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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. I think people are missing the boat on this; what is LLA but Codename: Robotech with New Generation characters. The clips are to set up the New Gen character's adventures of liberating the Earth from the Invid while setting them up for continuing stories possibly in Shadow Rising. I would've preferred more Lancer concert stock footage and less "The Ranch" episode..
  2. MacrosTech? We've reached the end times..Officially..
  3. Dark Knight & Smallville artist Steve Scott draws Bat-Affleck! http://www.bleedingcool.com/2013/09/04/either-this-is-real-ben-affleck-as-batman-concept-art-or-steve-scott-is-a-very-funny-guy/
  4. I'm lovin' this Valk!
  5. Yeah I forgot about people like Fred Patten, Toren Smith, and even Ben Dunn. I think Heavy Metal played a part also. For all intents in purposes there was no U.S. anime industry in the 80's just shows airing on UHF channels or basic Cable (if you were lucky to have Cable). It was a complete underground culture where you share & trade videos, bring your VCRs to your friend's house to tape movies, or rent any rinky dink compliation video (Ultraman, The Adventures of Ultraman, Thunderbirds 2086) made up of different episodes to be movies.. Yes, Robotech was a step that spun out of a sub-culture that already existed but it did help to give a wider appeal to this culture.Though I don't agree it was a small step; RT premiered in major markets and it had huge word of mouth appeal. I don't fault HG for using the LLA footage; I'm suprised that it wasn't utilized sooner.
  6. I give up; the anime business was just "BOOMING" in the early to mid-eighties. Full season episodes of Starblazers, Tran Zor Z, and Robotech were available on VHS and Beta video tapes for sale or rental. Stores had huge anime departments so people didn't have to start anime clubs and share bootleg tapes and EVERYBODY knew what anime was.. Now back to Love, Live, Alive..The only connection to Macross Saga is Rick's cameo transmission to any surviving REF soldiers on Earth. LLA really starts with Lancer telling how the Invid came to Earth because of Zor Prime destroying the Master's ship over the ruins of the SDF-1,, SDF-2, and Khyron's battlecruiser releasing the protoculture spores all over the planet..
  7. Not every fan of Voltron were comic book fans. I had plenty of friends who watched Voltron or even Robotech on a daily basis never even stepped into a comic book store. It seems if you visted your local speciality shop you'd be able to find out the Japanese origins of your favorite cartoons IE models, toys, books, etc that might've had the original Asian packaging. My store was Geppi's Comic World; they had videos and all sorts of anime related merchandise.. I also have Vol. 3 of the Starblazers TV comic but I didn't know they existed until !992 years after Starblazers was cancelled. I never seen an episode because it aired in Washington DC and I lived in Baltimore..
  8. I love the 80's use a toy under the banner of one toy line then if you lose the license then repackaged for an unrelated toy line..
  9. Doesn't Chris Nolan run the DC Movieverse? Besides the problem was never DC it was the Warner execs who absolutely had no idea (or even cared) who these character were and what they were about. Example: Geoff Johns had to explain to a WB exec that the Green Lantern they were making Gay was not THE Green Lantern but A Green Lantern (the original one)...
  10. Did children learn what Anime was because of Robotech? That's more or less correct. Yes, there were other anime programs before RT (Battle of The Planets, Voltron, Starblazers) but none of them fully explained they were imports from Japan. RT had comics, art books, and all sorts of media that clearly pointed out that this show was anime or at that time Japanimation. Do Voltron fans accept their show as anime like RT fans do? Voltron in the U.S. is more close to G.I. Joe or Transformers in terms of over all popularity while RT fans are quite smaller. Yes the credit roll names the Japanese creators but what kid pays attention to the credit roll (well, I did because I'm a nerd for the credit roll)? I've watched anime all my life but I didn't know what to call it until Robotech came along..
  11. So Funimation and Sony interviews Macross's daddy about the 30th anniversary of Macross? Funimation is no longer in bed with HG. I know this is pie in the sky but could this be the start of something bigger?
  12. I wonder if Macross 2 was a huge success and if Kawamori didn't return to Macross would people still take this stance. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can change history. Hey I hated X3 but you don't see me going around and saying that X3 wasn't an X-Men movie..
  13. Answerman on ANN gives an answer (of sorts) regarding the Macross trademark outside of Japan.. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/answerman/2013-08-23
  14. Well..Let's see what I learned..Macross 2 isn't really Macross..Though, it follows all the Macross criteria: Alien invasion, music used as weapons, & a love triangle. So following this logic Gundam Wing, GGundam, Gundam00, and certain series from Universal Century that weren't created by Tomino isn't really Gundam either..
  15. Spidey & Doc Ock switched minds and piece of Peter was still in his body until Doc turned off the Peter personality and fully took over. Trust me Superior Spiderman is a dumb story and I gave up on it after 5 issues..
  16. If you read my post on how I criticized HG especially Tommy Yune for always dissing their past projects (IE RT: 3000) and not using the Sentinels more you can tell I'm no HG loyalist. Dude said specifically that Shoji San worked on every iteration of MACROSS and that's not true. Now we're adding other creators to prove his point. Carl Macek set it up that writers or creators could put their own stamp on RT. Cancelling of the Sentinels allowed for more creative freedom but before Tommy Yune came on board these other projects (IE games, novels, comic book) were no less Robotech. His point was since Shoji Kawamori wasn't involved with MAC2 it's not really MACROSS and that's not true....
  17. You said EVERY Macross Kawamori was involved with and that's simply not true. Macross 2 is out of Kawamori's continuity yes but that doesn't stop Big West from profiting off of it. Music from Macross 2 was used in Macross 7, Mac 2's Ishstar has been counted with Minmay, Mylene, & Sheryl as a Macross Diva, and Macross 2 was in the Macross Timeline video that was on the Macross Plus Movie Edition..
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