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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. In Macross Zero wasn't Protoculture being researched by UN scientists but in SDF Macross the humans didn't hear that term until Hikaru, Misa, Hayao, and Max were captured by the Zentradei.
  2. the reason Macross II is an "Alternate Reality"(not to mention it's the only Macross series not done by Studio Nue) is the UN forces didn't branch out into space in Megaroad Colony ships. Instead, they stayed in our solar system to rebuild the Earth. Is it true?
  3. Looks that way. I just went to DRMovie's Korean language site and they mention the Shadow Chronicles article in NEWTYPE. It's in Korean but it say these names Tommy Yune, Robotech, Shadow Chronicles, New Generation, and MOSPEADA! Here's the link:drmoviepress
  4. The Clone Wars cartoons are Star Wars done right! Nuff said! BTW, I can't wait for Ep.III!
  5. LOL.. That's a SUPER DIMENSIONAL kinda guy.
  6. Here's Chase Masterson as Janice Em. Damn, she's a hottie. IF you ever seen Star Trek: DS9, you'll know what I mean.
  7. Well, I don't have a problem with the show taking more from Mospeada than Macross. Continuity wise that's the best course but when they introduce "Macross Saga" characters(and they will) they''ll have to look similar to their earliar designs. Here's the voice cast: Greg Snegoff: Lt. Cmd.Scott Benard Richard Epcar: Capt. Vince Grant Paul Sorich: Sparks
  8. Thanks, any info? Reminds me of Voltron.
  9. Uhm, it might be a little easier if you gave us some more info... I found it on Genon's site.
  10. I found this and couldn't find the title. Looks cool.
  11. I found this and it's look pretty cool. The site I was on was in Japanese so I couldn't get the title.
  12. Cyclops won't be a major character?!!! That's crazy; he's the leader for Christsakes! Also, if they're going to adapt "The Dark Phoenix Saga" Cyclops's love for Jean Grey played a pivotal part in the series. It wasn't a love story about Wolverine and Jean.
  13. Are these really boots or legitimate products. Robotech is crazy popular in China. robotechunion
  14. This is not a spoiler! Repeat! This is not a spoiler! I think the Cylons are trying to create a Human/Cylon hybrid.
  15. Nice, very nice.
  16. I'm down with it as long as Rick Berman is not involved. That guy's creative well is a dry as a desert.
  17. I like it; looks like a cross between the Regult and Orguss. Was this mecha in the Sentinels role playing handbook or Robotech Art 3?
  18. When did people stop reading to their kids? Kids are smart they'll figure what they like and don't like. When I was a kid I watched alot of PBS like The Electric Company(every friday Spiderman,yay), Reading Rainbow, and 3-2-1 Contact. Then I'll flip it to Super Friends, G.I.Joe, and He-Man. Don't stress it, if kids have questions about anime they'll come to you.
  19. I always liked this cover. It's too bad the movie sucked......
  20. I guess Spiderman is a dick too, ha!
  21. The Dark Lord is coming; it's about time.
  22. Bowie, as in David? Masters???????? Sorry, you've lost me Graham C'mon Graham.....Now you're being ridiculous dude. Funny but ridiculous..
  23. It's a double edge sword; Tatsunoko didn't want to use Macross designs(because they didn't want to be sued by Big West) and a major flaw with the Sentinels(among other things) was that the characters didn't look like their Macross counterparts. "Damned if you do and damned if you don't".
  24. Got a point there Terry. Thanx Devil!
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