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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Sorry man, SDF Macross aired date was in 1982 not 1985. When it was adapted for Robotech; that happened in 85. Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it.
  2. " Steven Spielberg"? Nah... Get the guy who directed Independence Day...
  3. Lynn Kyle/Kaifun is called Teddy Typhoon and Rick/Hikaru is Little Ricky; I gotta see this. Was the show called Robotech, Macross, or a brand new name? Did this version air the same time as Robotech did in the states? Or is this version available on VHS? I have a French version of a Saint Seya OVA and it has a commercial for DYRL. This time it's called Robotech: Macross.
  4. Comico's SDF Macross#1 is worth $20 and it's very rare. I own one.
  5. Actually...there was. It just wasnt finished. It was Macross in English dub by HG. They still changed alot of names but it was cooler than RT. You can find the VHS on Ebay sometimes. I think only the first 3 or 4 episodes were completed before they turned it into Robotech. Actually, it was just the first episode they did as a pilot, and it's available on the RT box set extra disk volume E5. It was still edited (no Roy ogling Mimay's backside on the tarmac ), the plot was still changed (the Unifaction wars weren't mentioned, and follows the same RT theme) the names were still changed, and the voice acting is about what you'd expect. "Rick Yamada" specifically calls the Vf-1D a "valkyrie". Interestingly enough, it uses the same annoying voice actors, but none of the sound effects or music from RT. Actually, what was on the Extras disc was a pilot for a possible Macross tv show to air on U.S.channels. There is a feature length VHS that includes the first four episodes. I saw a ad for it in my issue of SDF Macross#1 by HG and Comico back in 1985. At the time, you could only get it through mail order.
  6. I'll take my chances.
  7. Can't we all just get along?!!! Anyways, this is what a Valkyrie should look like. The VS-XS looks better than some of the fighters I have seen in Macross 7.
  8. Man, I love this pic:
  9. Thanks guys. I knew if I rattle a few feathers and yank a few chains you guys would come through. The scans are great and the game looks fantastic. When I heard the game was going to 1st player instead of 3rd player perspective I was less than thrilled. Now I see it, I can't wait for it to come out.Will Invasion be compatible with the X-box Live for online gaming?
  10. Me?..... Yankin' chains.......nah.... B)
  11. I found out the new game will be called Invasion. I did a search and found these Mods. I don't think this is the real game but I got to show ya'll.My Webpage
  12. The reason is that the story does take place early in their history before they came to Earth. Once they landed on Earth they took forms we know. The artist who did the first series said it bugged him that both Autobots and the Decepticons,in robot mode, still looked like they did after they were modified to be earth vehicles. Anways, I like Pat Lee's style and I'm looking forward to the new series. Plus, for all you Super God Masterforce Transformers fans; Dreamwave might bring Overlord(the villain in the series) in a ongoing G1 book.
  13. Hey, remember the Autobot with the upity attitude, Tracks. Here's a updated or predated pic on him:
  14. Dreamwave is making a sequel to Transformers: The War Within called "The Dark Ages". If you read the first series you know it dealt with the early history of the Transformers. The book show the Transformers with their pre-earth look. The new series will feature a new Transformer called the Fallen. I don't know his affliation but he looks cool. I hope they show some of the female Autobots this time around. Here's a picture of him:
  15. Seloy was one of the main villans in Robotech 2 The Sentinels: The Malcontent Uprisings. It happens in the ten year span between Macross and the Sentinels. She was an old friend of Miriya's and she led a group of radical Zentradie in the wastlands. It's a shame that HG has the mini series non canon because it's pretty good. It goes deep into the Zentradie culture and features a ritualistic battle suicide. Two leaders of the Malcontents are captured and want to die a warriors' death. So, Breetai and Miriya hunt them down with armed veritechs while the Malcontents are flying unarmed ones. It's a pretty violent scene. Kimora is the female ace you fight during the Battlecry game. She goes completely crazy after a few battles with her.
  16. It was supposed to be in this month's EGM. I read it on a post from Robotech.com. I brought the September issue and couldn't find the article. The next issue is going to have a 80's theme and will feature Transformers and He-Man. The article and pictures might be there.
  17. Thanks for the tip EXO. I should have realized that Kimora was a ripoff of Seloy; they're both pyschos. But I love' em !! HA!
  18. Then why the heck did you post her in a "new robotech" thread, damnit! If you wanted ppl to understand that you simply like it... you should have said so! As for her... she isn't fan works material because she isn't green haired. First of all, if you had seen some of my other posts you'd see I have other attachments. I have Mospeada and Fatal Fury artwork as simply decoration. Secondly, I never said I had any screeshots; I wanted know have other ppl had seen or had them. I never said she was in the game. I through her in because of fans of the other Robotech game might recognized her. You fight her three times in the game for Pete's sake. Finally, didn't you read the post! I'm looking for screenshots to! Like this is also decoration:
  19. She's not going to be in the game. I just liked the picture. It's concept art for Battlecry not Robotech 2. Robotech 2 is going to be Mospeada not Macross.
  20. Nah, she's in Battlecry. She's a psychotic Zentradei chic you fight a few times in the game. The new game will take place during the Mospeada part of Robotech.
  21. I heard that this month' s Electronic Gaming Monthly has screenshots of the upcoming New Generation Robotech game. It's a first person perspective and you fight the Invids. Has anybody seen these and can upload'em. Does EGM have a website? I really want to see these pictures.
  22. I hope she does;she looks like a tough chic. Ha, Ha!!. Thanks man.
  23. Is Katie a Destroid pilot or does she fly a Valkyrie? Or does she run any other mech?
  24. Nice to see the ol' mechs back. They've been ignored too long in the various Macross sequels.
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