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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Takara announced that their G1 Transformers game won't be coming to America. Here's a flyer that shows some of the game:
  2. It must be the end of days because that was some really funny stuff...
  3. Update: Catwoman Teaser will be shown with LOTR: Return of the King on Dec. 17. Go to this link to read about it catwoman
  4. Here is a pic of Thomas Jane in the Punisher movie. Cool!!
  5. Sounds like nickpicking to me............
  6. the Legion is definately one of the better team books out there. anyone who likes The Titans and Outsiders should pick it up. i've been reading it since way back. good stuff. Hey, the storyline in Legion will not only have the return of Superboy but also Darkseid. It might be a homage to one of the best Legion stories ever, The Great Darkness Saga! I can't wait.
  7. Yes, that's the same Superboy from the Death of Superman storyline. He's a clone that has Superman's DNA and maybe Lex Luthor's(?). DC is also bringing back the classic "Silver Age" Superboy in this month's Legion. Only time will tell which will be the "true" Superboy.....
  8. I like Winick's Outsiders too but I was disapointed with The Graduation Day series. Judd coped out with the character's death. I wasn't to shocked with the demises of Lilith/Omen and Donna Troy. First they killed the Raven clone Omen; a third rate character since the seventies. I kinda knew they would retire Donna Troy. She has been the victim of so many rewrites and revised histories it's almost tragic. They were going to kill her off but really didn't do it. She was sent to another world to live another life?!! Listen Geoff Johns' Teen Titans #2 had Slade the Terminator shoot Impulse/Kid Flash in the leg to prove that kids shouldn't fight crime. That's shocking.... agreed. but the whole thing was DC's EIC wanting to make the comic tie into the new TV series. they told Winick what to do, andi think he did the best with a bad idea. i mean, who kills Donna Troy? horrible move, IMO. this isn't to say Graduation day wasn't craptastic. cause it was. but i think we can Blame DC for that snafu.... ....and yeah, Slade dealing with Impulse was pretty messed up. Well, Winick is still doing a good job with his Outsiders and Exiles runs. I gotta pick up his Green Arrow books. Yeah, I'm a fan of Winicks but I felt let down with that mini-series. I can understand that DC tied his hands and he had to do the best he could.
  9. I like Winick's Outsiders too but I was disapointed with The Graduation Day series. Judd coped out with the character's death. I wasn't too shocked with the demises of Lilith/Omen and Donna Troy. First they killed the Raven clone Omen; a third rate character since the seventies. I kinda knew they would retire Donna Troy. She has been the victim of so many rewrites and revised histories it's almost tragic. They were going to kill her off but really didn't do it. She was sent to another world to live another life?!! Listen Geoff Johns' Teen Titans #2 had Slade the Terminator shoot Impulse/Kid Flash in the leg to prove that kids shouldn't fight crime. That's shocking....
  10. That's a tight looking variant cover; is it only available through Mile High Comics?
  11. The head animator is Glen Murakami. He has worked on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to Batman/Superman Adventures. The use of the anime style was deliberate. Glen has said much of Teen Titans was inspired by Fooly Cooly.
  12. If you love the Teen Titans cartoon, DC is doing comic based on it. Here is a sample page and a link: teen titans
  13. Transformers Victory might be the best of all the Japanese Transformer series. Will there be a Region 1 or HK bootleg available? That is a cool looking bot is that original?
  14. Selina taught that little bird a lesson...Ha!
  15. Who is that Jade Lo. Nice choice....I like smut,he, he....
  16. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Anybody but them!!!!
  17. Nah, there's one cheat for the mecha and one for the missions. You can't combine them. Yeah, that really bites...
  18. That's a cool Batman/Catwoman pic. Jim Lee is "The Man"!!!!
  19. Update: Picture from the movie set..
  20. She's a new Catwoman named Patience Price. She has a all new origin. If you want to read her story go to the link I posted above in a earlier post. Now back to Michelle as Catwoman, I don't want to compare who is the better Catwoman. I've still have to see Halle Berry's version. Eventhough the comic book version was nowhere as over the top as Michelle was.
  21. This is one of the characters from the Sega/Bandai's SDF Macross game. Who is he?:
  22. Agreed. We want Michelle back. Michelle was too much of a psyhco for Catwoman..
  23. trust me it's not fake go to this link. By the way I like it...catwoman
  24. Wb released this image of Halle Berry's costume for Catwoman. purrrrrrrr:
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