dialogue and exposition. It's a Side-Story people..Did you really believe they were going to use a large studio for a such a small project? I give RAGEX props for trying to make it as close as possible to the original source. Now with Shadow Rising we'll see if HG's willing to put up or shut up with their cash and make a decent anime film. Other side stories like Gundam 8th MS Team: Miller's Report only used clips and no new animation.. Dana's appearance wasn't still pictures although was very limited animation. Didn't Macek wanted to adapt LLA into Robotech?
  21. Too bad it doesn't transform...That would be something..
  22. I couldn't have said it better. It's not Mospeada Love, Live, Alive it's Robotech Love, Live, Alive. Yes RT utilized the original footage but a 30 min. music video was not going to be beneficial in HG's master plan. Yeah, I would like the concerts and the campfire scene to be a bit extended (there's a lot of LLA that's beautiful to look at) but over all I liked it. I watched it twice and I can't find Admiral Hunter's voice over. Anybody know what scene?
  23. Macross (like Robotech) would only work with an international cast. Roy, Claudia, Minmay, & Kim would be fairly easy to cast but Hikaru, Misa, & Gloval might be tough..
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