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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. First of all, I love the original series; I still watch my taped episodes. You have to admit if it wasn't for Star Wars there wouldn't be a Battlestar Galatica. Geez, the show was created to capitilized on the Star Wars crazed of the late seventies. C'mon, didn't the Cylons have a slight resemblence to the Stormtroopers? Just because certain specifics wern't copied doesn't mean it wasn't inspired by it. The old show was a bit more racially diversed and that was good thing. I really liked Herbert Jefferson's Boomer. He had a quick wit that made him more interesting to me than other characters. As the new show continues, I hope we'll see more characters of African descent.
  2. No, it was a plain in your face rip-off of Star Wars. They even gave Adama Jedi like powers. I won't mention Count Ibley aka Lucifer, Mephisto, and The Devil. Listen, the mini-series showed the realism of a race of people on the verge of extinction and prepared to do anything to survive.
  3. I love the new series and I recently rewatched my VHS copy to remind myself how much I liked it. I personally liked how they made Adama more of a ass kicker and less of a religious zealot. I still love to watch the old series but this is a more mature Battlestar Galactica.
  4. Gonzo announced they will indeed animate the new Transformers series Galaxy Force. This could be the new Optimus Prime:
  5. Macross Air-Force Ones, cool. What's next Mazinger Iverson's or Gundam Chuck Taylor's.
  6. Smallville, let me see....Blind-folded Lana shares lesbian kiss with cute blonde equals high ratings.
  7. Uhhh...is there supposed to be a punchline on this pic as related to the topic? Whenever you have Adam West running down a crowded pier to ditch a bomb, c'mon that's funny.
  8. update: Batman Begins poster...maybe....
  9. Maybe Soundwave but Hasbro is reluctant to market Megatron as a gun.
  10. The line-up might be Optimus Prime, Jazz, Wheeljack, Sunstreaker & Sideswipe, Brawn and Bumblebee. Ultra Magnus and Grimlock might have cameos. transcast
  11. For all the punks on Yancy St., watch out for the Thing!
  12. I have pix of Jessica Alba as Sue Storm!
  13. Spoiler Warning Solomon Grundy will return from the dead and return of a former friend. JLU will protect Lex Luthor from a killer Android(Amazo, anybody?) Also, the JLU will team-up with the future JLU. Look for appearances from Stactic Shock and Batman Beyond. If you read the comics, Kurt Busiek(Avengers, JLA/Avengers) will become the new regular writer of JLA. His arc will be a continuation of Avengers/JLA series and will feature the Crime Syndicate of Amerika.
  14. It comes on every Saturday on Kid's WB at 10:30a.m. eastern time and will have encore performances on Fridays. Yes, the show lacks the stylism of Batman TAS but it is very action pack. The new Joker takes some getting use to but Kevin Micheal Richardson's rendition is just as creepy or maybe more so to Mark Hammil's. I enjoyed it and can't wait for the next episode.
  15. I like the blending of The Five Star Stories and Macross styles. Very original....
  16. Emma has my man Cyclops's head twisted, ha,ha!
  17. Live action Area 88 man, those pics are cool.
  18. Playa-hater.
  19. Elektra firstlook is online and it has a interview with Jennifer Garner and scenes from the movie. Jennifer is hot, hot, hot!elektra
  20. This might be a fake but....... This is a actor list for Batman Begins that has a T. Welling as a character called "Kent".
  21. Kevin Smith, the most lazy man on the planet. Y'know he created Silent Bob so he wouldn't have to memorize any lines. That's lazy.......
  22. Sentry was supposed to a forgotten hero of the "Silver Age" of Marvel(similar to DC's Truimph) that was erased from history. The editors of the "Marvel Knights" imprint created a farce saying that the Sentry was a Stan Lee creation. Also, their story was that Stan buried the character and that a Sentry issue one was printed but not released. Go to this link sentry
  23. One is the Sentry the other hasn't been identified yet.
  24. I found this link just a little while ago. It says ADV is in talks with Big West to release Macross Zero. It could be a rumor; I don't know.advmaczero
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