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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Where are the subs?
  2. Yes, you're right. Eve in the RT universe was to be the A.I. of the SDF-01 and was to be the computer brain of Janice Em of the Sentinels who was Lynn Minmay's singing partner..
  3. If you're gonna have a team up of RT & Voltron you're imagination has to be off the chain. There's so much potential for robotic clashes and crossover craziness. I'd have Vehicle Voltron fighting the Zentradi out in the far galaxy or the Drule Empire invading Earth to steal the SDF-1 on Macross Island. Maybe have appearances by the forgotten Voltrons Albegas & Daltenious teaming up with the Orguss Valkyrie & the Modat 5.
  4. I wasn't expecting a really great comic but maybe a fun AU story with cross mixing of the characters. Maybe have Macross characters piloting Vehicle Voltron or something. So far pretty bland story telling and terrible characterization..Hopefully Bill Spangler can bring Tommy's chaotic plots into a decent story..
  5. I just bought my copy yesterday (it was the last one on the rack). I haven't read it yet just skimmed over the pages. Artwork is nice but doesn't seem to have a whole lot of dialogue..
  6. Machete Kills Again..But in space.. http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/19/5123636/machete-kills-again-in-space-trailer-is-an-x-rated-sci-fi-masterpiece
  7. Wasn't Locke Jack Archer but with amnesia?
  8. RIP Macrossman...We're all connected in our love for Macross..
  9. I'm glad that BW/Bandai/Namco are finally acknowledging they have English speaking fans who consume their product just as much (if not more) as the Asian speaking ones. Makes me wonder if this might be first step at a possible International release sometime in the future..Big news..
  10. Gotta love 80's anime. That dude's got his eye knocked out..
  11. The Megaroad was going on a tour of Earth that would've led to death and destruction. They should animate this for fun and keep it in an alternate universe. Sunriser and Asteroid Cracker; I just love those special attack names..
  12. Well blended families are no real big deal; I've seen plenty of families that have children from other marriages say that's my brother or sister..I'm still on the fence about changing Johnny but I do understand that the FF does need some revamping..
  13. I think both Orguss & Orguss 02 are brilliant but it's way past time for a reboot..
  14. This may surprise people but Robotech wasn't my 1st exposure to Macross but the retail of bootleg Macross toys from Taiwan that was sold in little Asian shops in Downtown Baltimore, MD. My cousin 1st bought the Macross figure and showed me the toy and I was amazed with the artwork on the box. It had Mikimoto sketches of Minmay & Roy (whose hair was colored black to make him look like Hikaru) and screencaps of Misa & Gloval with colored drawings of the Macross. I was like this would be a great cartoon and about a year or so later Robotech aired on WBFF 45 and I was hooked. I watched all 83 episodes, collected the awful COMICO comics, and collected the toys. I had to have everything that had RT stamped on it. Geppi's comic world had a Macross fan book that had Minmay on the cover for about 20 bucks; I could never afford it. Then RT was cancelled and I waited and waited for the Robotech Movie to come out but of course it never did. I moved from the city to the suburbs. I met some dudes that were into the RT RPG and I discovered Clash of the Bionoids that led to Space Fortress Macross. I moved to New York then VIZ released the Macross 2 manga and U.S. Renditions Macross 2 OVA came out...
  15. It's gonna be bad. Real bad but I'm still going to buy it just for morbid curiosity..
  16. It's no more uglier than those early Breasts Fighter designs for Megaroad..
  17. Reminds me of the Axerod from the Robotech Defenders.. http://www.karridian.net/robotech_defenders.html
  18. I'm surprised no one is talking about Jotun Valkyrie (VF-1/Orguss) hybrid will be a playable mech in the game..
  19. When's Graviton coming in? We need more Marvel bench riders for this show..
  20. Number 1 in your time slot and if you can't sell toys it's still not enough to save you..Lame..
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