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terry the lone wolf

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Everything posted by terry the lone wolf

  1. Ah, I see now where I went wrong and brought upon my wrath on Harmony Gold. I mean just because I said it's a publicity stunt makes HG the one and only company to have ever done so. All this because I uttered that line. I don't know if I should be flattered or embarrased of having the unfortunate experience of your tomfoolery regarding my remarks, Mr Wannbe Bogard. You need to chill and start running with the pack!!!
  2. Publicity stunts.... HG/UN union is a publicity stunt. Macross 7 was also a publicity stunt. There is nothing wrong with publicity stunts if you can profit from it. HG has done it ;BG has done it.
  3. I know you're joking with him but I don't think he knows much about anything. He couldn't even explain to me what got him so worked up and how it is I singled out HG in favor of Macross 7..... I've been very kind to him in this thread too. EDIT: "I know you are but what am I" crap don't count as knowing either. First of all, I never said you singled out HG in favor of Mac 7. I brought up Mac 7 as an example of coporate pimping. Yes, HG is pimping Robotech to the UN but at least the UN is a noble enity. SNK-4-Life, hell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Sticks & Stones, my friend..Sticks & Stones, Ha! BTW, at least HG aligning their product with an orginization that deals with making world a better place to live. Really? Which one? In any case, at least Big West comes up with some original content now and again. In 20 years, all HG has is Robotech, and even that wasn't really original. Original content let's see......Macross 2......Macross 7....Countless Macross video games..... This isn't about which orgnization is better, to me they're both rich fat cats that are doing the same thing. Sell, sell, sell, and sell.
  5. If the big pimps at BG had the same deal HG has with the UN we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  6. Sticks & Stones, my friend..Sticks & Stones, Ha! True dat. Only I'm not your friend (and you're still an idiot with a twisted hard on for Macross 7). With that mouth I see why.
  7. Sticks & Stones, my friend..Sticks & Stones, Ha! BTW, at least HG aligning their product with an orginization that deals with making world a better place to live.
  8. This is beginning to sound like nothing more than a really messed up publicity stunt. I'm sure a couple of our anonymous members would agree. Oh, and Big West is above this huh. Wasn't Macross 7 used to sell a @#%$!load of J-pop cds. What the hell does HG's retarded antics have to do with the lameness that was Basara's singing? And what makes you think I give a damn? Because you're singling HG out for doing what all corporate bodies do, find a way to push their product. Macross 7 was a springboard for retailing J-pop cds. BG found away to make some cash and to cash in on the J-pop craze. It didn't even have a decent resolution for certain plotlines IE Max/Millia relationship and the romantic triangle of Gamlin, Mylene, and Basara.
  9. This is beginning to sound like nothing more than a really messed up publicity stunt. I'm sure a couple of our anonymous members would agree. Oh, and Big West is above this huh. Wasn't Macross 7 used to sell a @#%$!load of J-pop cds.
  10. Well, if Megatron's not going to be a gun well I hope he'll be tank. Let him blow @#$%! up! Hell ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Well, the PSA's will preview more of Shadow Chronicles. So if that's the case. I'm all for it.
  12. Mars force? I thought this was Shadow Force, then the series would be Shadow Chronicles. Now I'm confused. So, is the new series now titled Robotech: Shadow Chronicles: Mars Force? I hope it's called Mars Force; it has a better sound than Shadow Force.
  13. Shadow Chronicles is an original sequel to Robotech and will have elements of all three generations of Robotech I.E. The Macross Saga, Southern Cross, and The New Generation. The series is suppose to tie up loose ends and cliffhangers from the original series.
  14. Bwa-hah-hah-hah-haaaaa!!!! Why oh why does this not surprise me in the least? As it so happens, I have a preview of the new ad campaign for the UN Committee on International Anime Proliferation. I hate to admit that's funny!!!!!
  15. Sorry EXO, I gotta a little excited!!! BTW nice pics Devil; they look the suits Corg and Sera flew.
  16. Also HG will be running animated PSAs featuring Robotech characters celebrating the United Nations. These will also feature actors such as Sean Connery and Michael Douglas. Here's a little pic; Thanks Darkwater of shadowchroniclesnews.com:
  17. Scott Benard and Ariel aka Marlene of Robotech's New Generation aka Mospeada:
  18. That's it! I love this Valk! Wolframbane, is the Orguss a real model or a custom job? It's fargin' nice!
  19. HG is planning to celebrate 60yrs. of the United Nations; I think with a animated PSA produced alongside Shadow Chronicles.
  20. If it's true he should play T.R. Edwards. He was the "Sentinels" Hovertank commander who had a mad on for Roy(because of an incident that scarred his face) and carries it out on Roy's student Rick.
  21. Now this'll be cool: A Orochi variant for Yagami, Kyo clone one, and a Microman Terry figure! BTW, SNK rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Mac 2, for all its flaws, didn't have Valks with faces. Shudder!!!!!!
  23. Did this happen in the Mac 2 RPG? Sounds pretty cool.
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